At this moment.

On the battlefield of Daughter Island.

Admiral Akainu looked very nervous, and roared at the marines to retreat continuously.

Even though Rock's arrogant attitude made him very unhappy.

But what happened in the New World not long ago was still vivid in his mind.

In this battle, the navy has lost too many manpower, and even his trusted fleet was wiped out.

Although the navy can no longer afford to lose.

But at the same time, the navy can no longer lose more elite marines.

So even if he really wants to fight to the death, he can no longer go on.

"Hahaha, Admiral Sakaski has really made progress, but the Navy and the World Government, these two rotten old machines, are destined to become a thing of the past."

"If you are willing, we welcome you to join the new navy and build a new justice order together!"

Seeing that Akainu finally had the intention to retreat.

But Rock still did not relax.

After a series of battles, Akainu must be doubting his condition. In case the latter smelled something, he had to be tough to the end.

And he didn't say this to Akainu.

"Rock, the Navy has remembered today's shame.

Your so-called new order of justice is nothing but a child's play.

The history of the Navy will prove that scum like you will be liquidated sooner or later!

" Admiral Akainu obviously sneered at Rock's speech.

Even though Rock has shown very strong strength and even gathered several cadres with considerable strength in a short period of time.

But what about Rocks, the overlord of the sea back then? In the end, he still became a record of the Navy's merit book!

So Akainu firmly believes that Rock's ending will not be much better!

The Celestial Dragons living in the holy land of Marijoa will not allow Rock to continue to be arrogant!


"Yay!!! We won!!!"

""Long live Lord Rock, long live Lady Snake, long live Lord Rock, long live Lady Snake!"

As the navy fleet led by the three admirals retreated, the Amazon Lily Kingdom ushered in the victory of the war!

The warriors of the Nine Snakes shouted the names of Rock and the Pirate Queen, and cheered.

As a famous fighting race in the pirate world, the Nine Snakes respect the strong, and at this moment they are even more proud of themselves!

After all, looking at the entire pirate world, being able to repel the attack of the navy with the power of a country, even including three navy admirals.

Except for the Daughter Island, it is estimated that no country has ever done it.

Such a record is simply groundbreaking!

Especially the powerful strength and momentum shown by Rock, even the navy admiral can be suppressed.

Such a powerful existence, how can it not make people crazy!

"Hancock, Daughter Island was implicated because of me. Don't worry, I promise that from now on, Daughter Island will never suffer such a large-scale attack again."

After the war subsided.

Rock first expressed his apologies to the Queen and New Granny and others, and gave the kingdom's treasury 80 billion Baileys in compensation.

This war caused serious damage to Daughter Island.

Large areas of land near the port have become ruins. Rock knows this.

Because of time constraints, there was no time to deploy the island defense system rewarded by the system around Daughter Island.

After it is deployed, even if the navy attacks again, Daughter Island can be guaranteed to be safe in a short time.

"Rock...Everything I have is yours, including Daughter Island...."

Facing Rock's apology, the empress smiled with a blushing face.

Compared to repelling the navy, it was obvious that seeing Rock was the fundamental reason for her joy.

But she soon stopped being happy.

Because in the next second, two equally voluptuous and charming figures pounced on Rock together.

"I should have killed them both earlier. I am so angry!"

Looking at Robin and Nami who threw themselves into Rock's arms, the Pirate Queen was furious......

New World, Navy Headquarters.

The sky gradually darkens, and the cold sea breeze blows, chilling people's hearts.

The Navy Headquarters, which symbolizes justice on this sea, seems to have never been so solemn.

In the headquarters meeting room.

A group of senior naval officers gathered together, and everyone's face looked very bad.

"As the planner of this operation, I will shoulder all the responsibilities. Sakaski, Kuzan, Borsalino, you don't have to worry."

Buddha Sengoku sat in the first seat with his hands crossed against his forehead. His tone was calm, but the bulging blue veins on his forehead exposed his mood at the moment. The successive defeats in the Battle of Marineford, the New World and the Battle of Daughter Island have caused the Navy to be in an extremely embarrassing situation, and have ruined his reputation for most of his life.

But so what?!

It's not that he didn't work hard, it's just that Rock is too cunning.

If he is given another chance, even if he risks his life, he will save Rock in the previous Celestial Dragon incident. In that case, the situation of the Navy will definitely be countless times better now!

But there is no if in this world.

The fact is that Rock has become the most difficult enemy of the Navy Headquarters, not even one of them!

The damn Newgate is also one of the culprits!


He had planned to drag Garp to help Akainu and the other two, but he didn't. The Whitebeard Pirates' Moby Dick suddenly appeared in the waters around the G1 base.

He and Garp did not dare to act rashly!

As a result, the navy has already fallen into a disadvantage in the confrontation with Rock.

In just a few hours, more than a dozen naval branch bases and more than 10,000 naval elites have defected collectively.

It goes without saying where these defected marines will go.

Buddha's Warring States' voice echoed in the conference room, but no one spoke.

Everyone's face was gloomy.

Admiral Akainu's clenched fists have never loosened.

He swore that he would never let Rock go.

But before that, he has to sit in the position of Navy Admiral!

Thinking of this, Akainu looked up at Aokiji.

In Akainu's view, whether there is a connection between Aokiji and Rock, he, Akainu, is more suitable to be the next Navy Admiral!......

Daughter Island.

At the grand banquet, everyone sang and danced.

Rock, Zefa, Empress, Taotu, Enel and others drank fine wine and finally concretized the idea of establishing a new navy!

Of course, the formal establishment of the new navy still requires a lot of preparation.

The only thing confirmed is that Rock will become the supreme commander of the new navy!

Other cadres will be announced together on the official establishment day.

The navy has three admirals, so the new navy will naturally not be bad!

Therefore, before the establishment of the new navy, there is still a lack of high-level combat power!

【Ding, a new sign-in task has been triggered!】............ ps: I'm really sorry, guys. I've been too busy recently, with very important exams coming one after another. Once everything is settled,

Xiaohuo will definitely do his best to bring you another wonderful pirate story.

Sorry again.

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