Boom boom boom - as Magellan and Douglas Barrett started a fierce battle.

The entire sixth underground floor of Impel Down City instantly turned into a hellish battlefield.

Fortunately, after the Blackbeard incident, Impel Down City has imprisoned the remaining prisoners on the sixth underground floor deeper.

So even though Magellan and the other man made a lot of noise, it did not cause much impact.

Rock watched the fight between the two, although they were on different sides, he couldn't help but admire Magellan in his heart.

After all, Magellan's injuries are still very serious, but he can fight Douglas Barrett on equal terms in a short period of time.

With Barrett's desperate and powerful attack, Magellan was able to fight to this extent while still being seriously injured. He was already fighting with willpower.

However, the facts are there after all.

It is only a matter of time before Magellan is defeated. It depends on how much damage Magellan can cause to Douglas Barrett before he is defeated.

"Hahaha, Magellan, I told you, you should pretend you can't see me, that's the best choice!"

As the battle continued.

Douglas Barrett soon gained the upper hand.

If he hadn't been afraid of Magellan's venom, he would have gotten rid of the former long ago!

""Damn criminal, as long as I am still alive, I will never let you trample on the dignity of Impel Down again!"

At this moment,

Poison Man Magellan was obviously exhausted, and every wound on his body was painful as if it was torn again.

The current situation is indeed not suitable for forceful action against a criminal of Douglas Barrett's level.

But he can't just watch Barrett come and go freely in Impel Down, right!?

"Humph, dignity?!"

"In this world, only the truly strong can survive, and only the truly strong can talk about dignity!"

Douglas Barrett obviously sneered at Magellan's statement.

Then, he directly activated his superhuman fusion fruit ability, quickly integrating the surrounding rubble to form an extremely solid circular prison.

Then he punched Magellan into the prison, leaving only his head exposed.

"Magellan, you've lost!! Since you're still injured, I'll spare your life this time and leave the horn on your head as a trophy."

After trapping Magellan, Douglas Barrett sneered and approached the latter, reaching out to forcibly break off the horn that had just been repaired on Magellan's head.

Whoosh - at this moment.

A purple miniature poisonous dragon suddenly jumped out from the ground and pounced directly on Douglas Barrett's lower body.



The strong venom quickly burned and corroded the skin, causing such great pain that even Barrett, who was known as the heir of the devil, could not help but scream in pain.

"Damn Magellan!"

"You sneak attack scum, in that case, I will destroy your so-called world's first prison!"

The venom obviously caused a lot of damage to Douglas Barrett, at least it hurt him a lot.

So he became even angrier.

Originally, he planned to take the things he left behind and leave.

Now he decided that he would not only teach Magellan a lesson, but also completely destroy this underwater prison!

"Hey, hey, hey, how can you talk about sneak attacks in the middle of a battle? In the final analysis, it's because you are not strong enough, Douglas Barrett!"

Just as Barrett made another move and was about to break off the horns on Magellan's head, a young and cheerful voice suddenly came.

Then, there was a flash of lightning. At this moment, when he saw Rock's figure appear in front of him, even Douglas Barrett couldn't help but tense up.

Damn it.

How could this kid suddenly appear in front of him?

He obviously didn't find anything.

And that lightning speed is indeed a bit exaggerated!?

Various thoughts flashed through Barrett's mind, but they were just thoughts.

Even if the kid in front of him was in his prime, what was there for him, Douglas Barrett, to fear!?


After Rock appeared, he didn't waste any time. Before he finished speaking, he directly opened Barrett's arm that was stretched towards Magellan.

And quietly buried a 'Death Thunder Seed'’

"Rock, how could you possibly break free from the seastone handcuffs!?!?"

At the same time, after Magellan discovered Rock's situation, he was instantly surprised and a little panicked.

After all, in his opinion,

Rock's importance now far exceeds that of Douglas Barrett.

As one of the most hated criminals by the World Government, Rock must not make any mistakes!

Otherwise, not only him, but the entire Impel Down City will be in trouble.


Rock couldn't possibly break free from the shackles of the seastone handcuffs by himself!

Could it be!?

Magellan soon thought of a possibility, and he immediately looked at Domino with a bad look.

In the entire Impel Down City, the only one who had the opportunity and reason to help Rock was Domino!

After all, Domino had a good relationship with Rock, who was a navy.

Seeing that she was about to be wronged, Domino felt very heavy. Recalling Rock's unswerving behavior of protecting her just now, she gradually made a decision in her heart...

"There is no need to accuse anyone"

""Deputy Director Magellan, how can you be so sure that seastone handcuffs can definitely suppress my abilities?!"

Rock sneered.

Although he didn't know Domino's decision yet, he couldn't just watch the latter being wrongly accused.

Before he finished speaking, under the puzzled and shocked gazes of Magellan and Douglas Barrett,

Rock directly picked up the seastone handcuffs and handcuffed his hands without hesitation.

At this moment, whether it was Magellan and Douglas Barrett, or Domino and others, they all looked at Rock in confusion.

Everyone had only one thought in their minds.

Is this guy crazy!?

For whatever reason, without the restraint of the seastone handcuffs, coupled with the current miserable situation in the city of Impel Down, jailbreak is just around the corner!

As a result, Rock actually arrested himself on the spot!?

"Hahahaha, it seems that he is not only a weakling, but also a lunatic!"

The devil's descendant Douglas Barrett laughed and sneered.

He was originally afraid of Rock, but now it seems that his actions were completely unnecessary!

"Crazy!? Haha, so ignorant!"

Faced with Douglas Barrett's ridicule,

Rock was not angry at all. He glanced coldly at everyone present.

The next moment, when thousands of arcs burst out with blood-red light, the whole city of Impel Down was shrouded in the sound of thunder.

Then, in the extremely shocked eyes of everyone,

Rock actually forcibly tore the seastone handcuffs apart, and the fragments fell all over the ground.

"In front of a truly powerful person, how could a mere seastone be able to suppress him in the slightest? ?"................

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