Swish - on the icy battlefield.

Facing three trembling navy admirals who had no intention of letting them go.

Rock did not hesitate at all.

In a flash of lightning, he appeared directly behind the three navy admirals.

""Damn criminals, we won't let you off easy even if you die!"

The three rear admirals knew they were going to die.

After all, Rock had just killed two vice admirals and many elite soldiers in one move!

In front of such a terrifying existence, what were the three of them?

However, even an ordinary man would be angry, not to mention that they were rear admirals!

Therefore, even if they died, they would take the two criminals, Nico Robin, the son of the devil, and Nami, the little thief cat, to hell together!

It's a pity that beautiful imaginations are often shattered by cold reality!

As the extremely fast blood-red slash swept across the bodies of the three rear admirals, their lives were harvested in an instant, and even their souls disappeared at this moment!

At this time, Rock was holding the trembling famous sword, the Undead, and he had a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart.

Since he ate the fruit of the 'God of Death', the Undead has obviously changed, as if it has become He became even more 'excited'.

Especially the slash just now.

He clearly felt that the undead seemed to have directly absorbed the souls of the three rear admirals, and at the same time became more fierce!

Could it be that the undead can be upgraded to become a supreme sword that specializes in hunting souls! ?

An idea flashed through Rock's mind, but he didn't think much about it for the time being.

After all, there is a supreme sword lying in his system space.

It's just that he wants to prepare a surprise for the next more powerful opponent, so he will continue to use the undead for the time being.

As for the elite navy he killed.

Rock didn't feel any guilt.

Different positions have determined everything.

In this world, weakness is the original sin.

What is true justice?

It is strength!

Only what the strongest says is justice!

In simple terms

, my rules are just rules!

"Robin, Nami, the next battle is not something you can participate in, so protecting yourself is the biggest help to Luffy and me, do you understand! ?"

Rock didn't spend too much time reminiscing with Nami and Robin.

Now Luffy is already charging towards the highest execution platform.

Next, the battle has just begun!

Although he can now escape from this place of trouble.

But that is not a good choice.

First of all, he can't abandon the Empress, Taotu teacher, Nami, Robin and others.

And the core senior officers of the Navy headed by Admiral Akainu will never let him go easily.

In addition,

Rock also wants to take advantage of the momentum of the war on the top to spread his name throughout the pirate world!

The current situation is that the World Government and the Navy Headquarters are already in a life-and-death relationship with him.

So if you want to survive the pursuit of the most terrifying force on this sea.

The best choice is not to hide like a dog.

But to be so powerful that the World Government dare not easily start a war!

For this, Rock needs fame, a huge fame in the pirate world!

The stepping stone is the war on the top!

Therefore, the most beautiful cub in the war on the top must be him, Rock!

""Okay! We will protect ourselves, and you must be careful too!"

Facing Rock's reminder.

Nami and Robin did not refute at all.

They all knew that with their current strength, they could not play any role in this war.

Even if they wanted to help Luffy rescue Fire Fist Ace, they were simply unintentional.

So as Rock said, protecting themselves is the biggest help to Rock and Luffy!.....

"Ah la la, we can't let Rock go on so unbridled!"

At the same time.

After discovering that Rock was safe and sound and even stronger.

The battle between Admiral Aokiji and Admiral candidate Momotosagi also ended.

Momotosagi was naturally relieved to see that Rock was safe and sound.

Although her behavior today had violated the Navy's ban, she did not intend to really turn to the pirates at this time.

From beginning to end, she was just helping Rock.

The Navy certainly has many problems, and there are many sinister and vicious people.

But in comparison, pirates are even more unbearable, and burning, killing and looting are the themes of most pirates.

Therefore, no matter what, she would not help the pirates attack the Navy Headquarters, nor would she watch Rock become a real pirate in the future.

Of course, these are all later stories.

Compared to Momotosagi.

Admiral Aokiji was more shocked and...Angry.

He could understand Rock's decisiveness.

In this situation, it was either you or me.

But Rock's move was too cruel.

In the history of the navy, there had never been a situation where so many core combat forces were lost in such a short period of time.

So as a navy admiral, he had to stop Rock!

"Don't stop me, Gion!"

"The situation is different now. Even if I don't stop him, Borsalino and Sakaski will definitely take action!"

At this time,

Admiral Aokiji saw that Momosagi seemed to have the intention to stop him, and immediately said in a cold voice.

Then an extremely cold air burst out.

When Admiral candidate Momosagi was trapped by the cold air,

Aokiji instantly flashed away and rushed towards Rock on the battlefield.

At the same time, after receiving the kill order from Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku, another Navy Admiral Kizaru had to follow Aokiji and go to"execute" Rock.

And the last Navy Admiral Akainu also strode towards Rock with a cold face. With a gloomy expression, he kept killing pirates along the way.

"Rock, if you can survive Kuzan and Borsalino, I will personally bury you with lava!"

Admiral Akainu looked at Rock, who was in high spirits in the distance, with a very gloomy look.

No matter what, Rock could not leave today!

He, Admiral Akainu, swore by the honor of absolute justice!!!

At this moment, the eyes of the entire Marinford were attracted by the area where Rock was.


In this battlefield���, no one has ever been able to make the three admirals of the navy attack at the same time.

Even the Four Emperors Whitebeard only fought Aokiji for a short time!

Swish - soon.

The sky was filled with cold air.

The admiral Aokiji was the first to appear in front of Rock.

""Rock, stop it, you have already done what you wanted to do, what are you still doing here!?"

Aokiji's expression was grim.

If possible, he still planned to let Rock live, even if he was injured.

However, Rock obviously didn't appreciate it.

Facing the words of Admiral Aokiji,

Rock didn't answer.

When a flash of blood flashed with the sound of thunder,

Admiral Aokiji's eyes actually stopped for a moment.

And in this moment,

Rock had already passed Aokiji by a hundred meters, and drew out a mysterious black knife with a cold light, and then appeared in front of Admiral Kizaru in just a moment!

""Oh~ You seem to be faster, Rock."

At this moment,

Admiral Kizaru was also confused by Rock's action, but he immediately figured it out.

This scary little devil, is he here for revenge?

But why is this guy so much faster?

"Admiral Kizaru, have you ever been looked directly at by the Grim Reaper or hit by lightning?"

"Come on, try this sword, how is it compared to the previous one! ?"

When Rock faced Admiral Kizaru, his starry eyes flashed with a strange blood light.

The Eye of Death!

Then, the supreme sword with a cold black light, the Scythe of Death, was raised, accompanied by the sound of thunder.

A slash, piercing the sky!

Thunder Method, One Sword Flow, Blood Moon God Avoid!.............. ps: I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival, everything goes well, and a happy life~

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