The fire was extinguished again.

"Sister Zhu, why is the fire out again?"

The two maids behind Zhu looked frightened and huddled together in surprise and asked her.

Zhu herself paused for a moment, stared around with wide eyes, and saw nothing. She cleared her throat and said, "Maybe the fire starters I brought are damp. Do you have any fire starters?"

The two maids looked at each other and finally took out a fire starter.

Zhu quickly took the two fire starters and then lit one. The flame just came out and was blown out by the wind again.

The maids were so scared that they crowded closer and advised: "Sister Zhu, why don't we just forget it and not do such a wicked thing? After all, when we worked here before, Old Master Feng paid us a lot."

"Yes, Sister Zhu, this house is not ours. We have received our wages, so we should leave obediently."

Mrs. Zhu was a little angry and scolded them: "You two are really useless. You know how to say this now, but why didn't you know how to say it when we just came in? When I was about to light the fire, you had to pretend to be a good person? I tell you, no one should leave now! Those who came together will destroy this orchard together!"

After that, she stuffed the fire starter she had just lit to them, "Try it too, see if you can light it!"

The two maids were timid, and they didn't dare to say anything more after being so fierce. They took the fire starter and started to try it.

The fire starter only has fire in it. Generally, you can blow into it and a flame will come out.

The two maids blew at the fire sticks in their hands, and soon the fire sticks in their hands showed flames.

The two of them were happy and laughed, "Sister Zhu, there are flames! Come and see!"

Zhu turned around to see, and at this moment, another gust of wind blew, and the two small flames that had been lit were blown out again.

At this moment, the two maids really couldn't calm down. They threw away the fire sticks in their hands and screamed loudly, "Ah! There is a ghost! There is a ghost!"

This scared Zhu so much that she quickly scolded them, "What are you shouting about? Where is the ghost?!"

The two maids trembled and pointed at the fire sticks on the ground and said, "Sister Zhu, let's go quickly. Look at the evil wind just now. It came out at any time, but it came out when our fire sticks were lit!"

"Once or twice is fine, look how many times it has happened. If you don't leave again, then we will leave!"

As they said this, they didn't care about Zhu and turned around and ran away.

Zhu panicked and called out to them, "How could you leave me here alone! Come back soon!"

However, the two had already disappeared like rabbits.

Zhu stamped her feet in anger, "You heartless guys, if you don't do it, I will do it myself!"

After that, she picked up the tinder on the ground and prepared to do it again.

Strangely enough, as soon as the two maids left, her tinder suddenly lit up.

Zhu looked at the burning flame in her hand and was very happy, "What the hell, this is not good!"

She continued to walk inside with the tinder, and then picked up some dead branches and dead grass, ready to light it.

Just when she was feeling proud, a small green vine slowly emerged from the ground, like a spirit snake, slowly came to her feet, and then slowly climbed up along the big tree beside her.

Xu tried to light the dead wood grass but it just wouldn't burn. Cold sweat gradually flowed down her forehead. She wiped it and became a little impatient, "Why can't this damn dead branch burn!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the vines climbing up the tree raised their heads and patted her shoulders.

Xu thought it was the two maids who came back, "Oh, you came back after seeing my fire starter is useful?"

As she said this, she turned around and looked back.

There was no one behind her.

Xu hurriedly touched her shoulder, thinking that she might have made a mistake, and hurriedly turned around to continue to light the fire.

The green vines showed their heads again and patted Xu's shoulders again.

Xu felt very clear on her shoulder this time, and she was instantly petrified.

With trembling hands, she carefully turned her head to look behind her, and found that there was still nothing behind her.

Xu was completely panicked. She quickly dropped the fire starter in her hand, knelt on the ground, and said with her head down, "Ah! Master Ghost, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have come to your yard to disturb you. I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now!


After saying that, he ran behind him while kneeling and crawling.

The green vines immediately came forward and entangled Xu's feet.

Xu fell forward with a big somersault, and then fell into the ditch.

She was covered in wet mud, and while wiping her face, she begged for mercy in a trembling voice: "Ghost Lord, I really know I was wrong, please let me go, I will never come again, please let me go!"

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