After a while, she saved all the dead fruit trees in the orchard.

Not long after, she revived all the dead fruit trees in the orchard. Small green buds grew on each tree, and a few trees that originally had green fruits turned into ripe red fruits with a gentle wave of her hand.

While Zhou Ruiyuan and his men were working on the fields, Du Wanchun had already repaired the entire orchard.

When it was getting dark, the family returned to Zhou's house in a carriage.

As soon as they left, three women came to the farm secretly.

These three women used to be servants in the farm, but they were sold by the Feng family a long time ago. When they heard that the Feng family had sold the farm, they ran to the farm unwillingly.

They had spent most of their lives in this manor, and they were all unwilling to be driven away by the Feng family.

"Why should such a good manor be given to the Zhou family!" The speaker was Zhu, who worked in Mr. Fang's house after being sold. She knew people from the Zhou family and had always been jealous of them.

Now that they heard that their manor was sold to the Zhou family, they were even more dissatisfied.

The other few also echoed: "Yes, we have spent most of our lives for this manor, but we have nothing!"

"Why didn't the Feng family think of us before selling it!"

These people have lived in the manor for too long, and the Feng family doesn't care much, so they think of themselves as masters.

The three of them became more and more angry, and decided that if they couldn't get what they couldn't get, others couldn't get it either, so they came here together at night and wanted to destroy the manor.

Zhu took the lead, she walked in front and came to the repaired house first.

The originally dilapidated house has been renovated by the third prince and his people in the past few days, and it has been completely renewed.

Zhu raised her foot and kicked the door, "The Zhou family is really attentive. They actually repaired the house."

The door was kicked open, and she walked slowly inside.

The dust inside the house was almost cleaned, but the new tables and chairs had not been placed yet.

Zhu turned around and kicked the door hard again, trying to kick it off.

At this time, the other two came and said, "It's useless to just mess with this house. Let's go to the orchard in the back mountain. Those fruit trees are worth a lot of money."

Zhu quickly retracted her foot when she heard it, "Okay, let's go to the orchard now!"

The three of them walked towards the orchard together.

On the dark road, Zhu held a lantern, looking particularly gloomy.

As they walked, the nanny at the back suddenly heard a rustling sound, and she grabbed the nanny in front of her and said, "Did you hear anything?"

The nanny stopped and shook her head, "No."

Mrs. Zhu looked back at them, "What are you talking about? Hurry up, or it will be dawn soon."

"Okay, we'll come right over." The two of them responded in a low voice, looked around, and saw that no one continued to move forward.

When they arrived at the orchard, Mrs. Zhu took out a tinder from her arms, "Just burn these things."

The two nannies behind her nodded repeatedly, "That's right, we planted these trees one by one, why should we throw them all to the Zhou family."

Mrs. Zhu became more and more indignant after hearing what they said, and quickly opened the tinder.

A small flame soon came out of the tinder.

Mrs. Zhu was holding it to light the dead branches on the ground.

Unexpectedly, a cold wind blew and blew out the small flame.

Zhu was startled, "Why is there a wind blowing?"

After being surprised, she took out another tinderbox, only to see that the flame of the tinderbox was blown out again.

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