The following days.

Tiger mother Li Yunquan, eldest sister Li Weiyu, and second brother Li Hu are all practicing in seclusion in the cave.

Eat spiritual wine and refine spiritual wine.

In this way, the cultivation level improves very quickly.

The fastest is Tiger Mother Li Yunquan. She has already awakened. She often bathes in the aura of heaven and earth and feels the flow of aura. Although her Taoism is not deep, she has a slight understanding of the way of cultivation.

The flea demon Ling Ling Qi also explained to him how the demon should practice.

In this way, in the evening of the second day.

Tiger mother Li Yunquan suddenly felt the flow of spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

The aura in its eyes seemed to have colors... red and white aura!

"I can see aura!"

Li Yunquan opened his eyes and said suddenly.

"When a creature becomes a demon, it is accompanied by its own magical power!"

Ling Lingqi guided from the side: "Quickly, close your eyes and comprehend carefully."

"I'm going to break through..."

Li Yunquan looked happy, and immediately followed Ling Lingqi's instructions, closing his eyes and feeling where his natal magical power was.

After closing your eyes.

Its body seemed to have entered endless darkness.

It groped in the darkness.

I don’t know when...

A little light appeared, and immediately, Li Yunquan, the fierce tiger, chased the light.

Chase after chase, the light is getting closer and closer.

Eventually it turned into a little flame.

Li Yunquan opened his tiger's mouth and bit into the flame.

Who knows, the flames are getting bigger and hotter!

It felt the heat in its mouth was unbearable, so it opened its mouth and wanted to spit out the flames.

At this moment, Li Yunquan opened his eyes and understood that he had achieved a successful breakthrough!

Spirit Gathering Realm - you can gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and turn it into your own use to show your magical powers and demon skills!

"My natal magical power - Samadhi True Fire!"


Li Yunquan's tiger's mouth spurted out blazing fire.

Immediately, the forest outside the tiger's den instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, burning with crackling fire!

"It's done, haha, it's done!!!"

Ling Lingqi shouted in surprise: "You, this tiger, have great talent. Even though you ate the spiritual ginseng treasure, your breakthrough was too fast. It's terrifying, terrifying. With your own magical power, you are still the strongest among the tiger monsters." 'Samadhi True Fire'!"

Every creature that becomes a demon does not have the same magical powers that come with it.

Even if it is the same demon, the awakened supernatural powers may not be the same.

For example, after a tiger becomes a demon, there are many kinds of natal magical powers that can be awakened: Samadhi True Fire, Nine Heavens Ice, Palm Controlling Demons, Divine Gang Tiger Roar... as many as more than a dozen.

The most powerful among them is the Samadhi True Fire. When cultivated to the extreme, it can burn everything in the world. The flame will not be extinguished when exposed to water. Even if there is nothing, it can continue to burn for seven days and seven nights!

Ling Lingqi felt that she really followed the right person.

Not to mention King Li Xiao.

Just this tiger who has awakened the 'Samadhi True Fire', given time, will definitely be many times stronger than the king before him!


Tiger mother Li Yunquan did not stop. Another light spot appeared in her mind. She bit down again. This time, her mouth seemed to have swallowed the Nine Nether Spring, which was bone-chillingly cold.

"My natal magical power - Nine Heavens Ice!"

Li Yunquan swallowed again, and this time he exhaled a burst of cold air. The cold air was rolling, and the forest that had been burned was instantly frozen again.

Under the two heavens of ice and fire, the strong temperature difference caused the trees to instantly turn into powder and fly away with the wind.

"Oh my God! Horrible, terrible!"

Zero Zero Seven shouted again: "The two innate magical powers are Samadhi True Fire and Nine Heavens Ice. What is awakened are the tiger demon's strongest magical powers. Queen Mother, Queen Mother, pay homage to Queen Mother!!!"

Ling Zero Qi was extremely excited. The stronger the king is, the more benefits he will get for his subordinates.

At least, when the former king comes to visit, he will be able to fight.

Li Yunquan felt that the spiritual power in his body was losing a lot and could not sustain such consumption, so he hurriedly put away his ice breath.

Immediately, it looked at the flea demon and said, "Why do you call me Queen Mother?"

Ling Lingqi said: "You are the king's mother. If you don't call her the Queen Mother, what else would you call her?"

Li Yunquan: "......"

This guy is really attached to the flames. Before the breakthrough, he called him by his name.

After the breakthrough, you immediately called yourself Queen Mother?

