Amazon Lily Kingdom!

At this moment.

When Admiral Kizaru and Admiral Akainu finally arrived at the battlefield.

Seeing the scene on the battlefield.

The two admirals who symbolize the highest combat power of the navy were stunned.

What's going on!

Even if the pirates on the daughter island resisted tenaciously, they shouldn't be beaten like this! ?

Especially when they found out about Rock's existence, they almost dropped their jaws.

Especially Admiral Kizaru, who is known for his speed, almost collapsed his worldview when he saw Rock.

No way! ?

How could Rock get here before him! ?

Obviously he didn't paddle at all along the way, and his speed was almost pulled to the extreme!

It's Akainu!

Akainu must have affected my speed!

In terms of moving speed, even Rock can't beat him!

Admiral Kizaru was shocked and could only comfort himself in his heart.

With the arrival of Akainu and Kizaru.

Douglas Barrett stopped fighting with Aokiji and immediately withdrew from the battle and returned to Rock's side.

The scene at this moment.

The three admirals of the navy stood side by side.

This should have been a rare scene in the entire ocean.

In normal times, the marines would have shouted loudly.

After all, even in the war that just happened in Marinford, the three admirals of the navy were the real pillars of the navy.

But even with such powerful three admirals gathered together.

The thousands of marines around them did not have a trace of excitement or excitement at all, and their eyes were filled with seriousness and fear.


At this moment, the enemy lineup they were facing did not allow them to be excited.

Even if the three admirals of the navy gathered together!

"Devil's descendant Douglas Barrett, the mysterious lightning ability user, Pirate Queen Boa Hancock, Zephyr teacher and Peach Rabbit"

"Ah la la, in such a short time, this kid Rock actually created such a terrifying cadre team?!"

Looking at the imposing Rock and others on the opposite side.

Admiral Aokiji couldn't help but sigh.

After the end of the battle, he expected that Rock would do something earth-shattering again.

But he never thought that

Rock could grow to such a level in such a short time.

Looking at the embarrassed appearance of Akainu and Kizaru, it is known that the combat mission to solve the problem of Zefa teacher has failed.

In other words,

Rock's plan to establish a new navy has been completed.

In this war, the Navy Headquarters lost to Rock again, and even the Navy could not take down the Daughter Island battlefield.

"If you hadn't let him go in the Sabaody Archipelago, how could Rock grow so fast?!"

Akainu heard Aokiji's sigh and snorted coldly.

The navy's situation is embarrassing enough. Now Aokiji's words are a bit of a boost to others' ambitions, right?!

Maybe this guy has always been in contact with Rock!

"Yo~ Sakaski, that's not what you said, Rock's strength is very scary, otherwise you wouldn't lose to him every time, right?!"

Kizaru heard Akainu implying that Aokiji had @ed him, and he immediately excused himself.

At the same time, he also knew that now was not the time for internal strife.

Then he asked Aokiji:

"Kuzan, where is Zhan Taomaru? Didn't he bring the Pacifists and the latest secret weapons to help?!"

After arriving here, Kizaru did not see Zhan Taomaru.

According to the plan, in order to ensure the timeliness of eradicating Daughter Island, Zhan Taomaru not only brought ten Pacifists, but also brought out four of the World Government's latest secret weapons, Seraphs.

That is a powerful weapon that the World Government conspired to use to replace the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Not to mention the battlefield of Daughter Island.

Even in a war of the scale of the war at the top, it can play a very huge role.

So now that the navy is at a disadvantage, it is strange not to see Zhan Taomaru and Seraphs.

"Are you talking about the Seraph? The four Seraphs brought by Zhan Taowan were completely destroyed by Rock. In view of the complicated situation on the battlefield, in order to prevent Zhan Taowan from being killed, I first let him lead the battleship to open an escape route."

"What?! Were all four Seraphim completely destroyed by Rock?! There are monsters in there that were created based on Hawkeye!"

After hearing what Aokiji said,

Kizaru's eyes couldn't stop twitching.

Even Akainu felt the seriousness of the matter.

Good fellow.

It turns out that the Navy spent so much effort, not only failed to achieve any combat objectives, but suffered heavy losses!

This is simply a shame that has never happened in the history of the Navy!

Even the Pirate King Roger, Golden Lion Shiki, Whitebeard Edward Newgate and even Rocks had never made the Navy suffer such a big loss!

"Hey, are you guys still going to fight?!"

Seeing the three admirals of the navy muttering to each other,

Rock also asked loudly, and at the same time, thunder surged around him.

The meaning was very clear.

If you want to fight, do it quickly, don't waste time!

"What a scary monster....."

Yellow Monkey looked at Rock's high-spirited appearance, and his face was immediately filled with black lines.

After so many battles, didn't Rock feel tired?

You know, even he and Akainu had consumed a lot of energy!


It was obvious that Kizaru didn't want to fight anymore.

However, as the commander-in-chief of this battle, Akainu was responsible for the victory or defeat of the battle, and it was naturally Akainu who made the decision.

At the same time,

Akainu was also quickly analyzing the current situation.

Although their three admirals were present, he and Kizaru had consumed a lot of energy, especially Kizaru.

But he believed that Rock's situation was definitely not much better!

Of course, even so, if the battle continued, the navy might not be able to gain any advantage.

After all, in addition to Rock, the devil's heir Douglas Barrett alone was enough for him. We can handle it.

It's really strange.

How can a weirdo like Barrett be mixed up with Rock! ?

He can't be following Rock to promote a new order! ?

In addition to Barrett.

The thunder ability user mentioned by Aokiji is not an easy character to deal with.

Add Rock and the Pirate Queen.

The three admirals are naturally confident that they will be invincible.

But the remaining tens of thousands of elite navy soldiers may all be killed here.

If they are not sure of taking down Rock.

There is really no need to continue this war.

However, he is really unwilling!

"Akainu! Don't hesitate, come on, let's decide the winner today. Of course, before that, I will clear the field for you. Anyway, you don't care about the lives of ordinary marines, right?!"

Rock keenly noticed that Akainu seemed to be hesitating.

He immediately took a step forward and took the initiative to provoke, and then a strange blood-red aura burst out from his body!


"All navy personnel, retreat immediately!"

"Everyone stay away from the corpse!!!"


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