"Rock, I didn't expect that you, who almost destroyed Marinford, would be arrested by the Celestial Dragons and imprisoned in this dark prison."

At this moment.

Domino, the current warden of Impel Down, still wearing a sexy uniform, came to Rock's cell and said in a rather indifferent tone.

She wore reddish-brown glasses and looked at Rock in the dark with complicated eyes.

A few hours ago, she was extremely shocked by Rock's glorious deeds.

A man who can change the fate of the world by his own efforts is really admirable.

But what she never expected was that. He should have been a rising superstar on the sea, but a few hours ago, he was taken to Impel Down by the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia and imprisoned in Infinite Hell!

As the new warden of Impel Down.

Domino can almost announce Rock's fate.

That is permanent imprisonment, or becoming a tool for the world government to deter the sea at a certain time, and being dragged out and executed!

But, this is too much of a pity.

"Hahaha, Domino, after all, we are old friends. How about getting some wine, opening the cell door, and having a drink with me?!"

Rock did not act directly.

In fact, he was still thinking about how to"conquer" Domino.

The system task was simple, but Domino was a living woman, so it was naturally not that easy to conquer.

"Is there anything to worry about? Magellan should have told you, right? He has already poisoned me."

"Don't you want to know why I was captured and brought to Impel Down?"

"My speed is not inferior to Admiral Kizaru. If I don't want to be caught, who can stop me?"

Rock's words obviously aroused Domino's curiosity.

The new warden of Impel Down also wanted to know why Rock was caught so easily with his strength.

And he seemed to mean that he was captured in Impel Down on his own accord!?

"Forget about opening the cell door, let's talk about it here."

Not long after,

Domino took two bottles of fine wine and sat in front of Rock's cell door. However, because the place was somewhat narrow, her posture was somewhat exposed, causing her to blush for a moment.

In order to hide her embarrassment, she threw a bottle of wine directly at Rock in the cell.

"It's so uncomfortable to be separated by a cell door, come in!"

Just as Domino sat down and prepared to chat with Rock,

Rock suddenly stepped forward, put his hands on the cell door, and with a little force, he tore a big hole in the cell door!

At this moment,

Domino's head buzzed.

What's going on!?

Where are the seastone handcuffs!?

And if Deputy Director Magellan didn't say it, had Rock been poisoned by his chronic poison?

Even if she was in a normal state, it would be impossible for her to easily tear a big hole in the special cell door!

"Come in."

Without giving Domino too much time to think about it,

Rock dragged Domino into the cell and threw the key to the seastone handcuffs to him.

"This is the key to the seastone handcuffs!? Where did it come from? How is this possible!?"

"And weren't you poisoned? How come you still have so much strength! ?"Domino was obviously confused and surprised.

Of course, even if she was slow to react, she understood what Rock had just said.

It seemed that Rock was imprisoned in Impel Down on purpose!

But what she couldn't understand was where did the key to Rock's seastone handcuffs come from?!

It was clearly her who searched Rock personally before, and she had touched almost every inch of his strong muscles, so there was absolutely no way the key was hidden!

"Of course you slipped it to me secretly, have you forgotten? Master Warden! ?"

Looking at Domino's surprised expression,

Rock felt very amused and continued to tease.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't do it at all, what on earth is going on with Rock!"

Domino was obviously a little panicked.

She was just curious about what Rock said, but she didn't expect to be in such a dangerous situation now.

Not to mention how terrible it would be after Rock was released from his confinement.

Just this crime alone would be difficult for her to clear herself from!

"Don't be nervous, we are friends, so don't worry"

"You know my story, the Celestial Dragons ruined my naval career, which led to the current Dracula.·D·Rock!"

"Next, I plan to establish a new navy, or maybe it should be called a new navy. In short, I want to build a new maritime force!"......

"So, Domino, we need you to join us!"

For the next period of time,

Rock described his plan.

He was not worried that Domino would leak the secret, because the latter would not have this opportunity.

Even if Domino leaked the secret, it would not matter.

Rock's plan, except for a few core secrets that only he knew, all the rest could be put on the table.

For example, after the war on the top, the vacancy of the Seven Warlords of the Sea will inevitably cause Zefa to be completely disappointed with the navy.

This is decided by the World Government, and even the Buddha Warring States cannot stop it.

By then, relying on his current"reputation", Zefa's reputation and tens of thousands of elite naval forces at Vice Admiral Momotobu's G9 branch base, it only needs to recruit a few more"generals". Once the new navy is established, its power will surely rise with the wind!

"I need to think about it..."

At the same time.

After listening to Rock's narration.

Domino couldn't calm down for a long time, she was indeed very shocked.

As a civil servant of Impel Down, she naturally saw a lot of dirty things.

Although most of the people imprisoned in Impel Down are real criminals.

But there are also a small number of innocent people, either wrongly convicted, or simply captured for the Celestial Dragons to select slaves from time to time.

Such things are not new in the entire ocean.

The navy is an outright tool and cannot afford the word"justice".

However, everything Rock said is still empty after all.

Facing the powerful World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

Once you join Rock's fight, you are gambling with your life!

While Domino was thinking.

Rock sat next to him and kept drinking.

Although he was very confident in himself.

But this was a matter of life and death for Domino after all.

He was ready to face the failure of the first mission.

But if Domino really chooses not to join, he will have to take decisive measures.



Just when Domino was about to say something, there was a loud noise outside the cell!

At this moment,

Rock stood up instantly and used his Observation Haki.

"Interesting, after finally escaping the prison successfully, he chose to turn back. Does this mean he has absolute confidence in his own abilities?!".......

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