The sound of elephants is heard from the back of the Wudou Academy.

Surrounded by mountains, a gray-white building that contrasts sharply with the surrounding environment comes into view.

Looking closer, you can see that the top of the building has a unique shape, like a huge upside-down bowl.

This building seems to be a foreign object that has descended from another world into this mountain forest.

And the source of the elephant's cry is in this building.

Zhong Lingling followed the signpost and looked at the huge gray-white building, exclaiming:

"Is this the [Ferocious Beast Experimental Field]? It's so spectacular... My uncle wants to give me something, why did he ask me to come here..."

Outside the gate, the security guard on duty saw Zhong Lingling and immediately stepped forward to ask: "You are Teacher Wu's student, right? Teacher Wu is waiting for you inside..."

"Thank you."

After thanking the security guard, Zhong Lingling went to the gate of the [Ferocious Beast Experimental Field]...

As Zhong Lingling got closer to the venue,

the shrill elephant cry became clearer and clearer. She always felt a little familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before.

Zhong Lingling pushed open the door.

The interior of this venue was like a large gymnasium, which could accommodate an entire football field. There were also seats for spectators on the second floor, and a protective glass shield was installed.

In the center of the venue, a wind-thunder elephant was standing alone!

It looked panicked, and kept making miserable elephant noises, but for some reason, it did not move a step.

It seemed to be afraid of some powerful predator!

However, the Wind and Thunder Elephant itself is one of the most powerful beasts in the [Ganges River Basin]. What else could it be afraid of?

Zhong Lingling looked at the Wind and Thunder Elephant in the distance and said happily:

"No wonder it sounds familiar, it's really the Wind and Thunder Elephant! I didn't recognize it for a while when it cried so sadly!"

Zhong Lingling watched Mo Ci's live broadcast many times, so she naturally recognized the call of the Wind and Thunder Elephant.

In the live broadcast, the call of the Wind and Thunder Elephant was extremely powerful.

There has never been such a wailing of extreme fear.

Zhong Lingling narrowed her eyes and immediately understood the source of the Wind and Thunder Elephant's fear. What exactly is it!

A small black figure is sitting cross-legged in front of the Wind and Thunder Elephant at this moment.

The spiritual pressure emitted by this figure actually made the Wind and Thunder Elephant tremble with fear! The huge size contrast brings an extremely strong sense of contrast!

This person is Wu Zhige from [Wuzhong].

He is also Zhong Lingling's uncle and Wu Jizun's biological son.

Wu Zhige is wearing black clothes and white pants, his fists are wrapped in bandages, his hands and feet are covered with calluses and scars, and he looks majestic!

His slightly curly black hair almost covers his eyes.

Although his eyes are closed, they seem to contain infinite energy and are very majestic!

The whole person looks like a fierce statue of Acala!

He suddenly opened his eyes, stood up slowly, and said sternly: "I'm here..."

Then, he quickly turned around and ran to Zhong Lingling, gently shouting:

"Lingling~ Why did you let your uncle wait for so long~"

"Come here, let your uncle hug you~"

Zhong Lingling stretched out her hand against Wu Zhige, and said with disgust: "Teacher, it will be bad if someone sees me and recognizes my identity later..."

Wu Zhige was discouraged, squatting aside and drawing circles, and said decadently: "You were very attached to me when you were a child..."

"You also know that it was when you were a child!"

Zhong Lingling complained, and then she changed the subject and asked,

"Teacher, didn't you say you had something to give me? Why did you bring me here?"

After hearing this, Wu Zhige stood up immediately.

Pointing at the Wind and Thunder Elephant in the distance, he said: "Lingling, let me show you... my unique fighting skill - [Black Dragon Leg]!"

"As long as you learn this move, plus the fighting skills you absorbed at level zero, you will have two killer moves!"

After that, he threw a yellow S-level fighting skill ball to Zhong Lingling, and walked towards the Wind and Thunder Elephant with a gentle look.

Wu Zhige said as he walked:

"Lingling, don't you always like to watch Mo Ci's live broadcast replay?"

"I also found a Wind and Thunder Elephant, this one is bigger than Mo Ci's, and it's level 20!"

"Alas! Actually, I just want to ask you one thing..."

Zhong Lingling looked at her uncle's back, not knowing why.

Wu Zhige's footsteps were very light, but in the ears of the Wind and Thunder Elephant, they were extremely heavy, and every step seemed to be stepping on

on its heart!

Dongdong sound!

As Wu Zhige approached step by step, his aura was completely opened!

The terrifying spiritual energy emanating from head to toe was about to materialize, like a black mist, covering the entire test site!

The Wind and Thunder Elephant was almost scared to faint!

"Combat skills... Black Dragon Leg."

Wu Zhige muttered in his heart, and stomped his left foot heavily on the ground, splashing a wave of gravel!

Then he twisted his right foot hard, and swung out a strange trajectory, like a dragon's tail sweeping across the black whip kick! ! !


With a loud bang, Wu Zhige's attack [Black Dragon Leg] set off a violent wave of air!

