Marine Headquarters, Marineford!

"Hahaha, calm down, Sengoku, it's no big deal, anyway, it's already been decided."

In the office of the Navy Admiral.

Vice Admiral Garp, known as the hero of the Navy, was eating senbei while laughing at his old friend's furious look.

"You're the only one who can still laugh, Cap!"

"Damn flying squirrel, why did he attack his colleagues at this time? And the dragon man..."Alas!"

At this moment, the Navy Admiral, Buddha Sengoku, stroked his forehead and said angrily.

The situation of the Navy is not optimistic now.

The man standing at the top of the pirates is about to attack.

It happened at this time that Rock, who he had placed high hopes on, got into trouble.

Although Rock's rank is only colonel, his actual combat power is definitely not weaker than that of the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters. He is definitely a rare super star in the Navy!

Judging from the intelligence.

Rock was able to repel the flying squirrel in one move even though he was poisoned by the special X-type poison, which has proved his strength and potential.

Originally, Rock could have made a big splash in the war and quickly grown into the top force of the Navy, but who would have thought that such an accident would happen.

The behavior of the Celestial Dragons is getting more and more disgusting. Even the Navy elites want to be captured as slaves!

"It's fate, this may be Rock's fate. Zephyr may not know about this. It's better to hide it, lest he cause trouble. A large fleet of Whitebeard is enough for the Navy to deal with."When mentioning


Garp also looked serious for the first time.

This incident is a huge scandal for the Navy.

Rock is undoubtedly a victim, but the Navy has to classify him as a rebel.

This is also the point where the Navy is criticized.

In a sense, the Navy's autonomy is very limited. Even the Navy Admiral cannot disobey the orders of the World Government.

"It's too late. The World Government has issued a bounty for Rock, and the bounty is as high as 100 million Baileys!"

The expression of the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku became more serious and helpless.

Originally, he wanted to leave Rock a way out. After all, it was the Navy that let Rock down in this incident.

In addition, Rock has been infected with the X virus. Even if he is physically strong, the best result is that he will become a useless person and will never be able to become a strong man again.

But even so.

The World Government still ignored the opinion of the Navy Marshal and directly issued a bounty for Rock, and the bounty was as high as 100 million Baileys.

Although this bounty is not very high, it is definitely eye-catching in the first half of the Grand Line, and it will definitely become a hot commodity in the eyes of bounty hunters.

It is said that the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace specifically asked the World Government for this.

"The bounty is 100 million Baileys? Rock's luck is really bad. Now an ordinary bounty hunter can take his life!"

Heard this, Karp also sighed.

Everyone has their own destiny, which cannot be forced, but it's a pity for Rock.

"Alas, things have come to this point, and there is nothing we can do. But Garp, compared to Zefa and Rock, I am most worried about you now!"

Buddha's Warring States suddenly changed the subject, and the look in his eyes when he looked at his old friend Garp gradually became serious and angry.

"Don't think I don't know what you did. I warn you not to be impulsive."

"The next thing the navy has to face is that man!".....

Grand Line.

The sea of Sabaody Archipelago.

The base of the Flying Fish Knights.

After Rock told the Straw Hat Pirates that if they wanted to go to Fishman Island, they had to go to Sabaody Archipelago for coating.

Soon they ran into the mermaid Camie and her pet starfish Papagou who were being hunted by human traffickers.

Then the Straw Hat Pirates decided to help Camie rescue the fishman Hachi who was captured by the Flying Fish Knights.

As a non-staff member who hitched a ride, Rock naturally followed here.

According to the tasks issued by the system.

He needs to complete the Sabaody Archipelago adventure with the Straw Hat Pirates, so he just needs to follow the Straw Hat Pirates first.

And he actually likes the atmosphere of getting along with the Straw Hat Pirates.

Especially Nami's fieryness and Robin's intelligence.

It's a pity that he was too deeply poisoned last night and became unconscious....

