At this time, most of the girls in the building were still asleep. Passing by a room where there were guests staying overnight, there was a man's heavy breathing.

Jiang Jiaojiao took off her shoes and held them in her hand, quickening her pace to go downstairs.

When she walked downstairs, the night watchman was not in the lobby on the first floor.

The front and back doors were locked from the inside, and Jiang Jiaojiao had already watched the road.

To escape, the only way was to go out through the window of a bathroom at the back.

There was a window that could be pushed open from the inside. The window was not big, and people with a slightly fat body could not get out.

Jiang Jiaojiao had been tortured for nearly a year since she left the capital. She had already lost a whole circle of weight.

She closed the door and opened the window. First, she threw the bag out, and then climbed onto the windowsill with her hands and feet.

Her head and neck stretched out smoothly, and she was overjoyed to see that there was no one in the bamboo forest behind.

Great, she was finally going to escape from this devil's cave.

Just when she was overjoyed, she found that her breasts were too big and were stuck.

The place that she used to be proud of, now she wanted to cut it with a knife.

She didn't care about the pain, moved her head back a little, stretched out an arm, and tried to go out sideways.

Seeing that her upper body finally squeezed out little by little, suddenly there was a piercing sound, and the thin gauze on her chest was torn open.

It took a lot of effort to get out, and the morning breeze blew, and Jiang Jiaojiao shivered.

In order to make them show their figures and seduce men, the mothers in the building gave them thin and transparent dresses that were looming.

There was a charcoal basin in the building, so she didn't feel cold. When she came out, her clothes seemed out of place in this season.

Seeing that the morning mist gradually dissipated, Jiang Jiaojiao didn't care about the cold, grabbed the bag on the ground and ran to the path outside the bamboo forest.

At the other end, the man came out of the toilet and walked upstairs in a swagger.

As he walked, he recalled the taste of the woman. In this brothel, the woman was pretty, especially her towering breasts, which made him dry his mouth.

He spent a whole tael of silver, and he had to enjoy it before he stopped.

When the man returned to the house with great interest, he was dumbfounded. There was no trace of the woman on the bed.

"Quick, come quickly, the girl in your building ran away!"

The man shouted and called everyone in the building.

"Who? Who ran away?"

"It was Miss Jiaojiao who ran away!"

A girl recognized the man who stayed in Jiang Jiaojiao's room at a glance.

"Quick, look where she ran from!"

The madam didn't even put on her clothes, she grabbed a thin coat and ran downstairs.

The two pimps who were infected with the cold heard that someone had run away, and they didn't care about the discomfort all over their bodies, and they rolled out of the house.

The madam ran downstairs to check quickly and saw that the door of the bathroom was closed.

He raised his foot and kicked the bathroom door. The wooden door was bolted from the inside. The madam was too weak and the door creaked but did not budge.

The two men went to the front door.

The man who stayed overnight quickly put on his coat and ran downstairs. Seeing that the madam could not kick the door open, he asked, "Is someone hiding inside?"

Seeing that the man was tall and strong, the madam quickly stepped aside and said, "The whore is silent. Help me catch her. As long as I catch her, I will let her serve you for three days without paying a penny."

The man was overjoyed when he heard this. He had nothing important to do anyway, so what was wrong with staying for three more days?

The man kicked hard and the door opened with a loud bang.

"Chase her quickly. The whore jumped out of the window and escaped."

"Does mom keep her word?" The man asked the madam after glancing at the back window.

The madam nodded hurriedly and said without thinking: "It counts. A gentleman's word is as good as a promise. It counts absolutely."

The man looked out of the window and saw that the dead leaves on the ground had been stepped on.

The man identified the direction and asked the pimp to open the back door. Everyone saw that the man was walking briskly and soon disappeared beside the bamboo forest.

Jiang Jiaojiao looked back while running. Seeing that no one was chasing her, she lifted her skirt and ran towards the official road.

She thought that as long as she ran onto the official road and met a passing carriage, she would be saved.

On the way to the official road, she would pass by a street where a breakfast shop was open for business.

Seeing Jiang Jiaojiao's dress, she was recognized as a prostitute in the building at a glance.

No one wanted to meddle in other people's business, so everyone watched her running all the way.

After a while, the man caught up with her along the road.

The man stopped at the crossroads, walked to the door of the bun shop and asked the shopkeeper, "Excuse me, shopkeeper, have you seen a woman in a pink gauze skirt passing by?"

The bun shop owner saw the man's ferocious look and raised his finger to point in the direction where Jiang Jiaojiao ran away.

"Thank you." The man clasped his fists and continued to chase her.

When he chased to the official road, the man saw Jiang Jiaojiao reaching out to stop a passing carriage from a distance.

"Sir, please take me a ride." Jiang Jiaojiao almost begged.

The coachman looked at her with contempt, "Which building did you run from? Get out of the way. We don't want to get involved in a lawsuit."

"Sir, I am a rich lady, not a girl from the building. I was kidnapped here by robbers." Jiang Jiaojiao reached out and grabbed the shaft of the carriage and refused to let go.

The curtain of the carriage was opened, and a man inside said with a stern face: "Get out of here, it's bad luck, you can fool a ghost with this, who would become a prostitute!"

"My father is..."

Jiang Jiaojiao wanted to say her father's name, but she thought that this place was far away from the capital, and no one would know who her father was. "

"My elder sister is the queen, the current queen! If you don't believe me, you can send me to the capital, and my elder sister will definitely reward you handsomely."

"Nonsense, I happen to know the queen's family, you whore, don't throw dirty water on Lord Su's family."

The man's disgusted eyes made Jiang Jiaojiao shudder.

Yes, with her appearance, who would believe that she is the queen's half-sister.

The driver waved the whip in his hand and was about to whip her, Jiang Jiaojiao quickly let go and watched the carriage rushing away from her.

She gritted her teeth, lifted her skirt and ran forward again.

Before she ran a few steps, a big hand came from behind.

When she saw clearly that the man who came was the man who had sex with her last night, she had already been carried on the man's shoulders.

"Master, please let me go, I am the queen's sister." Jiang Jiaojiao repeated the words of pleading.

The man grinned and said, "I am the Queen's brother-in-law. You can only lie to a three-year-old child with such nonsense. Come back with me and serve me well. I may redeem you if I am happy."

The man's arms were like iron hoops, and Jiang Jiaojiao could not move at all.

Back to the brothel, before she could stand firmly, the madam slapped her in the face.

"You bitch, I spent two hundred taels of silver to buy you. I fed you well and fed you well, and I also nurtured your ambition!"

"Mom, I was confused for a while. I heard that my elder sister entered the palace and became the queen, so I thought about returning to Beijing. Please let me go. I am willing to give you ten times or a hundred times the silver, just please let me go back to Beijing."

Jiang Jiaojiao cried bitterly and knelt down to beg for mercy.

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