Even Zhong Lingling, who was far away, staggered back a few steps,

and was almost blown away!

Zhong Lingling patted the dust in front of her face, slowly opened her eyes and looked in the direction of Wu Zhige.

I saw that the wind and thunder elephant, which was still standing there,

now only had four thick elephant legs like stone pillars, and its whole body had disappeared without a trace!

Looking further away, you can only see a large area of ​​pink flesh and blood mixture sticking to the glass of the observation area...

Zhong Lingling was shocked!

Wu Zhige slowly turned around and asked seriously:

"Lingling, are you in love with Mo Ci?"

Hearing this, Zhong Lingling's face, which was full of shock, immediately showed a touch of blush!

She shouted loudly: "Uncle!!! Your real purpose is actually to ask this question, right?!"

Zhong Lingling quickly stepped forward and grabbed Wu Zhige's ear.

Wu Zhige said in pain:

"Hey, hey, hey! You watch other people's live broadcast replays every day. When they are training their bodies, you run to their dorms every few days..."

Zhong Lingling let go of her hand and said:

"I'm just curious about their strength!"

"Are you childish? You are over level 60, but you are still competing with others who are only level 2. The wind and thunder elephant will be so scared of you that it can't even walk!"

Wu Zhige rubbed his ears and said aggrievedly:

"It's good that you don't like it..."

Then, he took out a bottle of blood essence from his ring, gave it to Zhong Lingling, and whispered:

"This is the S-level blood essence of [Blood Tyrannosaurus]. You have to keep it well and don't let others see it..."


Zhong Lingling took it with both hands and immediately put it in her ring.

She was extremely excited and nervous. After all, this small bottle contained S-level blood essence starting at 100 million Dragon Country Currency!

Wu Zhige said seriously:

"I heard that Mo Ci has already started to train his body, so our Lingling can't fall behind!"

"If the training is too hard, you don't have to be strong, and you don't have to hold on like me..."

Hearing this, Zhong Lingling's heart was rippled.

He understood that it was not easy for his uncle to get to where he is today...

As the biological son of Wu Jizun, Wu Zhige has been the focus of attention since he was born.

But he has no talent, his blood value is 100 cards, and his superpower is only an ordinary B-level enhanced superpower, [Bone and Flesh Density].

He can only improve the density of his bones and muscles, and improve his explosive power and ability to resist blows.

The father has such achievements, but the son is an ordinary warrior.

Taunting has accompanied him throughout his life.

But he did not choose to eat, drink and have fun like other [Second Generation Warriors], and indulge in the gentleness of women.

For the sake of his father's name, he began to work harder.

Until he became a sixth-level warrior, served as a first-level teacher in the martial arts academy, and was a mainstay!

It was for this reason that Wu Zhige asked Zhong Lingling to conceal her identity.

The purpose was to prevent her from being exposed too much and bearing too much pressure.


Zhong Lingling muttered softly.

Wu Zhige patted Zhong Lingling's head and was about to speak, but suddenly shouted to the outside of the door:

"Who's there?!"

Zhong Lingling hurriedly turned around, but saw Julie with an awkward smile on her face...


The three of them sat together, and the atmosphere gradually became awkward.

Wu Zhige thought to himself:

"It's over. I won't let her know Lingling's true identity, will I?"

"Let's test it out first."

Wu Zhige was about to speak, but Julie waved her hand and said first:

"I won't tell anyone that Zhong Lingling has S-level blood! I promise!!!"

Hearing this, Wu Zhige and Zhong Lingling looked at Julie in a hurry.

Julie looked at the two and asked, "What's wrong... Don't you believe it?"

Zhong Lingling asked:

"Didn't you hear anything else?"

"I think I heard Mo Ci... You guys, aren't you saying bad things about him?"

"Hahahaha!" Wu Zhige suddenly laughed.

He was sure that Julie didn't hear clearly, so he said proudly:

"No, no, no, we are praising him... Lingling, you go back first, remember to practice that combat skill well."

Hearing this, Zhong Lingling said goodbye to the two and left.

Julie knew that Wu Zhige wanted to say something to her...

"Teacher Zhu, don't mind what happened on the day of the teacher selection meeting..."

Julie knew that it was Du Ziteng's matter.

Wu Zhige continued:

"You just came last year, so you probably don't know..."

"In fact, Teacher Du is a very good teacher, but because of his supernatural powers and the trauma he suffered in his childhood, he has been sick frequently in recent years..."

"Recently, I wanted to find him to apologize with you, but he went to the wilderness area a week ago and hasn't come back yet..."

Hearing this, Julie said generously:

"In fact, Teacher Du has already apologized to me, it's okay..."

Her right eyelid kept twitching, and a strong sense of uneasiness always lingered in her heart.

She was inexplicably concerned about Du Ziteng's whereabouts.

So she asked:

"By the way... Teacher Wu, do you know which wilderness area Teacher Du went to?"

Wu Zhige thought:

"His dormitory is quite far away from mine, so I don't know much. I'll go ask when I have time!"

"Thank you..."

The expression on Julie's face began to become complicated.

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