The exam was too early, but the exam was too late.

Zhou Ruiyuan replied, "It's still early. I've passed the provincial exam this time, and I'll have to wait until March next year for the imperial exam."

Du Wanchun breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Ruiyuan hugged her tightly, "Don't worry, I'll take you and the child with me wherever I go, because home is where you and the child are."

Du Wanchun felt warm at heart and gently brushed his long black hair.

Zhou Ruiyuan took a piece of cake from the table and handed it to her mouth, "Eat it quickly, or it will get cold later."

Du Wanchun took a bite and chewed the cake slowly, and found that it was not only sweet in her mouth, but also in her heart.

The child in her belly seemed to feel the joy of her mother, and her little arms and legs kicked.

Du Wanchun felt it and called out softly, "Ouch."

Zhou Ruiyuan quickly let her go, and approached her belly and said in an extremely stern tone, "Don't kick your mother. When you come out, be careful or I'll spank you."

As soon as he said this, Du Wanchun found that the baby in her belly really calmed down.

Zhou Ruiyuan smiled gently, "This child is so obedient, she must be a girl."

Du Wanchun gently placed her hand on her belly and smiled, "Since my husband has given the child a full name, I will give the child a nickname."

Zhou Ruiyuan nodded slightly, "What do you think is a good name, madam?"

Du Wanchun pondered for a moment, "Let's call her Mianmian."

Zhou Ruiyuan asked in confusion, "Mianmian?"

Du Wanchun explained to him, "Look, my name is Wanchun, which means spring, and your name Ruiyuan means deep rain. Add Mianmian, and it means spring rain."

"Mianmian..." Zhou Ruiyuan muttered softly, and then smiled, "Okay, spring rain is continuous, love is continuous, I will be with you forever, and never separate."

Du Wanchun blushed and nodded heavily, "That's right."

Zhou Ruiyuan pulled her to sit on his lap and hugged her tightly in his arms.

At night, the third prince returned home early and helped Aunt Zhou cook a large table of dishes. Now the business in the shop is getting better and better, and life is much better than before.

In the past, I couldn't even bear to eat minced meat, but now I can eat meat every two or three days.

Zhou Zhao returned home with three big crucian carps, "Mom, there are more and more fish in our pond. How about catching some tomorrow and drying them to make dried fish?"

Aunt Zhou smiled and replied, "Okay, by the way, I will send them to your Aunt Wang and Aunt Du at that time."

Zhou Zhao smiled and said, "Okay, Mom."

He put the fish in the basin in the yard, then washed his hands and went into the house.

The chickens and ducks in the yard were all asleep, and they clucked when they heard the noise.

At this time, someone outside the house called out, "Is Shopkeeper Zhou at home?"

Du Wanchun looked out and saw that it was the eldest brother of the Sun family. She was puzzled and hurried into the house to tell Aunt Zhou about it.

Aunt Zhou was surprised and asked, "What is he doing here?"

Du Wanchun shook her head, "Mother, tell my husband, my third brother and the third prince not to go out. I'll go ask him."

Mother Zhou frowned and said, "No, how can I let you go alone?"

Du Wanchun held her hand and said, "Mother, it's okay. I'm just going to ask him what he wants to do."

As she said that, she glanced into the room, "But you and my husband, don't come out. This old man Sun has been to the palace, and I don't know if he has seen you."

Mother Zhou's face darkened when she heard this.

Du Wanchun took advantage of her distraction, let go of her hand, and slowly walked out.

"I'm the shopkeeper of the Zhou family. What do you want to see me for?" Du Wanchun asked the eldest brother of the Sun family.

The eldest brother of the Sun family was wearing a reddish-brown suit, and was accompanied by two servants. When he saw Du Wanchun, he said arrogantly, "Did you open the Zhou family's incense shop?"

Du Wanchun said slowly, "Yes, I opened it. I don't know if this master..."

Before she finished speaking, the eldest brother of the Sun family snorted coldly and said, "I thought she was a powerful figure, but I didn't expect she was a woman!"

Du Wanchun's eyes were cold, "What do you want from me, master?"

After looking around the yard, the eldest brother of the Sun family raised his eyebrows and said, "I will pay one thousand taels of silver to buy your two incense shops and your incense shop."

As he said that, he pointed to the incense shop in the yard.

Du Wanchun was a little surprised, "Master, your family is also in the business of a perfume shop?"

The eldest brother of the Sun family raised his chin and said, "Our family is in the business of rouge, the largest rouge shop in Beijing, but I heard that your perfume shop is also doing well, so I want to try it."

Du Wanchun lowered his eyes and smiled, "Master, our perfume shop

"I won't sell it."

The eldest brother of the Sun family was stunned, "What? You won't sell it for one thousand taels of silver?"

Du Wanchun shook his head, "I won't sell it."

The eldest brother of the Sun family had some anger in his eyes, and said sternly: "She is just a peasant woman, but she doesn't even look down on one thousand taels of silver. Tell me! How much silver will you sell it for? !"

Du Wanchun frowned and said slowly word by word: "No matter how much silver, we won't sell it."

The eldest brother of the Sun family looked at Du Wanchun with wide eyes, "Oh, you little lady, you want to make things difficult for our Sun family!"

Du Wanchun deliberately raised his tone and said: "Sun family? Which Sun family? I don't think I have heard of any Sun family in Cheng'an County!"

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