In fact, they could just hire more people for these jobs.

But Zhou Ruiyuan and Aunt Zhou were afraid that too many people would attract attention, so they hired more than 30 relatively familiar people.

Du Wanchun looked at Zhou Ruiyuan's back under the scorching sun, and her mind couldn't help but recall a memory she had forgotten.

In the sky full of colorful clouds, she squatted in front of a small fairy plant to water it.

A woman walked up to her and asked, "Wanchun, what are you doing?"

She looked down at the fairy plant and replied, "I'm watering it. My eldest and second brothers said that if I can keep this fairy plant alive, they will take me down to play."

The woman squatted down with him, "Then can I help you save this fairy plant?"

Du Wanchun looked up at the woman, smiled and nodded, "Okay, mother."

The woman waved at the fairy plant lightly, and soon the fairy plant, which had been a little withered, stood up with its head held high, and a green spiritual light spread.

The small fairy plant turned into a little boy in green clothes.

The little boy looked about the same age as Du Wanchun now.

You two looked at each other, with two pairs of big eyes staring at each other.

At this time, a man came over, gently hugged the woman, and asked, "Yue'er, what's wrong?"

The woman spread her hands and said, "Wanchun wanted me to save this fairy plant, but I seem to have used too much force."

The man laughed, touched the heads of little Wanchun and the little fairy plant, and said with a smile, "Nothing, it just so happens that Wanchun in our family also lacks a playmate, let them grow up together in the future."

The woman laughed when she heard it, "Okay."

Du Wanchun saw that the little boy's eyebrows and eyes in her memory were somewhat familiar. After thinking carefully, wasn't this Zhou Ruiyuan?

Unexpectedly, their fate started from here.

The memory in her mind continued.

She held the little boy's hand and played in the fairy pond, only to hear the woman and the man discussing in a low voice.

"A small fairy plant is not an immortal. I'm afraid it can't accompany Wanchun for too long."

"If he is not an immortal, let him find a way to become one."

"What do you have in mind?"

The woman said slowly: "Let him go down to the mortal world and experience three lives of tribulation. When he comes back, he will be like Wanchun."

The man hugged her gently, "Then they will suffer."

The woman replied softly: "Don't worry, with us here, they won't suffer."

The man kissed her forehead gently.

Du Wanchun pulled away from her memories, and her mind was full of her parents' words, so everything Zhou Ruiyuan experienced in the mortal world was a tribulation.

When will this tribulation be over?

A few months ago, since Du Wanchun gave birth to a child, her mind has been flooded with memories she has never had before.

In these memories, she gradually learned that her parents were not members of the Du family, but immortals in heaven.

In order to come down to earth to find Zhou Ruiyuan, she secretly hid it from her parents and brothers at home, and secretly used a strand of soul to reincarnate in the Du family and became a fool.

When the time was right, she left the heaven secretly and came to this body now, and then the soul returned to its place.

Only then did she marry Zhou Ruiyuan later.

She slowly jumped down from the branch, turned around and walked into the woods. Seeing a row of withered trees on the ground, she waved her hand gently, and those dead trees came back to life immediately.

Unlike her parents' fortune and misfortune, she was born with the ability to control plants. Whether it was yellow fields, rotten vegetables, or dead trees, as long as she concentrated and waved her mind gently, she could revive them and grow them at twice the speed.

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