Jiang Qipeng was instantly shocked!

Mo Ci appeared calm on the surface, turned around and looked at the furious Du Ziteng, but in his heart he was thinking:

"What is this...what is this old ghost going crazy about? Have I offended him in any way?"

Mo Ci whispered to Jiang Qipeng:

"Look Teacher Du came to see me for something... You go first, and you can leave my mission reward to Lao Gao's son."

Jiang Qipeng asked with a little concern:

"You won't... ..Is there something wrong?"

"We are all from the Martial Arts Academy, what could possibly happen..."

After hearing this, Jiang Qipeng felt relieved, picked up his spear and ran away without looking back. .....

The frenzied atmosphere gradually weakened, and at this time, Du Ziteng also walked up to Mo Ci.

He immediately changed his face and said calmly:

"Mo Ci, with your talent, you can stay in Julie's My subordinates are really underutilized... Why don't you become my student?"

Mo Ci frowned slightly.

Seeing Du Ziteng's ferocious look towards Mo Ci, who would have thought that his purpose was to take him in as a disciple?

Du Ziteng did not give Mo Ci a chance to speak, and continued:

"Julie is just a young girl who has just started out. She doesn't have any teaching experience, so are you so confident in entrusting your future to her? "

"If you come to my school, I will teach you all my S-level poison-related combat skills!"

"Body training If you want me to do it, I will give you a bottle of [Blue Shine Poison Crow] A-level blood essence... S-level is also OK, but you have to give me some time. "

Mo Ci's face became more and more solemn. He really I didn’t expect that Du Ziteng was serious!

Mo Ci thought to himself:

"The Martial Arts Academy does not allow teachers to accept disciples privately, let alone... people who have already become disciples."

"If this gets out, it will definitely be a huge scandal."

Du Ziteng seemed Seeing what Mo Ci was thinking, he whispered:

"Don't worry, Mo Ci, this matter is known to heaven and earth...you and I know it."

At this moment, Mo Ci did not dare to anger Du Ziteng. .

Du Ziteng is a sixth-level warrior, and he is also crazy. His strength is far above Mo Ci!

However, Mo Ci does not want to worship Du Ziteng as his master.

Although Mo Ci is not a good person, he also knows how to respect his teacher. , and taking someone else as a teacher will only ruin your reputation.

Mo Ci thought for a moment and came up with a plan.

He said calmly:

"It's not impossible for you to be my teacher..."

" Really...really?!"

After hearing Mo Ci's reply, Du Ziteng's gloomy face brightened up a bit.

Mo Ci nodded and replied:

"Of course, but... I have a condition!"

"What condition?!"

Mo Ci lowered his eyebrows and smiled evilly:

"Being my teacher, the poison cannot be more My bacteria are weak, right? Why don't we compare the strength of our abilities? "

"Whoever can't hold on first will admit defeat!"

Hearing this, Du Ziteng grinned unconsciously and laughed uncontrollably!He wiped away his tears and shook his head as he said:

"Hahahahaha!!! You are a level 2 warrior, and you are trying to compare poison with me, a level 60 warrior?!"

"If I can lose, I will You are my teacher!"

"Are you serious?"

Du Ziteng shook his head and said:

"I, Du Ziteng, keep my word! If my poison can't even defeat a zero-level warrior like you... then there's no need for me to be a teacher. "I won't lose, just be ready to become my disciple!" Du Ziteng's words were full of confidence. In his eyes, Mo Ci was just a zero-level warrior, and he was six levels higher than him. !!!

Hearing this, Mo Ci lowered his head and smiled: "Then let's get started."

After that, the two of them immediately sat cross-legged in the moonlight, facing each other.

The place where Mo Ci sat cross-legged immediately oozed out a pool of The sticky black [Corrosive Bacteria Tide] was spreading crazily towards Du Ziteng. Du Ziteng was calm and composed. When he saw the thick black water, there was no fear in his eyes, and he was even very excited.

Du Ziteng stared at the madly spreading black water and said expectantly:

"Let me experience it myself. This is the power of [Corrosive Bacteria]...”

As soon as the black water touched Du Ziteng, it quickly flowed back to Mo Ci.

Blue spots immediately appeared on Du Ziteng's body, and they were expanding! Mo Ci said with a start: "System, equip [Blood Synthesis Bacteria] with [Beast Characteristics: Venom]..." "Beep!" "Equipment successful!" Mo Ci slowly opened his eyes, looked at the calm Du Ziteng sitting opposite him, and said lightly: "Teacher Du, it's your turn." "Then I have to control the strength..." After that, Du Ziteng burst out with a dark breath! His pale face slowly appeared dense black spots, and then black feathers grew out! A pair of wings flapping with flying black feathers immediately spread out from his back! Mo Ci looked at Du Ziteng sitting opposite him, and at this moment, he had become a complete [Crow of Disaster], with circles of black feathers flying around his body and transformed into a little crow. Mo Ci opened his mouth wide and couldn't help complaining:

"Didn't you say to control the strength? How did it become a complete form?!"

Feeling the pain, Du Ziteng stammered:

"Your [Corrosive Bacteria] is indeed quite capable... I can't underestimate you!"

After that, Du Ziteng controlled the black feather to fall to the ground.

