With the passionate introduction of the auctioneer, the auction finally got down to business.

Even the three high-ranking Celestial Dragons had a hint of curiosity in their expressions.

The auction items that the auctioneer boasted about must be extraordinary.

Saint Charlos widened his eyes and sniffed his nose, waiting for the auction items to appear.

Since he came here once, he had to get a few suitable slaves to take back.

Compared with Saint Charlos, the nearby Xia Lulia Palace obviously lacked some interest.

She was still thinking about the escaped navy slave.

This surprised her.

Because normally she would never be obsessed with a slave.

However, that guy was indeed her ideal perfect slave, the top existence among ants.

Of course, the top one was just an ant.

She had already reported the matter to the World Government, and I guess that guy would be arrested soon!

In addition to the three Celestial Dragons, the other"upper class" present were also curious and looking forward to the appearance of the precious auction items.

For them, it doesn't matter whether they can afford it or not.

If they can see a precious item, it will be worth the trip.

However, this scene made Nami, Xiaoba and others clench their fists in anger.

The"top slave" mentioned by the auctioneer must be Kemi!


Seeing that the atmosphere was almost ready, the manager of the No. 1 human auctioneer ordered his men to push the closed fish tank where the mermaid Kemi was trapped onto the stage.

The next moment.

All the lights in the venue were shone on the bathtub covered with a thin cloth!

Wow - when they saw the enchanting mermaid outline looming under the light, the whole audience was instantly in an uproar!

"Mermaid, it’s actually a mermaid!"

"And judging from her figure, she is the most precious female mermaid!"

"Hey, stop wasting time, uncover it and let us see the quality of the mermaid!"

The bidders in the audience shouted one after another.

You know, female mermaids are extremely precious in auctions, and they are very rare.

Once they appear, they will definitely be sold at a very high price!


At this time, Saint Charlos, who had a big snot on his face, was obviously a little excited.

He had wanted a female mermaid for a long time. It must be much more fun than ordinary human beauties!

Swish - finally.

Under the urging of all the bidders. With a wave of the auctioneer's hand, the thin cloth covering the spherical fish tank disappeared instantly.

The panicked Kami immediately appeared under the attention of the audience!

At this moment.

Kami, who was wearing a slave collar around her neck, was terrified. Her face was extremely pale and her expression was full of fear.

She didn't know what fate was waiting for her, but it would not be much better than hell.


Soon she discovered the existence of Xiaoba, Nami and others.

Like a drowning person seeing a life-saving straw.

Kami knocked on the glass frantically and called for Xiaoba.

It was a pity that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't A little sound was heard.

When Cami saw that there were three Celestial Dragons present, her heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

Those were Celestial Dragons!

No one could rescue her in front of the Celestial Dragons, right?

Cami lowered her head in despair, and frantically signaled Xiao Ba and others not to care about her and leave quickly.

If she must go to hell, she would rather be alone and not implicate everyone!

At the same time.

When Nami and Xiao Ba saw Cami, their expressions instantly became extremely worried.

Even Rock frowned slightly.

The slave collar on Cami's neck may explode at any time. This is also one of the ways that Celestial Dragons usually control slaves.

I didn't expect this auction house to be so cruel and inhumane.

If I remember correctly.

This human auction house in the Sabaody Archipelago seems to be the property of Donquixote Doflamingo.

"Distinguished guests, this is a very high-quality female mermaid, so today's starting price is 100 million Baileys!"

The auctioneer was obviously very confident in Kami.

In fact, Kami was first-rate in both appearance and figure, so he felt that the starting price of 100 million Baileys was definitely not high.

And he was sure that this mermaid would be sold at a high price today.

With the Celestial Dragons, who regarded Baileys as dirt, it would definitely be a huge profit!

As expected.

When other bidders were still hesitating whether to increase the price based on 100 million Baileys,

Saint Charles directly stretched out his palm, and his low voice spread throughout the venue:

""Five hundred million Baileys!""


At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to Saint Charlos, but no one said anything. In their opinion, this was normal.

It was in line with the usual style of the Celestial Dragons.

""Charlos, you're spending money recklessly again. Don't you already have piranhas in your fish tank?"

Saint Rozward saw his son spend 500 million Baileys at this time, and he said helplessly.

Although the Celestial Dragons have no shortage of money, Baileys are not unlimited.

They can only get a small portion of the Heavenly Gold collected by the World Government.

"I just want to put a mermaid in the fish tank, and let these inferior races fight each other in the fish tank. It's interesting to think about it, hehehe!"

Saint Charlos said with a stupid look on his face, and his father Saint Rozward didn't say anything more.

Since his son likes it, let him buy it. It's just 500 million Baileys.

After all, their family has nearly 5 billion Baileys left for pocket money this year!

As Saint Charlos directly raised the price to 500 million Baileys, many bidders in the audience were also silent.

Although they also wanted it, and 500 million Baileys were not impossible to come up with, but who dared to compete with the Celestial Dragons!?

The headquarters of the navy is not far from the Sabaody Archipelago.

Anyone who offends the Celestial Dragons here will probably be hunted down by the navy!

"Five hundred million Baileys, the noble Saint Charlos offered five hundred million Baileys!"

"Is there anyone who wants to raise the price?"

At this time, the auctioneer saw that Charles Saint directly bid 500 million Baileys, and he knew that no one else would bid. Fortunately, 500 million Baileys was also a huge profit for them!

���Since no one has raised the price, I declare that this mermaid..."

"600 million berries!"

Just when the auctioneer was about to announce that Charlos Saint had won the mermaid Camie, a crisp voice suddenly interrupted him.

Nami lowered her head and raised the number plate in her hand to indicate a bid increase!

600 million berries!

This is all the Straw Hat Pirates have.

But if they can save Camie safely, it will be worth it.

It's just a pity that Rock helped her make a fortune in vain.

"What? Who is this woman? How dare she compete with Saint Charlos?"

"He is really courting death. He even dares to provoke the Celestial Dragons."

"The Straw Hat Pirates? They are such a mess!"....

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Nami.

They talked about it, and without exception, they all thought that Nami was asking for trouble.

This feeling made Nami nervous and trembling. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably, and her hands became cold.

Fortunately, at this time, a warm big hand held her, which made her feel much more at ease.

"Don't worry Nami, we are all here"

"Rock...Okay, I get it, we will definitely save Kimi!".....

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