Sabaody Archipelago.

Area 1, in front of the human auction venue.

Just as Usopp and others were anxiously waiting for others to arrive at the door, a gust of wind suddenly blew in their faces.

The next moment,

Rock appeared in front of everyone holding Nami.

Because the speed was so fast,

Usopp, Chopper and others were even stunned for a moment.

But Robin temporarily ignored this.

She looked at Nami lying in Rock's arms like a kitten, with a slightly stunned expression.

But she soon reacted and glanced at Rock fiercely.

This kid, he and Nami were obviously incompatible earlier, but now they are hugging each other so intimately, he is still as"slippery-tongued" as ever!

"Luo...Rock, you are too fast, aren't you?...Is the toxin in your body really okay?"

After everyone reacted,

Chopper was definitely the most shocked.

Chopper looked at Rock's upright body and high spirits, and then recalled the terrifying speed he had just shown.

He once again felt that his medicine had disappeared!

But how could this happen?

According to his repeated research and judgment, the venom in Rock's body, just a small drop is estimated to be able to kill a sea king.

There is at least 10ml of such venom in Rock's body.

As a result, this guy is not only fine, but also in such a strong state.

It's incredible!

"What's the situation?"

The crowd didn't delay for too long. Now rescuing the mermaid Kemi was the top priority.

After getting down from Rock's arms,

Nami was anxious to ask Xiaoba about Kemi's situation.

According to Xiaoba,

Kemi had been selected as the auction item of this auction, and it was the most precious auction item!

In the past, when female mermaids were auctioned in the Sabaody Archipelago, the starting price would be around 70 million berries, and the transaction price would easily exceed 100 million!

"If we can save Camie with money, it will be great!"

After listening to Xiao Ba's narration,

Nami obviously made a decision.

She also knew that the situation in the Sabaody Archipelago was very serious at the moment.

There were Celestial Dragons at the auction site in Area 1!

So if we could use Bailey to save Camie, it would ensure everyone's safety.

No matter how much Bailey it cost, she was willing to spend it!

"Our total assets are now around 600 million, and we hope we can successfully save Kemi!"

""What!? When did we have 600 million berries, Nami!"

On the way to the auction venue,

Usopp was shocked when he heard Nami counting the assets.

Not only him, but also Chopper, Robin, Franky and others were all shocked.

Although they did not directly control the financial power of the pirate group, every batch of treasure was"earned" by them together, and everyone had a rough number in their minds.

200 million berries should be there, but it is impossible for them, the Straw Hat Pirates, to have 600 million berries!

Unless Nami and Rock went to rob a bank just now!

"Of course. Just now, Rock took me to rob the black bank in the Sabaody Archipelago and made a net profit of 400 million Baileys!"

""When it comes to making money, you are much weaker than Rock!"

Nami praised Rock without hiding anything, and scared the others present.

My goodness, are you really going to rob a bank?

"You still like to mess around, Rock!"

At this time, Robin also looked at Rock and smiled teasingly

"It's pure coincidence haha. The main reason is that the bank is too shady. They didn't let us withdraw money and wanted to use me to exchange for the bounty."

"You know Sister Robin, I always stay within my rights if no one offends me, but if someone offends me, I will dig up his ancestors' graves."

Rock explained with a wry smile.

He couldn't ruin his positive image in Robin's mind.

Soon, the group, led by Hachi, finally entered the human auction venue.

In fact, it was also the first time for Hachi to come here.

Because Rayleigh had warned him more than once that he must not appear on the island, otherwise he would be in danger, not to mention the human auction.

But now he couldn't care less.

In order to rescue Cammy, even if it cost him his life, it would be worth it!

Before entering the venue,

Rock specifically asked Usopp to borrow the 'Sniper King' mask.

Although Usopp didn't know what Rock wanted to do, he still lent the mask to Rock.

He said: This is the great Sniper King mask, a witness to Captain Usopp saving his companions and declaring war on the World Government. You are lucky to be able to wear it.

As for Usopp's words Rock naturally ignored it.

The reason why he wore a mask, in addition to hiding his identity, was mainly to give the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace a big surprise!

When the high and mighty Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace was stepped on by him, who almost became her"slave", would Xia Lulia Palace scream in fear?

Rock was looking forward to it.

After entering the venue, the scene in front of them surprised everyone.

They saw that the densely packed people sitting in the venue were all some sanctimonious"upper class people".

These people looked at the human maid who was being auctioned on the stage with burning eyes, competing to bid.

The people of the Straw Hat Pirates looked at this barbaric scene, and everyone was very indignant.

Obviously a normal human being, but he was kidnapped and auctioned.

And this place is so close to the Navy Headquarters and the World Government?!

What about the so-called justice?!

""Sure enough, it's here, Xia Lulia!"

At this moment,

Rock didn't pay attention to the poor woman who was being auctioned.

Because all the slaves being auctioned today will be rescued.

The moment he walked into the venue, his eyes were locked on the three figures sitting in the best position of the auction!

Among them was Xia Lulia Palace.

The other two were Xia Lulia's father and brother, Saint Rozward and Saint Charlos.

The three disgusting Tianlong people were looking at the slaves being auctioned on the stage with contempt.

It was obvious that this human woman was not worthy of being a slave to the high and mighty Tianlong people. Slave.

When Rock saw Xia Lulia Palace's back, an extreme anger quickly swelled in his heart.

This high and mighty Celestial Dragon.

But just one sentence ruined his life!

Although Rock did not regret his identity as a navy, at least that was where he had worked hard for several years. However, he abided by his duties, but in the end, he was no match for a Celestial Dragon's light words!

Since this hateful world is unfair.

Then he will take revenge himself!

Of course, it is not the time to take action yet, Rock still has to think about how to deal with Xia Lulia Palace!


"The next auction items will surely attract everyone, so stay tuned, the top-quality slaves will be on stage tonight!"............


The new book is about to start. Please give me comments, urge me to update, give me good reviews, etc.

The new book needs your support the most.

Thank you all. Xiaohuo bows~

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