The three families were very jealous.

Later, the three of them gathered together and thought that something was wrong. In the past, the rice planted was harvested once a year, but why did the rice planted by Du Wanchun only have two harvests a year?

So when the autumn harvest came this year, only their family was as poor as before. Not only did the others have full grain warehouses, but they also sold some rice to the Zhou family and got some silver. They used the silver to buy ox carts or marry off their daughters, and their lives were prosperous.

The three families were very jealous.

Later, the three of them gathered together and thought about it and felt that something was wrong. In the past, the rice planted was harvested once a year, but why did the rice seeds given by Du Wanchun have to be harvested twice a year?

It must be Du Wanchun who did something wrong.

She must be a demon who has become a spirit. She cast a spell on the rice seeds, so that the rice can grow so fast and the rice grown is so fragrant.

Most of the villagers in Shili Village are good, just farming and living a good life.

But these three families are different. They used to be the richest, but now they have become the poorest.

They are so angry that they want to use dog blood to deal with Du Wanchun.

As long as they can prove that Du Wanchun is a demon, no one will buy the rice they grow, and no one dares to eat it.

However, their wishful thinking is going to fall through.

After seeing Du Wanchun wash the dog blood off the door, they slowly got up and wanted to leave secretly, preparing to go back and get some more chicken blood.

Du Wanchun was just about to leave the yard when she heard the sound in the bushes and probably guessed that those people were doing something wrong.

She raised the corners of her lips and smiled faintly.

The three women walked in the bushes with their backs bent, ready to leave.

At this moment, two big black dogs suddenly ran out of the bushes.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

The big black dogs barked at them, baring their teeth, and were about to bite them.

Hong, one of the women, suddenly jumped up and shouted, "Ah, dogs! Dogs!"

The other two pulled her hands and pressed her down, "Be quiet, or the evildoer from the Zhou family will find out."

Hong quickly covered her mouth, her eyes full of fear, "What should I do, will these dogs eat us all?"

Among them, the brave Qiu snorted coldly and said, "Look at your lack of ability, they are just two dogs, what is there to be afraid of."

After she said that, she picked up the mallet on the ground and prepared to hit the two dogs.

But she underestimated the two big black dogs.

The big black dogs were of wolf blood. They showed their sharp teeth, pounced on Qiu, and bit her hand.

Qiu cried out in pain and tried to shake off the dog biting her hand, but she couldn't.

The other two people turned pale with fear when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Ah, dog! Dog! Let's run! Quick!" Hong was the most timid, pulling Lin who was beside her and running back, leaving Qiu alone here.

Qiu fell to the ground, turned around and found that they had all run away, and hurriedly called out: "Help! Help! Help!"

The villagers passing by heard the cry for help, looked over here, and found that there was no one there, so they had to leave.

The two black dogs became more and more fierce, biting Qiu's hand and not letting go.

Qiu cursed and wanted to leave here, but just as she stood up, her left foot was bitten by the dog.

Last night, she and the two people just now killed a wild dog and took its blood when no one was around.

So when Hong saw a dog, she was as scared as seeing a ghost.

Qiu struggled hard, but still couldn't beat the two ferocious dogs. Finally, she lost too much blood and fainted. When she woke up again, she found that she had been carried back home, but her hands and feet were bitten off by the two dogs.

Lin sat aside and sighed: "Sister, fortunately you are lucky, otherwise you would have lost your life."

Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, and then when she looked down at her half-broken right hand and left leg, she was shocked, "What happened? My leg, and my hand!"

Lin turned her back to her and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "Sister, although you have your life, your leg and hand were bitten off by the two dogs."

Qiu was shocked and stood there in shock, her face full of disbelief.

Lin was afraid that she would be too sad, so she comforted her: "Sister, it doesn't matter. You can continue to live in the future. As long as you are alive, you are not afraid of running out of firewood."

Qiu burst into tears immediately.

Lin didn't say anything else.

At this moment, Hong, who had just come to the door, suddenly shouted: "This is the report.

Retribution! If we hadn't killed the dog that night and hadn't splashed the dog's blood in front of Zhou's house, we wouldn't have run into these wild dogs! It's retribution!"

However, Qiu didn't believe in retribution at all. She said like crazy: "No, it's not like that. It was Du Wanchun. It must be her. It was this evil monster who did it!"

Lin pulled her and said: "Don't talk nonsense anymore. It was Du Wanchun who saved you that day. If it weren't for her, you wouldn't even be alive now."

Qiu was surprised and said: "Did she save me?"

Lin nodded, "Yes, you fell to the ground and lost too much blood and fainted. Du Wanchun happened to pass by and reported you to the police when she saw you lying on the ground. She also asked a doctor to check your injuries. Otherwise, you should have gone to see the King of Hell now."

Qiu couldn't say anything else at this moment. If she said Du Wanchun was an evil monster again, she would be repaying kindness with enmity.

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