"What should I name it?"

The tiger mother also fell into deep thought. After thinking for a long time without a clue, she looked at Li Xiao.

"Since we speak people's words, we simply imitate people's names."

Li Xiao suggested: "How about choosing a surname from among hundreds of surnames?"


The tiger mother was walking in the cave: "What word should I choose?"

Li Xiao walked a few steps, pretending to be thinking, and said slowly: "Among the hundreds of surnames, Zhao Qian Sun Li, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang... If you choose a word at random, I think the word 'Li' is the best. The upper tree and the lower child mean that the descendants will have trees to protect them from the sun. There are also allusions such as throwing peaches to send plums, and plums to replace peach sticks. It is said that peaches grow on the well, plum trees grow next to peaches, insects come to eat peach roots, plum trees replace peach sticks, and trees replace each other, and brothers return. Forgetting each other... means that we are brothers who work together to help each other in times of trouble.”

In fact, Li Xiao was biased and deliberately put "Li" in a good light.

"Li Xiao" was his name in his previous life, and it was also the name given by his biological mother in this life.

This name is the foundation of his foundation and cannot be changed.

"How do you know so much?"

The tiger mother looked at the third child in surprise. The third child was raised by her hand and foot. She even taught her how to speak. But she didn't teach her these things. How did the third child know?


Li Xiao realized that he had said too much, so he explained: "I learned it from human mouths. Not long ago, I met a woman in the woods. She told me a lot of knowledge about the human world... By the way, She also said that she would send me some books in a few days.”

This explanation is reasonable.

It is estimated that the little girl Jiang Ziling who was rescued not long ago should be here soon.

"I see."

The tiger mother nodded, without thinking too much, but said: "Lao San, you have to be careful when getting along with humans... Do you want to go back to the human world?"

As soon as he said this, the other monsters in the cave looked at Li Xiao.

Even the tiger mother was a little nervous.

It naturally hopes that the third child can live with them.

But Li Xiao smiled and shook his head: "No, I like the life here."

Hearing this, the tiger mother was very pleased and said happily: "That's great... The mountains and rivers here are beautiful and very nice. It's not like the human world, which is full of intrigues... If you really want to return to the human world, we will I can’t accompany you because my mother discovered that... after becoming a demon, she can’t go down the mountain or leave the scope of the mountain.”

Li Xiao nodded slightly.

He heard this from the flea demon Zero Zero Seven.

Ordinary creatures in the Hundred Thousand Mountains can leave.

But once you become a demon, you will never be able to leave the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Shiwandashan has some special taboos.

When Dahu and Erhu heard that Li Xiao did not want to return to the human world, they were relieved.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's talk about the name first."

The tiger mother was in a good mood and said with a smile: "The word 'Li' is really good when you say it. When brothers work together, they can be as powerful as gold. I hope that you three children can always be united... Let's take the surname Li. What should we choose next?" Character...."

After saying that, it looked at Li Xiao again: "Lao San, I don't know what to call it. You have had contact with humans, so why don't you come and get it."

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obey."

Li Xiao nodded, looked at Tiger Mother and said, "Mom, let me give you a name first..."

Li Xiao thought as he walked towards the outside of the cave.

The demons followed him and walked out of the cave.

Looking from a distance outside the cave, the scenery of this mountain is very good. It is almost winter now, the weather is slightly cooler, and the mountains in the distance are surrounded by white air, like a bridge of clouds.

Li Xiao couldn't help but think of the poems he had learned in his previous life, and said with emotion: "The white cloud spring on Tianping Mountain, the clouds are careless and the water is free... Yunquan, mother, how about you call me Li Yunquan?"

The name is taken from a poem, which is also a common naming method.

"Li Yunquan, a nice name."

The tiger mother's brows were filled with joy, showing excitement like a young girl.

Actually speaking, after it became a demon, its lifespan was increased.

Even in the enlightenment stage, he can live for two hundred years.

Tiger Mother is actually only four years old now. Based on a lifespan of two hundred years, compared to the age of a child among humans, she is naturally simple-minded.

The tiger mother said happily: "Okay, from now on, my name will be Li Yunquan."

"Poet, you are actually a poet!"

The flea demon Ling Lingqi was extremely envious and said dumbly: "I heard that only an elegant demon can write poetry because of the family background in the City of Ten Thousand Demons. Your name really sounds good."

It's not like his name, Zero Zero Seven, it's too ugly...

After choosing this good name, Sister Dahu and Erhu looked at Li Xiao expectantly.

"It's the eldest sister's turn next."

Li Xiao looked at Sister Dahu with a smile, and then looked at the mountains again, looking for inspiration.

After a while, Li Xiao wrote another poem: "No one is watching the light rain all day long, and the mandarin ducks are bathing in red clothes facing each other... It is raining. How about calling the eldest sister Li Weiyu?"

Li Xiao discovered that after Sister Dahu regained her consciousness, her voice was soft and hazy, like rain falling on a green mountain, which matched her very well.

"Li Weiyu..."

There is no need to delve into the meaning of a good-sounding name, it can move people's hearts once it is heard. Sister Dahu immediately showed joy and murmured: "It sounds good... From today on, I have a name, I have a name..."

Maybe humans can't understand it. When a beast that feeds on hair and drinks blood suddenly wakes up and gets its own name, the joy in its heart cannot be described in words.

Now, Ling Lingqi on the side was even more envious.

These names are too nice, aren’t they?

Li Yunquan, Li Weiyu....

They are nothing like my own name, Ling Lingqi.

Even the former king’s name “Xiong San” is so unfashionable.

Compared with these names, the difference is like heaven and earth.

“Third brother, what about me? There is also me.”

Erhu saw that his mother and eldest sister both had nice names, and he turned around anxiously, wagging his tail and staring at Li Xiao.

"Don't be impatient." Li Xiao thought for a moment and said, "You are a tiger. Now that you have changed your surname to Li, why don't you be called Li Hu?"

"Li Hu..."

Er Hu was a little dissatisfied and said, "Third brother, you are a little biased. Mother and elder sister both have good poems. Why am I so ordinary?"

"What's ordinary?"

Li Xiao smiled and said, "The tiger is the king of beasts. You are a male tiger. In the future, you will be the king of the mountains. It is domineering to take the word 'tiger'. Li Hu, what a domineering name!"

After hearing this explanation, Er Hu immediately felt that it was good.

Yes, he is a male tiger and can't be as fussy as a woman.

Li Hu is the most suitable for himself.

"Li Hu! My name is Li Hu! Hahahaha!"

Er Hu laughed loudly and roared towards the mountains and forests, making a long whistle: "Awoo-Awoo--"

Suddenly, the birds on the branches of the trees and forests were startled and flew away, and the branches trembled.

"Old Three, what's your name?"

Li Yunquan's eyes fell on Li Xiao, "You should give yourself a name too."


Li Xiao nodded slightly, and after a long silence, he slowly said: "Wind, Cloud, Moon, Dew, Free and Easy..."

This was the name his mother gave him in the hope that he could survive.

He murmured: "I...will be called Li Xiao."

At this moment, the word "Li Xiao" is no longer just a name in his heart.

Nine months ago, in these 100,000 mountains.

A woman left her own flesh and blood in this mountain when she was desperate.

She used herself as bait to lure away the pursuers in exchange for the possibility of the child's survival.

At the time of parting, she named the child "Li Xiao".

Hope that he can survive and live a free and easy life.

And the word Li Xiao finally came into being at this moment.

In these 100,000 mountains...officially!

I, Li Xiao, am here!

All those who want to hurt me and my loved ones.

Get ready...to welcome my arrival!

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