The two of them were married, and the two of them were married.

Du Wanchun placed Lady Liu in Zhang Qiuhe's home.

Zhang Qiuhe and her son were usually quiet at home, but after Lady Liu came, their home became lively.

Lady Liu had some money from her rouge business in recent years, so she bought a lot of good things when she came to Zhang Qiuhe's home.

There were cakes, fish, meat, some quilts and fabrics, and some small sugar figures for Zhang Qiuhe's children.

Lady Liu changed her clothes and told others that she was Zhou's cousin from the capital. The villagers believed her because she looked beautiful and did not look like a farmer.

These days, Prefect Zheng came to Cheng'an County to investigate the burning of Liu's Rouge Shop. In order to avoid trouble, Du Wanchun and Zhou Ruiyuan did not go to the shop. They stayed at home to help Aunt Zhou make incense.

"Wanchun, here is the fragrant rice cake that mother just made. Try it." Aunt Zhou took out a plate of white, plump, round millet cakes and brought it to Du Wanchun.

Now the incense shop has Du Wanchun and Aunt Wang's eldest aunt to help. Whenever Aunt Zhou is free, she will think about making delicious food for Du Wanchun.

Of course, every time she makes it secretly when the Third Prince goes to the fields.

Otherwise, if the Third Prince is at home, he will not let Aunt Zhou enter the kitchen at all.

Du Wanchun took the cake brought by Aunt Zhou and took a bite. It was soft and soft in the mouth, with a faint rice fragrance mixed with the fragrance of osmanthus, sweet.

She said quickly, "Mother, the rice cakes you made are really delicious."

Mrs. Zhou was very happy to hear this and said quickly, "It's good that they are delicious. This is my first time making them and I don't know if you like them."

Du Wanchun ate several of them in a row and nodded repeatedly, "Delicious, mother, you should eat some too."

As she said this, she picked up a piece of millet cake and handed it to Mrs. Zhou.

Mrs. Zhou took it in her hand and ate it, "If you like it, eat more. I will make it for you next time."

Du Wanchun smiled and nodded.

Mrs. Zhou got up and wiped her hands, then walked towards the kitchen with a smile, "You eat first, I'll go clean up the kitchen, otherwise your third uncle will be angry again when he comes back."

Du Wanchun said with a curved eyebrow, "Mother, don't worry, even if the third uncle comes back, he won't dare to be angry with you."

This is true.

No matter how fierce the Third Prince is, he never speaks loudly to Mrs. Zhou.

Even if he stamped his feet in anger, he was very obedient in front of Aunt Zhou.

Aunt Zhou smiled and turned to go into the kitchen.

Du Wanchun stood up with the cakes and went to her room.

In more than a month, Zhou Ruiyuan will go to Qingzhou Prefecture to take the exam. He has been practicing calligraphy for the provincial exam these days.

His handwriting in the past was too obvious and could be easily discovered by the emperor and officials in Beijing. In order to hide his handwriting, he has been practicing writing with his left hand these days.

The words written with his left hand are completely different from before, but a little uglier, and he needs to practice more.

"Husband." Du Wanchun came to his side with a rice cake, "Try the rice cake made by mother."

Zhou Ruiyuan put down the pen in his hand, looked up at her, and said softly: "Mother made it specially for you to eat, you keep it and eat it slowly."

Du Wanchun handed a piece of rice cake to him and looked at the words he wrote, "Husband, your handwriting is really beautiful."

Zhou Ruiyuan spread out the paper and smiled: "You only know how to praise me. This handwriting is really not good, but it doesn't matter, it should be enough for the county trial."

After he finished speaking, he put his arm around Du Wanchun's waist, put his ear gently on her belly, and asked in a low and gentle voice: "Is this little guy making trouble?"

As the months went by, the baby's fetal movement in her belly became more and more obvious, occasionally waking Du Wanchun up in the middle of the night

Du Wanchun looked down at her slightly bulging belly and smiled, "It's a little noisy, but it just happens to show that he is in good health."

Zhou Ruiyuan took out a pen and wrote two words on the table, one "Yi" and the other "Yu".

Du Wanchun looked at it and asked in confusion, "Husband, what is this?"

Zhou Ruiyuan pointed at the two words and said, "If the child is a boy, then call him Zhou Yi, if it's a girl, call him Zhou Yu."

Du Wanchun chuckled, "Are you naming our child?"

Zhou Ruiyuan put his face against her waist and looked up at her, "Yes, a name for our child."

Du Wanchun took the paper with the two words in her hand and looked at it again and again, "Isn't it too early now?"

Zhou Ruiyuan raised his hand and gently stroked her belly, "It's not too early, in a few months

He is about to be born. "

Du Wanchun looked down at Zhou Ruiyuan, reached out and gently stroked his hair, her face full of expectation.

Because it was their first child, they, as new mothers, had been looking forward to the child being born earlier.

They often sketched the child's outline late at night, thinking of giving him the best things in the world.

"Husband, if you pass the provincial examination this time, will you return to the capital?" Du Wanchun asked him.

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