Boom boom - when the sound of thunder resounded throughout the entire Marinford!

At this moment,

Vice Admiral Doberman of the Navy Headquarters, and Ghost Spider and others who were besieging the Pirate Queen, suddenly felt a palpitation!

That's right.

Even though nothing else had happened except the thunder!

Even though Ghost Spider and Doberman were both Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters and were quite powerful, they still inexplicably developed a fear.

It seemed to be a fear from the depths of their souls!

And the next moment, as the bloody light of thunder flashed, all the fears became real in an instant!

"Hey, you guys!"

""I'm really unhappy!"

Along with the buzzing sound of the electric arc, the domineering voice of the young man spread throughout Marinford.


Boom - a blood-red thunder dragon suddenly appeared above Marinford, roaring and blasting at the Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral Doberman and Ghost Spider and others below at a very fast speed!

At this moment.

Doberman, Ghost Spider and other navy officers who were besieging the Pirate Queen were all extremely panicked!

They didn't even see where the enemy was or who it was.

How could such a terrifying thunder attack suddenly appear!?

This kind of power is probably not weaker than the three admirals!

"Is it him?...."

While Berkman, Spider Demon and others were panicking.

Pirate Queen Boa Hancock looked at the terrifying Thunder Dragon that was attacking, and her body was uncontrollably stagnant for a moment!

It was him!

It must be him!

Sure enough, how could the man who could make Boa Hancock fall in love with him be easily defeated by others! ?

Just as the blood-red Thunder Dragon brought the power of destruction and enveloped many elite navy officers including the two vice admirals of the headquarters, as well as the Pirate Queen and others.

The light of thunder flashed.

Next to the world's most beautiful woman Boa Hancock, accompanied by the brilliant arc of electricity, a young and upright figure appeared in an instant.


Under the surprised eyes of the Queen, Rock directly embraced the former's soft waist and picked her up.


When the blood-red Thunder Dragon descended.

Rock hugged the Queen and instantly flashed away!

Boom boom boom - the next moment.

The blood-red Thunder Dragon mercilessly bombarded the area where Spider Demon and Doberman and other elite navy officers were!

Almost in just a moment.

That area was completely covered by arcs of electricity, and it turned into a thunder hell, and it exuded a terrifying breath of death!

When the thunder died.

Looking at the scene in front of them.

The entire Marinford, whether it was the navy or the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, were all in great shock!

Everyone stared at the terrifying area in amazement!


Including the two vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters, Dauberman, Ghost Spider, four elite navy major generals and hundreds of naval elites, all died tragically under the thunder!

Such a scene.

Not only made the navy feel terrified!

Even the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates was full of shock!

After all, even if the Four Emperors Whitebeard took action himself, he could not create such a terrifying record!

Killing two vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters, four elite navy major generals and hundreds of naval elites in one move.

Such means, looking at the entire sea, are also extremely explosive!

"Gulala, that little kid is really surprising!"

""Among the new generation of young devils, there is actually such a person?! Interesting!"

At this time, the Four Emperors Whitebeard looked at the"tragedy" caused by Rock and couldn't help but sigh.

Such a powerful newcomer is really rare! It would be great if I could be his son.

It's a pity that Marinford is destined to become the grave of the old era. It must be difficult for him, a remnant of the old era, to leave alive....

"Damn it, how could this happen!!!"

On the other side, when Admiral Buddha Sengoku saw what happened on the battlefield, veins popped up on his forehead and his expression was distorted.

Doberman, Ghost Spider, four major generals, hundreds of elite soldiers, just died like that!?

Didn't Borsalino kill Rock?!

How could things develop to this extent!?

Why did Rock become stronger after being hit by the 'Yashikani no Magatama'!?

And what about the thunder!?

Could it be that Rock just ate a devil fruit on the battlefield!?

Buddha Sengoku had too many questions in his mind.

But he knew that now was not the time to be entangled.

Things have come to this point, and it is also This means that the navy has one more powerful enemy!

Moreover, Rock is so young, yet so powerful.

If he is allowed to escape today, he will surely become a major concern for the World Government and the Navy Headquarters in the future!

Perhaps, there will be another so-called sea emperor!

Not only Sengoku.

Almost all the high-ranking navy officers were shocked at this time.

Especially Admiral Akainu.

This admiral, one of the highest combat forces in the navy who believed in"absolute justice", looked towards Kizaru with a bad look almost at the same time Rock appeared.

Obviously, he thought that Rock's death was definitely Kizaru's fault!

"Oh~ So scary!"

Feeling Akainu's unfriendly gaze,

Admiral Kizaru spread his hands helplessly, saying that he was innocent.

He was innocent to begin with, and this time he was very serious.

Who knew that Rock was so scary!!!

"Rock, I knew you would be fine!"

At the same time, the Pirate Queen who had escaped from danger was almost crying with joy.

When Rock's life or death was unknown just now, her heart was almost broken.

Fortunately, Rock was not only fine, but also stronger!!!

He really deserves to be the man that made her Pirate Queen fall in love!

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. But you, remember to listen to me next time and don't act rashly again."

"But the status of Shichibukai is gone, which is not a good thing in itself!"

Rock smiled and comforted the empress.

During the time he was"dormant", he saw everything that happened.

Those who dared to hurt the people he cherished must die!

Boom - after transferring the empress to a safe place, Rock took action again.

Amid the roar of thunder, he appeared almost instantly where he wanted to go.

The speed was so fast that Rock himself was a little unbelievable!

The Human-Human Fruit·Mythical Beast·Thunder God Form is worthy of being the superior fruit of the Thunder Fruit.

With Rock's current speed, even the admiral Kizaru of the navy can't easily surpass him in speed!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the powerful abilities brought by the"Thunder God"!

What's more, Rock has two kinds of god-level fruit abilities!


"Great, you're okay!"

When Rock appeared in front of Nami and Robin, the two women were immediately ecstatic.

However, Nami and Robin, who had been imprisoned for a long time, were already caught by three elite navy admirals because of exhaustion.

At this time, the three navy admirals couldn't help trembling when they faced Rock.

"Let them go!"


Forget it , why should I waste my time talking to you guys!?——......

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