Where it touched, it was like autumn leaves falling on the lake, and a circle of purple ripples immediately appeared.

Layers of ripples interacted, and this large area of ​​grass was infected by the toxin and wilted instantly.

Mo Ci's whole body was instantly covered by this strange toxin,

and his skin began to turn dark purple.

"Beep beep!!"

"[Curse Poison] detected! Converting into Qi and Blood for the host (estimated detoxification time: ∞)..."

Mo Ci secretly exclaimed in his heart:

"What the hell? Infinite?!"

"It seems that as long as I stay in this area infected by toxins, I can't get rid of [Curse Poison]..."

However, since [Blood Synthesis Bacteria] has acquired the [Venom] feature, Mo Ci can already absorb toxins and convert them into Qi and Blood.

This makes the [Curse Poison] that Du Ziteng is proud of have almost no effect on Mo Ci.

The feeling brought by this [Curse Poison] is like being licked by the barbed tongue of a kitten monster.

Numb and tingling.

At this moment, Du Ziteng's whole body is covered with corrosive bacteria.

He is closing his eyes tightly, clenching his teeth, silently enduring the great pain brought by [Corrosive Bacteria].

"This corrosive bacteria can actually cause unspeakable damage to me with a blood value of 6,000!!!"

"But this kid won't last long..."

Du Ziteng thought secretly.

The huge crow's mouth was trembling with pain at this time.

Du Ziteng now realized that this [corrosive bacteria] and toxins are completely different!

Because bacteria and toxins are completely two different concepts!

If toxins are likened to magical damage,

then the gnawing caused by bacteria is the real damage that penetrates deep into the bone marrow!

When Du Ziteng's blood value was only 200 calories, the toxins brought by his [Crow of Disaster] had little effect on creatures with blood values ​​several times higher than his!


This [corrosive bacteria] is completely different!

Du Ziteng's blood value is as high as more than 6,000 calories, more than 30 times higher than Mo Ci, and with the complete form of [Crow of Disaster], he still can't resist the pain brought by [corrosive bacteria]!

This feeling is like all the muscles in the body are tearing apart!

The bones and internal organs of the whole body are like being hit by a hammer!

Especially the brain, which is full of pain and fever!

"Damn it, now I understand why the level 15 wind and thunder elephant can't resist the damage of [Corrosion Bacteria]..."

"It hurts! It hurts too much!"

Du Ziteng closed his eyes tightly, wailing in his heart.


After an unknown period of time, only Du Ziteng's hesitant voice was echoing in the forest.

Du Ziteng thought to himself:

"Mo Ci is motionless, he should have fainted from the poison..."

"This kid has been holding on for a long time... Humph! I admit that your [Corrosion Bacteria] is very strong, but compared with my [Curse Poison], it is still obviously inferior!"

After thinking for a while, Du Ziteng slowly opened his eyes.

Mo Ci, who was sitting opposite him, was lying on the grass, crossing his legs, playing with his hair, and scrolling through his phone out of boredom.

In order not to disturb Du Ziteng, Mo Ci even thoughtfully turned the volume to mute...

He didn't look like someone who was poisoned by the [Curse Poison] at all!

Du Ziteng's eyes widened instantly!

At this moment, his Dao heart was ruined!


————————! ! ! "

Du Ziteng howled and instantly released the complete form of [Crow of Disaster] and changed back to human form.

He kept rolling and pupa on the grass.

He was still shouting: "I don't want to compete anymore! I don't want to compete anymore! I give up! ! ! "

Mo Ci turned off his phone and stood up indifferently, saying disappointedly: "The poisoner has no strength, and he said he was level 60..."

"Beep beep!"

"Detoxification completed! It took 25 minutes and 39 seconds, and the blood value increased by 2 cards! "

Mo Ci waved his hand,

The pain on Du Ziteng's body was not so obvious immediately, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Ci calmly looked at Du Ziteng who slowly stood up.

If it weren't for the effect of [Blood Bacteria], he might really be poisoned to death the moment he came into contact with [Curse Poison].

In fact, Mo Ci didn't expect that his [Corrosive Bacteria] would be so terrible that it could torture a sixth-level warrior to death.

However, he would never have thought that.

There would be someone stupid enough to resist his [Corrosive Bacteria]...

If he was allowed to fight, with Mo Ci now 's strength is no match for Du Ziteng.

In the final analysis, he is too stupid and arrogant.

Mo Ci explained:

"If I hadn't controlled the infection site of [Corrosive Bacteria], I'm afraid you would have only a pool of rotten flesh left on your body..."

Du Ziteng panted as he touched his painful flesh and bones.

His flesh and blood had been riddled with holes, and it seemed that he had to rest for a while.

Du Ziteng trembled and said:

"Mo Ci... let's put the matter of becoming a disciple first. I have an S-level combat skill ball in my ring, you..."

"What did you call me?... It's Tian Gang!!! "


Mo Ci's pupils suddenly lit up like neon lights!

He activated the power of [Spirit Fungus] and controlled Du Ziteng, who was too deeply corroded by [Corrosive Fungus]!

Du Ziteng's eyes suddenly opened, and the same light flashed, and then his legs quickly weakened, and he knelt down with a plop!

He shouted uncontrollably:


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