The old man was so angry that he was not able to understand the meaning of the scent.

Mrs. Zhou was stunned for a moment, "Well, I know a little bit. How did you know?"

Du Wanchun smiled and said, "Mother, you forgot that I asked you about your scented bag last time."

Mrs. Zhou suddenly realized, "So that's how it is. What's wrong, Wanchun?"

Du Wanchun thought about it and replied, "Mother, I have a good idea."

"You tell me." Mrs. Zhou said.

Du Wanchun replied: "We can make incense and sell it."

Mrs. Zhou asked doubtfully: "Incense? Is there anyone who buys it? People living around here are all farmers, and they probably don't need incense."

Du Wanchun looked up at Cheng'an County and said, "Mom, we can go to Cheng'an County and Qingzhou Prefecture to sell it. There are many dignitaries there, and they use incense every day."

Mrs. Zhou frowned slightly, and her face showed obvious concerns.

Du Wanchun looked at her and said quickly: "Mom, don't worry, we can try it in the county first. If it doesn't sell well, we won't sell it."

Mrs. Zhou thought it made sense and nodded: "Okay, let's try it first."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law agreed and decided to make some ointments and perfumes and sell them in the county market after selling the radishes and duck eggs at home for some money.

Aunt Zhou looked at her clever daughter-in-law and felt happy. She couldn't help but sighed, "Wanchun, you are so smart, but your father and stepmother actually said you are stupid. They are really blind."

Du Wanchun smiled and said, "My stepmother wishes I were stupid."

Aunt Zhou raised her eyebrows and said, "If I see her in the future, I will definitely slap her a few times, otherwise I will not be satisfied."

Du Wanchun entered the house with a basket of duck eggs, "Mom, don't dirty your hands by hitting her."

Aunt Zhou followed her and suddenly remembered the voice. She whispered, "Wanchun, your mother died early. Is there something she hasn't told you yet?"

Du Wanchun asked her, "What's the matter?"

Aunt Zhou pulled her aside and whispered, "That...same room..."

Du Wanchun was stunned and her face turned red instantly. Although she was married, she was still a virgin. No one had ever told her about this since she was a child.

Not to mention it openly like this.

Seeing her reaction, Aunt Zhou immediately understood, "I knew that your stepmother treated you like that, and she must not have told you."

Du Wanchun nodded, "Indeed, she didn't tell you, but, mother, I..."

Aunt Zhou held her hand and lowered her head and continued to whisper, "I know my own son, his legs are crippled, but his waist is not crippled. Mother has nothing else to teach you, just remember to call mother if you can't stand it."

What do you mean by "if... can't stand it..."?

Du Wanchun looked at Aunt Zhou in surprise.

Aunt Zhou blinked and said, "Ruiyuan, don't look at his bad legs now. In the past, he was in good health since he was a child. He was stronger than ordinary men. Strong men are the most clingy, so if you can't stand it, remember to call mother, don't force it."

Du Wanchun's cheeks became redder, and the roots of her ears were hot, "Mother, my husband and I..."

She hesitated and didn't say it out.

Aunt Zhou understood immediately, frowned, and said, "You haven't consummated your marriage yet?"

Du Wanchun nodded with a red face.

Aunt Zhou was very surprised. She originally thought that Du Wanchun was just being reserved and didn't say it on weekdays, but she didn't expect that she hadn't consummated her marriage at all. She hurriedly asked, "Wanchun, are you unwilling to be with Ruiyuan?"

Du Wanchun hurriedly shook his head, "No."

After hearing this, Aunt Zhou asked again, "Is it Ruiyuan who doesn't want to be with you?"

Du Wanchun didn't answer this time.

Aunt Zhou understood again in an instant, "The child must be afraid of dragging you down, so he didn't consummate your marriage with you, but now it's good, he can stand up, maybe he will change his mind."

Du Wanchun's heart was pounding when she heard it, especially when she thought of the way Zhou Ruiyuan looked when he changed his clothes that night, her heart seemed to jump out of her chest.

Aunt Zhou pulled her and said with a smile: "Wanchun, don't be too nervous. Ruiyuan is a caring child."

Du Wanchun nodded. She knew this. Zhou Ruiyuan had been very kind to her since he came in.

Aunt Zhou then whispered a few more words in her ear, which were bolder than the previous ones.

Du Wanchun almost covered her face when she heard it, and then ran into the house holding the duck egg.

Aunt Zhou looked at her back with a smile on her face.

At night, Du Wanchun was thinking about Aunt Zhou's words and didn't go into the house.

Zhou Ruiyuan pushed a chair to find her, "Madam, it's getting late, go to bed early."

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