
In the sixth floor of the Impel Down City, in the Infinite Hell!

A loud noise suddenly came.

Domino was shocked. She thought it was Rock who made the noise, but she found that it was not.

And from what Rock said, could it be that some extremely evil criminal who escaped from the Impel Down City has returned again! ?

""Domino, be careful!"

Just when Domino was a little dazed,

Rock suddenly reminded her loudly and immediately pushed Domino away.

Boom - with a loud bang, smoke and dust rose up, and a huge hole was blasted out of the solid cell wall!

At this moment, even though Domino had been promoted to the chief guard, she felt a shudder of fear.

If Rock hadn't pushed her away in time, she would have been affected!

"Who is mumbling here? I don't need a weak person to judge what I want to do!"


Under Rock's interesting gaze.

A very burly and vicious man directly smashed the wall and walked into the cell.

"Devil's descendant Douglas Barrett!"

Seeing the newcomer.

Domino's red lips opened in surprise, and even her voice trembled!

This is the super ruthless man who has just been listed as the 'worst jailbreaker in history'.

It is said that this former crew member of Pirate King Roger once turned the entire sea upside down. He has been imprisoned in Impel Down for decades without a single slack, and has been practicing every moment.

His strength has reached an extremely terrifying level!

Such a guy, since he has successfully escaped from prison, why would he come back!

"Domino, you go first, I'll take care of this!"

At this time, Rock also found that Douglas Barrett's condition was quite abnormal.

It seemed that...He deserves a beating! ?

In order to prevent Domino from getting hurt, he directly protected Domino and let him leave first.

"Rock, this is not an ordinary opponent. Your injuries..."

Seeing that Rock actually protected him, Domino was grateful but also a little worried about Rock's injuries.

After all, according to the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia Palace, Rock was captured because he was exhausted and injured.

In addition, Magellan secretly drugged Rock.

With Rock's current condition, he is probably no match for Douglas Barrett!

"Hahahaha, Rock! ?"

"He was the one who killed the Celestial Dragons and almost destroyed the Marine Headquarters.·D·Rock!?"

"Bah, are all the powerful guys in this sea dead? A weakling like you can become famous all over the world! ?" When Douglas

Barrett heard Rock's name, he was very excited.

He wanted to find a decent strong man to fight.

·D·Rock seemed like a good choice.

But when he remembered that Rock was now imprisoned in Impel Down, he lost interest.

After all, he was captured in Impel Down so quickly.

This kid's strength must not be as exaggerated as the rumors say.

The speed comparable to Admiral Kizaru is really nonsense!

It's a pity.

He originally thought that he came back to get the lost things and could fight with the top masters by the way. What a waste of time!

"Hey, there's a price to pay for being arrogant, Douglas Barrett!"

"You think you are very powerful, but you were also imprisoned in Impel Down for decades?!"

"What's so arrogant about that?!"

Facing the aggressive Douglas Barrett,

Rock didn't show any leniency.

Anyway, this is Impel Down, and even if he and Barrett fight and destroy this place, it's no big deal.

It's nothing more than adding an extra bounty.

"Little brat, you are courting death!"

Douglas Barrett had just escaped from prison, and the resentment he had accumulated for a long time had not yet been vented. At this time, he was ridiculed by Rock and immediately became furious!

Boom - as Douglas Barrett raised his hand, an extremely powerful armed color domineering aura suddenly burst out, like a tsunami, and hit the direction of Rock and Domino.

""What a strong Armament Haki!"

At this moment, feeling Douglas Barrett's incomparably powerful Armament Haki, even Rock couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although his current Armament Haki is already very strong, it is obviously still a step behind Douglas Barrett!

This guy's strength is really terrifying!

Boom boom boom -

Rock did not choose to directly engage in a head-on conflict with Douglas Barrett, but just dodged by stepping on the moon step.

The reason for doing this is naturally not because he is afraid of Douglas Barrett.

He now needs to ensure Domino's safety.

In addition,

Magellan is about to arrive at the battlefield.

Anyway, this is also the home court of Impel Down, and he doesn't need to fight Douglas Barrett directly.

Wait until both sides are injured, and then he will take action, isn't it safer!

"Damn criminal, how dare you come back?!"

"Poison Dragon!"

As expected.

Douglas Barrett's first wave of attack had not yet subsided.

The Impel Down City Jailer Corps, led by Poison Man Magellan, finally arrived at the battlefield.

As Magellan's terrifying poison dragon pounced, even Douglas Barrett had to temporarily stop the attack and retreat.

"Humph, Magellan, you think that not seeing me is the best choice, doesn't the horn on your head hurt? ?"

Seeing that Magellan, who was seriously injured and had not yet recovered, dared to show up.

Douglas Barrett sneered and mocked.

In his opinion, Magellan was indeed a top-level strong man.

However, with Magellan's current state, he was no match for him even if he risked his life!

After all, the horn that had just been sewn on Magellan's head was broken off by him!

"Douglas Barrett!!!"

"Since you dare to come back, be prepared to die!"

Magellan was very excited at this time.

As the former director, he believed that he had to take all the responsibility for the previous shameful incident, so he kept his life to atone for his sins!

And Barrett was the atonement package delivered to his door. Even though the latter was indeed very strong, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his life!

"Domino, keep an eye on Rock. Even though he has been poisoned by me, you still have to be careful!"

Magellan glanced at Rock, who was in a rather 'bad' condition in the corner, and reminded Domino.

Domino was also worried that Rock would be targeted by Douglas Barrett and fall into danger, so he didn't say much, but just stood in front of Rock.

However, what made Domino a little strange was that

Rock's condition at least looked good a minute ago.

Why did he look so 'sluggish' now!?

"How long do you think Magellan can hold out, Domino?"

As the battle between Magellan and Douglas Barrett was about to break out,

Rock sat leisurely behind Domino and took a sip of the hot wine.

This feeling of waiting behind was really wonderful!......

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