"I don't know what the noise is outside, it feels so lively."

Behind the scenes of the human auction venue in Area 1 of the Sabaody Archipelago.

The auction items are kept.

A giant as tall as a hill heard the faint noise coming from outside and couldn't help but glance at the thin white-haired old man next to him.

"Ah, it seems like someone raised the price to compete with the Celestial Dragons."

"It seems that a group of people who like to make trouble have come here."

The thin white-haired old man said with a smile.

Although he was wearing shackles and a slave collar, this handsome old man did not seem to worry about being auctioned off.

"What, compete with the Celestial Dragons? Are you going to die?"

The giant tilted his head in fear when he heard the old man's words.

He had known for a long time that the old man next to him was not an ordinary person, so he was not particularly surprised that the latter could clearly hear what was happening outside.

What surprised him was that someone outside dared to bid with the Celestial Dragons.

That was the Celestial Dragon!

The world's nobles, the terrifying existence that could drive the admirals of the navy!

"Haha, it's no big deal, get ready, I'll take you out to see the situation."

The white-haired old man seemed to know that he probably wouldn't have a chance to rob the buyer today.

He stood up, exerted a little force on his wrist, and the shackles broke.

As the former right arm of the Pirate King.

How could a mere chain and a slave collar possibly trap him, the Pluto Silvers Rayleigh!?

I just don't know.

Who are those guys who are making trouble outside!....

At the same time.

The auction venue was already in chaos.

Nami's bid raising to 600 million berries was obviously something that most people had not expected.

Even the other supernova pirate groups that came to watch the fun were very surprised.

Trafalgar Law and Captain Kidd, the two people at the center of the storm, couldn't help but frown.

Before they even started dealing with each other, they already felt how difficult the Straw Hat Pirates were. They even dared to offend the Celestial Dragons.

What else are these guys afraid to do?

I just hope that the Straw Hat Pirates can have some sense and not really clash with the Celestial Dragons. It would be terrible if they brought the admirals of the navy here.

""Huh? Someone is competing with me? It's so annoying, Dad!"

At this time, Saint Charlos finally reacted.

Someone dared to compete with him!

He is the Celestial Dragon Saint Charlos!

Although he wanted to turn around to see who was so bold, it was a bit troublesome to turn around.

"Humph, do you want to compete with the Celestial Dragons in wealth? Foolish human, your money will eventually go into our hands, hahahaha!"

Saint Charles thought for a moment, then extended another finger, indicating an increase of 100 million!

"700 million Baileys!!!"

"The noble Saint Charlos bid 700 million berries!"

With Saint Charlos raising the price again, the price of Camie also soared to 700 million berries!

This made the auctioneer very happy.

You know, although mermaids are extremely rare, they can usually be bought for around 200 to 300 million berries, which is already very high.

As a result, the price has now soared to 700 million!!

After this auction, Lord Doflamingo will definitely reward him well!

"700 million....How could he bear to spend so much money? Are the poor people paying the Heavenly Gold just for these guys to squander?"

When Nami heard the number of 700 million Baileys, her expression immediately darkened.

It's over.

Everything is over.

These Celestial Dragons don't use money as money at all, even if what they squander is the Heavenly Gold paid by the people of this world with their blood and sweat.

Not only Nami.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Robin, Chopper, Usopp, Franky, and Fishman Hachi all had a flash of deep disappointment in their expressions.

Especially Fishman Hachi.

He felt that he should have thought of it earlier.

In front of the Celestial Dragons, it was simply a foolish dream to want to buy Camie back with Bailey.

Now not only can't take a picture of Camie, but it has caused Nami to expose the Straw Hat Pirates' assets.

"Sorry Kemi!"

"600 million Baileys is all we have."

At this moment,

Nami was in great pain. Her beautiful eyes were misty, and she looked at Kemi who was trapped in the bathtub in the distance with apology.

She had no way to save Kemi in the safest way.

She originally thought that 600 million Baileys would definitely be enough to save Kemi.

But who knew...

"Hey Nami, Sister Robin, can you guys please stop being so depressed?"

"Isn't it just Bailey? He is a Celestial Dragon and has money, but don't we have money?"

Just when Nami and the others were almost desperate and could only wait for Luffy and the others to arrive,

Rock, who was wearing the Sniper King mask, suddenly spoke up.

"We really have no money....Including the extra money I just made, I only have 600 million berries."

Hearing Rock's words,

Nami looked at Rock aggrievedly, saying that she really only had 600 million berries.

Robin and others also looked at Rock helplessly, obviously feeling that now was not the time to joke.

This made Rock a little unhappy.

Just because you don't have it doesn't mean that others don't have it either!

Rock knew that it was time for him to take action.

Instead of waiting for Luffy to come and stir up trouble, he might as well direct a"Sabaody Archipelago Evil Incident" himself.’!

"Wait, I'm out...One billion berries!"

Just when the auctioneer was about to announce that Saint Charlos had won the bid for the mermaid Camie,

Rock raised his hand and casually raised the price by three hundred million!

Buzz - at this moment.

The entire auction hall was in chaos again because of Rock's words.

Everyone felt their heads buzzing, and only then did they realize that they were not hallucinating!

This guy actually raised the price by three hundred million to compete with the Celestial Dragons!

You know, the Celestial Dragons only raised the price by one hundred million, but this guy actually raised the price by three hundred million!?

One billion berries, it's far more than the real value of the mermaid on the stage!

And he's competing with the Celestial Dragons!

Is that guy crazy!?

Not only the bidders present.

Even Nami, Robin and others looked at Rock in shock, speechless for a long time.

Chopper and Usopp almost dropped their jaws.

As for the mermaid Hachi and the starfish Papagu, they bowed deeply to Rock.

Whether it's true or not, Rock was able to stand up at this time, which was a great favor!

"Sir, the bid is not random, 1 billion Baileys is not a small amount."

Before Saint Charlos could react and get angry, the auctioneer took the lead in attacking Rock.

Although he didn't know who this masked guy was, he knew he was here to mess things up as soon as he saw his group of people.

He didn't mind Rock and the Celestial Dragons confronting each other, but he cared about whether he could get the money from the auction.

In addition, he didn't want the auction to be ruined by the Celestial Dragons' anger, so he took the initiative to find trouble with Rock.

Sure enough.

Saint Charlos saw that someone took the initiative to stand up for him, so he was too lazy to move, but turned his head and glanced at Rock and others with a bad look.

Moreover, he felt that with those guys wearing broken masks, it was impossible for them to come up with 1 billion Baileys!

But the two women over there were really good.

Take them back and make them your wives after the auction!....

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