"Congratulations, mother, congratulations, mother!"

At this time, Li Xiao came from afar, walked from the trees, dropped a wild deer from the sky, and congratulated: "My mother has made a breakthrough now, and her life span will be as long as the Southern Mountains."

The lifespan of a demon in the spirit-gathering stage will be increased by another two hundred years.

Li Yunquan smiled and said: "It's not all thanks to you as a good son, otherwise, how could a mother have made such a breakthrough so quickly?"

"This is what children should do."

Li Xiao was naturally extremely happy.

The most fearful thing is that the child wants to be taken care of but cannot be cared for.

Now that we can return the favor and fulfill our filial piety, it should be now!

"Congratulations, mother!" "Congratulations, mother!"

Li Weiyu and Li Hu on the side also said congratulations.

"To celebrate my mother's breakthrough today, I'm here to cook and make honey barbecue!"

Li Xiao laughed and said, this kind of life is really a fairy.

"Okay! Let's celebrate!"

Ling Lingqi immediately shouted: "Your Majesty, I'm going to add firewood, no one can snatch it from me!"

In the past two days, Ling Lingqi ate the cooked food cooked by Li Xiao and was shocked.

Even if the demons are enlightened, most of them still maintain the habits of the beast period and eat raw food.

Where do they know how to cook food?

After eating the cooked food made by Li Xiao, I no longer wanted to go back to eat raw meat.

After arranging the firewood, Tiger Mom Li Yunquan opened her mouth slightly, and a flame ignited the firewood.

Now, the effort of drilling wood to make fire was saved.

After the firewood was burned, Li Xiao put the wild deer on the rack and began to turn it over for grilling. When it was half cooked, Li Xiao took out the mineral salt picked from the mountain from the seasoning jar and smeared it.

The grilled meat sizzled and glossy.

When it was eight-tenths cooked, it was smeared with spiritual honey to make it more shiny.

The aroma was so fragrant that the monsters surrounded the fire and drooled.

"Let's eat."

Li Xiao stood up and divided the meat, giving the most to his mother and the rest equally.

As for the flea monster, it had a small appetite, so it was enough to give a small piece of meat from the deer's buttocks.

Although it was eating buttocks meat, the flea monster did not dislike it at all, and ate it with oil dripping from its mouth.

It was originally a flea. Before it became a monster, it even ate feces, let alone meat.

[Energy +100]

[Energy +100]

[Energy +100]...

The deer meat smeared with spiritual honey does not add many energy points.

This is because, as I grow older, my digestive ability improves, and my skill [Heaven·Swallowing Heaven] improves my digestive ability a lot, so there are fewer nutrients that cannot be digested.

It is estimated that it will become more and more difficult to increase energy in the future.

But it doesn't matter, it's not a loss.

Food is digested by myself, and it can also enhance my physical fitness.

In the past two days, I ate spiritual objects, spiritual wine, and spiritual pills every day, and the energy tank was only full once.

But the effect was not wasted.

After the body absorbed these nutrients, the physical fitness points increased by 30 points.

There are still 5 energy points left.

"It's so delicious, it's not enough..."

The second brother Li Hu quickly finished the barbecue and began to look at others.

It didn't dare to snatch the mother, the eldest sister, and the third brother's.

In the end, it snatched the butt meat of Ling Lingqi and ate it.

"My king....make the decision for me..."

Ling Lingqi looked bitter.

Li Xiao pretended not to hear.

"Greedy ghost."

Ling Lingqi had no choice but to roll his eyes at Li Hu.

Li Hu pretended not to hear.

At this time, Li Xiao's ears moved, and with the help of [Heaven·Tongyou], he sensed that a woman in the distance called "senior", which should be Jiang Ziling.

"Second brother, stop eating, help me bring a friend back."

Li Xiao looked at Li Hu and ordered: "Twenty-five miles northwest...a sixteen-year-old girl, don't scare the little girl."

"Okay, third brother."

Li Hu reluctantly dropped the food, got up and ran towards the northwest.

"Thank you, my king!"

The flea demon was grateful and pounced on the meat that Li Hu had left.

Although there was only a small half left, it was still there, wasn't it?

Although the king didn't say it, he still felt sorry for me in his heart! ! !

"Thank me for what?"

Li Xiao was slightly stunned, and then understood.

This flea monster is really overthinking.

I just think that the second brother is more suitable.

Letting a flea lead people is a bit uncool...

Serious senior, who would command a flea?

Commanding a tiger is so majestic!

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