The more you eat, the more you eat.

Du Wanchun's nose ached when she heard this, and she felt very grateful. This was the first time someone said they would love her since she was a child.

She quickly got up and helped Aunt Zhou to go to the kitchen to serve the dishes, "Mom, I'll help you."

Aunt Zhou smiled and said, "You and Ruiyuan are tired from traveling so early in the morning. Go and rest. I can do it myself."

Du Wanchun didn't wait for her to refuse, and directly snatched the bowl from her hand and took it to the front room.

Zhou Ruiyuan sat in the front room and looked up at her from afar. His deep eyes were filled with tenderness, "My wife, listen to me and take a rest first."

Du Wanchun put down the bowl and smiled, "It's okay, I'm not tired."

After that, she called Zhou Feng and Zhou Zhao in the room, "Second brother, third brother, it's time to eat."

Zhou Feng heard the call, groped his way out of the room, and slowly sat down next to Zhou Ruiyuan.

Zhou Zhao, who was chopping wood in the backyard, wiped his sweat and walked in and said, "Brother, sister-in-law, you are back so soon?"

"Yeah." Zhou Ruiyuan responded softly and asked him, "Third brother, is your ear completely healed?"

Zhou Zhao nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, not only is it completely healed, I found that I can hear more clearly than before."

Zhou Ruiyuan nodded lightly, "That's good, what are your plans for the future, third brother?"

"First plant the land at home, and then..." Zhou Zhao said, put away his smile, and glanced at Du Wanchun on the side.

Zhou Ruiyuan hurriedly said, "Nothing, we are all family, just say it."

Zhou Zhao sat down and said slowly, "Then, go to Chenzhou."

"What are you going to do in Chenzhou?" Aunt Zhou put the rice on the table and asked him.

Zhou Zhao frowned and said seriously, "Go to the army to serve."

"Go to the army to serve? That means marching and fighting. Do you think you are still the same person as before..." Aunt Zhou was so angry that she couldn't speak.

Du Wanchun hurriedly advised, "Mother, joining the army is a good thing. Maybe my third brother can get an official position in the army and come back."

Mother Zhou looked unhappy. She took Du Wanchun's hand and sighed, "I'm just afraid that he will never come back after he goes."

Zhou Zhao hurriedly said, "Mother, no, I will go to Chenzhou to find Captain Lin first. With him, he will definitely not arrange for me to be just a soldier."

"Captain Lin?" Du Wanchun listened in confusion.

Aunt Zhou looked a little flustered, and hurriedly explained: "That's a friend I met in the capital. He went to Chenzhou as a soldier in his early years, and later became a lieutenant after making great contributions."

Du Wanchun smiled and comforted her: "Mother, it would be better if someone in the army could take care of him. Third brother is not young anymore, and it's good for him to go out and gain experience, which is better than being trapped in this mountain all the time."

She looked at Zhou Zhao and said: "Third brother is smart and capable, and he will definitely have a bright future."

Zhou Zhao hurriedly smiled and said: "Sister-in-law is right, mother, just believe me this time."

Aunt Zhou hung her head and was really undecided.

At this time, Zhou Ruiyuan said, "Third brother, you go."

Zhou Zhao was very happy after hearing this, and smiled and said, "Thank you, big brother!"

Zhou Ruiyuan said again, "But you have to wait until my leg is completely healed before going. The fields at home need someone to take care of them. I don't want your sister-in-law to work hard."

Zhou Zhao stood up and nodded repeatedly, "Big brother, don't worry, I will definitely wait until the family is stable before leaving."

Zhou Ruiyuan was relieved and picked up the chopsticks to pick up food for Du Wanchun.

It was a fried duck egg, which smelled delicious.

Du Wanchun picked up the duck egg and gave it to Aunt Zhou, "Mom, all the dishes are served, let's eat quickly."

Aunt Zhou was originally full of sorrow, but she immediately felt better after hearing Du Wanchun's sweet voice.

It's strange to say, she always felt that there was something special about Du Wanchun, that is, you feel happy when you look at her, and you feel happy as long as you talk to her.

She thanked God countless times for giving her such a good daughter-in-law.

"Child, you eat." Aunt Zhou picked up another duck egg from the bowl and gave it to her.

Du Wanchun smiled and ate it, "Thank you, mother."

Aunt Zhou didn't bother with Zhou Zhao, took a bite of rice from the bowl, and said; "Forget it, since you have made up your mind, I won't say much, but Zhao'er, remember not to cause trouble."

Zhou Zhao smiled and replied: "Okay, mother."

After lunch, Du Wanchun followed Aunt Zhou to the backyard to pick up duck eggs.

The two ducks in the backyard are very fertile, and they laid hundreds of eggs in two or three days.

Aunt Zhou looked at the duck eggs and smiled.

She picked up the eggs and said to Du Wanchun, "Wait a minute, I'll take some duck eggs to Aunt Zhang's house next door to exchange for a piglet. When the piglet grows up, we'll have meat to eat."

Du Wanchun smiled and nodded, "That's great."

Auntie Zhou smiled, "Besides, when the crops in our fields are ripe, we don't have to buy rice. When we have some spare money, we can repair the house."

"Yes, this house really needs to be repaired." Du Wanchun said, looking up at the dilapidated adobe house in front of him.

Now the Zhou family has more than just repairing the house, the fields and land at home, as well as clothes, food, clothing, housing and transportation.

It's hard to make more money just by selling radishes and duck eggs.

Du Wanchun suddenly thought of Auntie Zhou's sachet, "Mom, can you make incense?"

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