
With the blood-red slash penetrating the sky.

The rapidly falling huge anchor was perfectly cut in half in an instant, and the cross-section was extremely smooth!


The two halves of the huge anchor fell into the sea, stirring up waves.

The Thousand Sunshine, located in the center, was unscathed, just shaking naturally with the waves.

At this moment.

Within sight.

Whether it was the Straw Hat Pirates or the so-called Flying Fish Knights, they were all shocked!

"Super, the Thousand Sunshine filled with Coke is not something an anchor can do anything to!"

Inside the Thousand Sunshine.

Franky in the control room was nervously preparing to manipulate the Thousand Sunshine to avoid the falling anchor.

He didn't expect that he had just filled the ship with energy.

As a result, the next second he saw the two halves of the huge anchor just brushed against the hull and fell into the sea.

The Thousand Sunshine was unscathed!

This made Franky very speechless.

Shouldn't he be the one to save everyone at this time?

And who cut such a huge iron anchor in half?

I'm afraid it would not be easy even for Zoro to do this.

What's more, isn't Zoro on the shore?

Except for Franky who didn't know the situation in the ship.

Others on the battlefield cast surprised glances at Rock.

""Hey, Nok, you're so strong!" Luffy shouted at Rock on the shore. He didn't expect Rock to be so strong. His swordsmanship is probably not inferior to Zoro's!

"This slash...Quite strong!"

Compared with Luffy,

Zoro's expression was not only shocked but also solemn.

As a swordsman, he naturally knew the horror of Rock's slash just now.

He was afraid that he was just a little bit short of it now!

""This damned stinky man, he's quite capable!"

On the deck, Nami stole a glance at Rock's handsome profile, muttered to herself, and then the little devil in her heart silently cursed Rock three hundred times.

Usopp and Brook were also shocked.

Originally, Usopp wanted to show off his presence in front of Rock, the newcomer, and highlight the glorious image of Captain Usopp.

Who could have thought that this guy was so strong!

""Rocky, don't try to be brave. Watch out for your injuries. If the poison takes effect and you die, there will be nothing we can do!"

Robin was relatively less shocked.

After all, she knew Rock better and knew that the latter was definitely not weak.

She was just more concerned about Rock's health.

"Huh?! Luo..."Rock, are you real or fake? This is too inconsistent with medical laws. Strange!"

Compared with everyone else,

Chopper's reaction was the most unique. He jumped onto Rock's shoulder and pinched the latter's cheek.

He seemed to want to confirm whether Rock was a real person.

Because this was too incredible.

Not long ago, he found a little blood by Nami's bed.

It contained extremely terrible venom.

In other words, Rock was indeed poisoned by some extremely terrible poison.

But now looking at Rock's performance.

It's okay that his body recovered so well, but he can still fight!?

Chopper's three views were shattered. Wow!

Does medicine in this world no longer exist?

"Chopper, don't be so excited, maybe it's because I'm in good health, and didn't I say that I felt much better after drinking a bottle of energy water this morning?"

Rock gently lifted Chopper down, and then explained casually.

Then his eyes flashed, looking at the Flying Fish Knights who were constantly flying and dropping bombs in the sky.

Although it's a bit embarrassing to say it, the fact is that the Straw Hat Pirates are indeed a little weak now.

It took so long for a small group like the Flying Fish Knights to do it.

It's a bit of a waste of time.

The Sabaody Archipelago is not far away.

Will the Celestial Dragon Charlia appear on the island?

It's really exciting!

At this moment,

Rock's expression was extremely indifferent, and then his eyes condensed.

The next moment!

Buzz- an extremely powerful mental shock quickly spread!

In just a blink of an eye, all the members of the Flying Fish Knights who were constantly flying in the sky fainted and fell down.

Even the Straw Hat Pirates, who Rock deliberately avoided, felt a terrifying pressure!

At this time, only Robin and Brook in the Straw Hat Pirates looked at Rock with serious eyes.

Although Brook has no eyes, he obviously became more serious.

""Huh? Why did they all fall down? Strange!"

When Luffy and the others reacted, all the enemies within their sight had fainted.

The three main forces of the Straw Hat Pirates looked at each other, all with confused faces.

At this time, Zoro and the others had rescued the fishman Hachi.

Sanji had also prepared a plastic surgery package for the poor guy Dibaru of the Flying Fish Knights.

After the goal was achieved, everyone did not stay too long.

Under the leadership of the fishman Hachi,

Rock boarded the Thousand Sunny and went to the Sabaody Archipelago with the Straw Hat Pirates.

Along the way, Hachi also prepared extremely delicious takoyaki for everyone.

At the same time, pirates from all walks of life also landed on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Among them are the 11 super rookie pirates who have recently become famous in the first half of the Grand Line.

Including Straw Hat Luffy and Pirate Hunter Zoro, These 11 people are called supernova pirates.

Of course, in addition to pirates, there is also the person Rock wants to see the most.

The Celestial Dragon, Xia Lulia Palace!

At this time, Xia Lulia Palace was angry because she didn't get Rock. After killing a captain's servant, she vowed to find a satisfactory slave in the next two days.

Of course, she didn't know.

Rock was already on his way to the Sabaody Archipelago.

Although the World Government has issued a bounty order for Rock, and the bounty is as high as 100 million.

But this news is only in the small circle of bounty hunters for the time being, and it has attracted a wave of attention because of the high bounty.

Apart from that, not many people pay attention to Rock.

One reason is that Rock didn't have a great reputation in the outside world before.

Unless he can get together with the Fallen Navy, who is one of the supernova pirates.·X·If he wants to make a name for himself like Drake, otherwise naturally not many people will pay attention to him except the navy.

But the most important reason is the current world situation.

The world today is full of strange and turbulent clouds.

An unprecedented war cloud has shrouded the entire ocean.

Regarding the upcoming war on the top and the Sabaody Archipelago incident.

Rock's mood is very complicated.

In short, if he can, he will do everything to regain his dignity.

When he was in the navy, he was already very low-key and forbearing.

But even so, he was still regarded as an ant and a slave by the Celestial Dragons, and was abandoned by the navy as an abandoned child.

All of this was like a knife blade engraved deep in his heart.

One day, he, Rock, will make those guys pay the price.

"Hello, Luo..."The one called Rock is about to land. Come with me to the Sabaody Bank!"

With Nami's reminder,

Rock slowly raised his head.

Sabaody Archipelago.

Finally, we are here!.....

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