In just a few days, the news of the emperor's wedding spread throughout Wanling.

At this time, a prostitute's escape was being staged in a county town nearly a thousand miles away from the capital.

It was just dawn, and the brothel girl saw that the guest next to her was sleeping soundly, so she quietly put on her clothes and got out of bed.

She bent down and took out the bundle that had been prepared long ago from under the bed, and turned her head to look at the ugly man in the red tent.

The brothel girl was none other than Jiang Jiaojiao, who left the capital with the rich businessman surnamed Yang.

The newly recognized cousin took good care of her along the way and promised to send her to where she wanted to go.

On the third day after leaving the capital, the so-called cousin said that he was going to deliver goods to the south and would not pass by Anlu County where her father worked for the time being. After unloading the goods, he would take a detour to send her to Anlu County.

The cousin also told her that it was far to Anlu County and it was not peaceful along the way. Jiang Jiaojiao did not have much silver and money, so she could only continue to move forward with the caravan.

A few days later, when they passed by a small town, the innkeeper said that there was only one room besides the big bunk bed.

The big bunk bed was full of peddlers and hawkers, and it was stinking and full of men. Jiang Jiaojiao didn't dare to sleep on the big bunk bed.

The cousin immediately confessed to her, saying how much he liked her and praised Jiang Jiaojiao.

He said that as long as Jiang Jiaojiao was willing, he would divorce his wife and marry her as his principal wife.

Jiang Jiaojiao was originally like a lonely boat drifting on the sea, without support, she was like a drowning person, and the cousin's promise was like someone handing her a life-saving wood, and she hugged it tightly without hesitation.

That night she committed herself to the man, and after a night of spring wind and rain, Jiang Jiaojiao knew in her heart that this man was her only hope of turning over.

She tried her best to please the man, even in the bumpy carriage when she was on the road, she let the cousin do whatever he wanted.

Along the way, the cousin treated her very well, coaxing her with good food and drink.

However, the good times didn't last long. The cousin's novelty towards her soon disappeared, and he even asked her to serve the brothers in the caravan.

At first, she strongly opposed it, and she didn't know when her bag disappeared.

She realized that she had fallen into the trap of the cousin. She was a weak woman, penniless, and had no relatives.

She realized that people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

From sharing a room with her cousin to sleeping on a big bunk bed.

The bunk bed was stinking, snoring at night, rats and cockroaches crawling over her head at night, rustling, and making goose bumps all over her body. She was so scared that she couldn't sleep all night.

After a few days, she cried and begged the cousin to give her some money for the journey because she had served him all the way, so that she could go to Anlu County to reunite with her family.

"Sister, why are you in such a hurry? We can send you to Anlu County after we sell the goods. These goods of mine are used to support the families of the brothers. If you want to save more money, wash the clothes of the brothers every day. This can also be regarded as an additional income."

Jiang Jiaojiao had no choice but to take over all the dirty work in the caravan.

Jiang Jiaojiao lived by counting copper coins every day. No matter how she counted, the money was never enough. She wanted to serve her cousin to get more money.

The cousin got another virgin from somewhere, and she had no chance to get close to him.

From early spring to late summer, Jiang Jiaojiao saved several taels of silver, but the caravan went further and further away, and the silver in her hand was still out of reach.

When the caravan sold the goods in the south, those people had money in their hands, and many of them lost interest in Jiang Jiaojiao and were willing to pay a high price to visit the brothels beside the official road.

The caravan bought the goods in the south and headed back, one morning after the beginning of autumn.

Jiang Jiaojiao woke up and found herself lying in a woodshed.

The bag beside her disappeared again, and what greeted her was the warning of the pimp and the intimidation of the madam.

The cheap brothel didn't need her to know any music, chess, calligraphy and painting. No matter how she boasted about her music, chess, calligraphy and painting, the madam didn't even look at her, and asked her to wash and dress up to receive customers.

The brothel was not far from the official road, and the people coming and going were all hard laborers and gangsters.

Jiang Jiaojiao was miserable. She used to live a life of luxury, but now she was being ravaged by the low-class people she looked down on.

After winter, she was so angry that she bit her silver teeth when she learned about the emperor's wedding with Jiang Shuyue.

Jiang Jiaojiao learned that two pimps fell ill in the building yesterday, and she thought that today was a good time to escape.

She didn't want to stay in this dirty place. She saw with her own eyes how miserable the sisters in the brothel were when they died of syphilis.

She wanted to find her father and ask him to go back to the capital to ask the queen. As long as her father was recognized as the father-in-law of the emperor, she still had the hope of marrying a rich man.

Jiang Jiaojiao looked back and saw a purse next to the man's pillow.

This place was still far away from Anlu County. If she had no money, she could only beg along the way.

A woman without money could fall into the clutches of others at any time.

She gritted her teeth and reached for the purse.

Unexpectedly, the purse was half pressed under the pillow by the man. With this force, the man woke up instantly.

"What are you doing, you bitch?" The man sat up suddenly and glared.

Jiang Jiaojiao was so scared that her soul flew away. There were rules in the building. If you stole the money of the guests, you would be severely punished by the pimp.

She quickly threw the bag in her hand to the ground and said with a smile, "I was going to wash clothes, and when I saw that your cloth bag was dirty, I thought of helping you wash it."

"You have to travel after lunch, so you don't need to wash it."

The man didn't suspect that she wanted to steal his purse, and reached out to grab Jiang Jiaojiao's arm.

"I paid for the night, you have to serve me until noon."

The ugly man stared at the faint ravine under Jiang Jiaojiao's thin gauze with his lustful eyes.

"Master, I'm here, ah..."

Before Jiang Jiaojiao could climb onto the bed, the man pulled her down with his big hand, and her knees hit the edge of the bed heavily.

Before she could recover from the pain, the man roughly pulled off her underwear and pressed hard.

"Master, it hurts, my knees hurt."

The man didn't care whether she was in pain or not. He paid for sex and just wanted to vent his lust.

Jiang Jiaojiao lay on the bed with her waist bent, and sweat dripped down her forehead in pain.

She was extremely anxious. If the man pestered her for too long, she would have no chance to escape.

After about a cup of tea, the man vented his lust and pinched her round buttocks before pushing her away.

"Wait on the bed. I'll come back after I go to the toilet."

The man was strong and muscular, and Jiang Jiaojiao was tormented by him for half the night last night.

She was exhausted physically and mentally, and she shuddered when she thought that it was still a few hours before noon.

The toilet was on the first floor, and Jiang Jiaojiao estimated that the man would not be back for a while, so she got up and dressed as quickly as possible.

She didn't care about the injury on her knee, she got out of bed, picked up her bag, and tiptoed downstairs.

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