Poor Chatun Kake.

Although he is a candidate for the admiral of the navy, he still cannot escape the fate of being sacrificed.

When he saw Akainu and Kizaru fleeing together.

Chatun's first reaction was astonishment.

No way.

Although Rock is really strong.

But you are the admirals of the navy who symbolize the highest combat power of the navy! You just run away with your tail between your legs, don't you care about your face! ?

Of course.

Chatun's mentality changed quickly.

From astonishment to despair and abuse.

Shameless Kizaru and Akainu, you ran away, at least notify me?!

Until he felt Rock's gaze.

Chatun's heart sank, his actions froze for a moment, and then he quickly turned around and tried to escape.


Let Akainu and Kizaru go.

The main reason is that Rock is not sure to take down the admirals of the navy now. If it drags on, it will be no fun if Sengoku and Garp are dragged in.

But this does not mean that he will let Chatun go.

Boom - almost at the same time when Chatun started to run away at full speed, after a loud noise, he was stepped on the rock.

Damn it!

He was almost able to dive into the sea.

Of course, he was more shocked.

Because he found that as he was stepped on by Rock, a large amount of strong electric current rushed into his body in an instant, paralyzing him all over, and he couldn't resist at all!

How miserable! After all, he was also a candidate for the admiral of the navy.

Rock, a rising star, was subdued so easily! ?

"Vice Admiral Kake, I'll give you a chance to join us, declare your loyalty to the new order, and continue to be your vice admiral!"

After subduing Chaton, Rock did not kill him directly, but chose to recruit him.

Now the new navy has not yet been officially established.

Although his cadre lineup has actually exceeded the imagination of Akainu and others.

But the opponent of the new navy is the most powerful force in this sea after all.

Therefore, the more power, the more control.

After all, Chaton is a candidate for the admiral of the navy, and his comprehensive strength is not inferior to that of Taotu teacher, and he is considered a top combat force.

If he can be recruited, it will naturally be good.

"Declare allegiance to the new order?! Haha, why not just say that you are pledging allegiance to Rock?"

"You little brat, don't say those high-sounding words. You use the excuse of building a new order to commit pirate crimes, but you just want to become bigger and stronger and dominate the sea!"

"So, if you want me to be loyal to you, kid, forget it unless Gion agrees to my proposal!"

Faced with Rock's recruitment,

Chaton, the candidate for admiral of the navy, sneered and actually opposed Rock's attack.

However, during this process, he looked at Teacher Zefa many times, and the meaning was self-evident.

As a famous"no-kill" admiral in the history of the navy

, Teacher Zefa has hardly killed even a pirate.

What about him, a senior navy?

With the prestige of Teacher Zefa, even if Rock wanted to kill, he had to listen to Teacher Zefa's opinion!

Of course, these are secondary.

The key is that even though Rock has shown extremely terrifying strength, Chaton still believes that with Rock and his men, they can't confront the World Government and the Navy Headquarters at all.

So he doesn't intend to make a wrong decision, so as not to regret it later.

In addition, he thinks that Momotsuki has made a wrong decision, and he is likely to be liquidated by the Navy Headquarters at that time.

""Teacher Zefa?"

Chatun's voice had just fallen.

Just when Rock couldn't help but curl up a sneer on his lips,

Teacher Zefa suddenly came over.

Rock still respected Teacher Zefa very much, so if the former had any different opinions, he would be happy to listen.

At this time, Chatun also noticed Zefa's approach, and he deliberately looked at the latter, hoping that the latter could save his life.


Well, in that case, Rock , you decide for yourself!(#°Д°)

Swish - a flash of blood-red light.

The surprise of Navy Admiral Candidate Chaton Kaji did not last long, and he lost consciousness in just a moment.

How could he know.

To what extent did Zefa distrust the Navy?

Since he has chosen to support Rock, he will naturally invest everything he has.

It is time for this world to change.

In addition to the vicious pirates, there is also the Navy Headquarters that has become a tool and lost justice, and the initiator of all evil.

Those high and mighty Celestial Dragons!

In order to help Rock change all this, and for his own inner relief, he, Zefa, is no longer the"no-kill" admiral of the past!

On the other side.

After executing Navy Admiral Candidate Chaton.

Rock did not have any emotional fluctuations.

Since Chaton chose to continue to be loyal to the World Government, they are enemies, and there is no need to be merciful to the enemy.

Chaton's head is also the most suitable sacrifice to announce the establishment of the new navy!

Taotu was the only one who had a look of pity on his face, but it was only for a moment.

People with different ideals cannot work together.

Since they are enemies, they will fight to the death!

"Rock, according to what Akainu said before, the situation on the Daughter Island is probably very critical, let's go over and take a look!"

The battle is over.

Momosuke also walked to Rock's side and reminded him.

According to Akainu, Aokiji led the troops to attack the Daughter Island.

Although Aokiji is the one with the closest relationship with Rock and Zephyr among the three admirals of the navy.

But now Aokiji is still one of the admirals of the navy after all.

Attacking the Daughter Island, which is listed as a pirate country by the World Government, I am afraid that there will be no mercy.

Momosuke knows that the people on the Daughter Island are still very important to Rock.

"Don't worry about Mr. Taotu, you and Mr. Zefa should return to the base island. I guess it won't be long before someone will come to sign up to join the new navy."

"As for Daughter Island, I can go there now!"

After Rock arranged the follow-up work, he did not delay for too long.

He immediately summoned Megatron and used the power of thunder to rush to Daughter Island.

"This speed seems to be even faster than Borsalino!"

Seeing Rock disappear in the blink of an eye.

Zephyr and Taotu couldn't help but sigh.

A few months ago, Rock was still a junior who needed to grow in their eyes.

But now Rock's strength and various magical performances have simply refreshed their cognition.

Zephyr even dared to say without exaggeration that his most proud disciple was the most dazzling genius in the history of the navy, or even in the entire world history!


In the sky above the New World heading to the first half of the Grand Line.

Rock drove Megatron at high speed and did not dare to delay at all.

Because he had just received news from Enelu.

The battle situation on the Daughter Island was a bit troublesome.

In addition to the Navy Admiral Aokiji, there were several strange beings whose strength was very strong.

In addition, according to Enelu, on the defense line of the Daughter Island, he also saw two female members of the Straw Hat Pirates. Nami

, Robin?!

How did the two of them run to the Daughter Island!?


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