Grand Line.

Calm Sea, Amazon Lily Kingdom.

At this moment.

The sea around the entire Daughter Island was filled with smoke and completely turned into a battlefield.

The three lines of defense set up by the Pirate Queen and New Grandma Guroliosa lost two lines of defense two hours after the war began.

The navy has begun to seize the only port of the Daughter Island.

Originally, the defeat of the Daughter Island was certain at this point in the war.

After all, even the Pirate Queen could not stop the powerful offensive of the Navy Admiral Aokiji.

What's more, there are a large number of pacifists in the navy camp, which poses a great threat to the female warriors of the Nine Snakes.

However, just when the navy was at its peak and was about to break through all the lines of defense and break through the Daughter Island in one fell swoop, two extremely strong forces suddenly appeared behind the navy fleet.

The two powerful beings that suddenly appeared caused huge damage to the navy in a very short time.

Even more than half of the navy warships were absorbed by one of them and turned into weapons.

When Admiral Aokiji discovered the existence of these two, even he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Douglas Barrett, the descendant of the devil!

This former crew member of the Pirate King, a super vicious criminal who once brought great disasters to the sea.

Why did he suddenly appear here! ?

There is another mysterious man with a thunder drum embedded in his back. His ability seems to be similar to Rock's and he can also manipulate thunder.

Could it be that these two people are Rock's helpers! ?

That mysterious man is fine.

How could Douglas Barrett be willing to help Rock?

In Barrett's eyes, Rock should be just a kid who hasn't even grown all his hair, right?! Admiral

Aokiji was full of doubts.

But he didn't dare to delay.

Because with Douglas Barrett and the mysterious thunder ability user appearing from behind the navy.

The navy instantly fell into chaos.

Coupled with the counterattack of the Pirate Queen's side.

The situation of the war is actually turning around.

Therefore, Aokiji had no choice but to face Douglas Barrett in person.

However, even so, the situation was not much better.

Because after he was pinned down by Barrett, no one in the navy camp could be a match for the mysterious lightning ability user and the Pirate Queen!

In a short period of time, more than half of the eight Pacifists were destroyed, and the navy was repeatedly beaten back.

In desperation,

Admiral Aokiji could only agree to Zhan Taomaru's request to let the secret weapon of the World Government appear in the world in advance!

And with the emergence of two secret weapons, the situation on the battlefield changed again.

Fortunately, even if the navy used the secret weapons, it could not break through the Daughter Island in a short time.

The war between the two sides fell into a stalemate!

At this time, high above the port of Daughter Island, two sexy beauties were using their means to attack the navy soldiers who kept pouring in.

"Robin, that guy, is it Enelu?! Why is he here! ?"

Nami, the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, asked her partner Robin nervously while using the weather stick to deal with the marines.

For the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, except for Luffy himself, the Enelu they met on Sky Island is definitely a huge shadow in everyone's heart.

After all, when facing Enelu, everyone except Luffy was killed in seconds.

That feeling of powerlessness is simply despairing.

If it weren't for Luffy's fruit ability that could just counter Enelu, the Straw Hat Pirates would have been wiped out on Sky Island long ago.

So after discovering the existence of Enelu, Nami was obviously a little frightened, even though Enelu is now helping them deal with the navy

"Probably, but it looks like he should be on our side."

"In comparison, I am more worried about those strange robots. The World Government does have a lot of hidden powers."

Robin is obviously calmer than Nami.

But she was also surprised by the two new robots that appeared in the Navy.

Those four robots look a bit like Pacifists, but they are fundamentally different.

One notable feature is!

These two robots.

They look very much like two of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

For example, the robot that is fighting with Enel now.

It looks very much like the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk!

And that robot's swordsmanship is so strong that it's incredible!

The World Government actually created such a powerful robot based on the Seven Warlords of the Sea?!

Boom boom boom - compared to Robin's surprise, Pirate Queen Boa Hancock and Enel were even more surprised. was shocked.

Because the opponents of these two were the Seraphim summoned by Zhan Taomaru!

Enelu was relatively okay.

He had just arrived in the Blue Sea not long ago and thought he had only encountered a swordsman.

Although the opponent was powerful, he could not do anything to him.

On the contrary, the Pirate Queen Boa Hancock was more surprised.

Because the Seraphim she faced was the S-Snake Girl, that is to say.

The opponent of the Queen at this time was the replica created by the World Government based on her.

More importantly, this S-Snake Girl even copied her fruit ability.

When the abilities are almost the same.

Even the Queen will find it difficult to defeat the opponent.

Because of this.

The Queen soon became a little anxious.

If she can't even beat a replica, why would she marry Rock!

As the top combat forces of both sides fell into a stalemate again. After hesitating for a long time, Zhan Taomaru finally chose to summon again.

Soon, two more Seraphs joined the battlefield!

And when the two Seraph robots, S-Bear and S-Shark, which were modeled after Tyrant Bear and Sea Knight Jinbei, appeared.

The expressions of the Empress, Nami, Robin, and even Barrett and Enel became extremely solemn in an instant!

Two more powerful clones of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

At present, the Empress and others can't get away from the powerful enemy.

Nami and Robin or other combat forces on the island of daughters can't be the opponents of the clones of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Barrett is even Zhidu began to waver.

Although he promised Rock to be a bodyguard, the latter is not here now.

He may not get himself into trouble because of Rock!

And Enel also had some emotions.

Similar to Barrett's idea.

Although he can follow Rock, based on their current friendship, he will not sacrifice himself for Rock.

Only the Empress, Nami, and Robin have the most resolute mentality.

They are naturally afraid of losing.

But at the same time, they also believe in Rock!

Rumble- a moment later.

Just as the defenders of the Daughter Island were slaughtered by two Seraph robots.

In the distant sky, there was a sudden roar of thunder that resounded through the sky!

The next moment.

A ray of thunder light fell from the sky!


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