""Hey, don't be distracted, Captain Usopp is fighting and has no time to take care of you!"

Buzz buzz - at this moment.

Dozens of flying fish knights were hovering over the Thousand Sunny, constantly launching various attacks.

Usopp saw that Rock was a little absent-minded, so he hurriedly reminded him.

In his opinion, Rock was a pure 'newcomer' who needed the support of Captain Usopp!

"You better take care of yourself, Usopp, be careful not to be killed by the bombs of the Flying Fish Knights"

""Huh?! Robin, why do you always speak for Rock, an outsider? It's really a headache. As expected, I still have to rely on my great Captain Usopp at the critical moment!"

Before he finished speaking, Usopp used the weapon in his hand to shoot at the bombs coming from the sky.

The ultimate killer - Firebird Star!

Bang, bang, bang - three or four bombs were successfully intercepted, and Usopp immediately posed narcissistically.

It was a pity that he was speechless because no one appreciated his handsome figure. Even Robin, who had just talked to him, was paying attention to Rock's situation.

Damn Rock, this kid is only a little handsome, how can he catch up with Usopp!?

"Don't worry, my friends are strong!"

Nico Robin smiled and reminded Rock when she saw him observing the battle.

She already knew the specific reason why Rock quit the navy.

Although she didn't know about the special poisonous weapons of the World Government, the involvement of Magellan, the poison man of Impel Down, was enough to show how terrible it was.

So even though Rock seemed to have no major problems on the surface,

Robin guessed that this guy must be holding on.

So she had asked Chopper to help.���Research some special antidote pills.

As for the Flying Fish Knights, her companions can naturally handle it.

"I know your companions are not simple characters."

Rock smiled and nodded in agreement.

How could the Straw Hat Pirates not be strong?

With that network of relationships, even the Five Elders would probably be so shocked that they would shake their heads!

"Brothers, sink the Straw Hat Pirates' ship!"

At the same time, the Flying Fish Knights, who were attacking from the air, saw that they could not take the ship down after a long time, so they all dived into the sea under the leadership of the captain.

Buzz buzz buzz - clatter - when these Flying Fish Knights appeared again, a super huge iron anchor was pulled to the sky by the flying fish, pointing directly at the Thousand Sunny on the sea, and quickly fell down!

At this moment, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was shocked. Especially Usopp and others who stayed on the ship!

This anchor is really too big, several times larger than the Thousand Sunny, plus the gravity acceleration of falling from a high altitude, if it is hit, the entire Thousand Sunny will be destroyed in an instant.

At this time, even Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, who were fighting with Dibaru and others on the shore, were horrified.

Because they were not in a hurry to save them.

And to put it another way, such a huge anchor fell from a high altitude, even if Luffy turned on the third gear, he might not be able to stop it easily!

""Super! Don't underestimate the Thousand Sunny!"

Just when the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates were at a loss,

Franky shouted and ran to the control room of the Thousand Sunny at the fastest speed.

In times of crisis, Franky was the most needed to save his companions, and this ship was the Thousand Sunny!

"Rock, hold on tight, Franky is about to do something weird!"

"Robin is right, Rock, your body must not be subjected to any impact!"

As the huge anchor got closer and closer, it was like a mountain falling down.

Nico Robin and Chopper also reminded Rock with a worried look on their faces.

Rock's physical condition is not good now, it is best not to get hurt

"Ah, don't worry, isn't it just a big anchor?"

Facing the huge anchor that was like a mountain pressing down on him.

Rock didn't seem to take it seriously at all.

Hearing Rock's plan, Usopp rolled his eyes immediately, looking very speechless.

What are you bragging about?

Isn't this anchor big enough? It can crush a hundred boasting guys to death!

However, what happened in the next moment made Usopp speechless and stunned.

Rock took out his famous sword, Undead, and then swung it towards the sky!

One Sword Style, All Souls Are Silent!


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