After the incident, the two of them were no longer willing to join Qiu in targeting the Zhou family.

Before they left, they wanted to ask Du Wanchun for new rice seeds.

However, Du Wanchun refused, saying that there were no new rice seeds.

Knowing that they had offended the Zhou family, Lin and Hong were too embarrassed to continue talking about it.

On this side, Qiu waited for Lin and the others to leave, and looked at her injured hands and feet, getting more and more angry.

She didn't know why her head twitched, and she felt that these two dogs must be Du Wanchun's magic.

And the reason why Du Wanchun saved her was just a deliberate act, wanting to make her feel like a nobody.

Speaking of which, she was really right about 80% of the time.

However, no one believed her words. The villagers thought she was just talking nonsense because she was frightened by a dog bite.

After that, no one said that Du Wanchun was a demon.

The next day, when Aunt Zhou and the Third Prince returned home, she heard about the dog blood splashing. She was so angry that she ran to the door of Mrs. Qiu and cursed.

This was the first time for her, who was always gentle, to curse someone like this. She scolded Mrs. Qiu so much that she dared not raise her head in the village.

Later, everyone in the village knew that Mrs. Qiu went to Zhou's house to splash dog blood.

She also said that the dog bit her and she deserved it. Maybe the dog she killed was the child of the two black dogs.

After Aunt Zhou left, Mrs. Qiu burst into tears in her room.

Originally, the old man and son in the family supported her, but now everyone thought she was going too far.

Not long after, a man suddenly came to the village with a portrait in his hand.

The person in the portrait looked a bit like Aunt Zhou.

However, the villagers did not want to cause trouble, so they all said that they had never seen this person.

When they arrived at Qiu's house, Qiu found the person in the portrait familiar.

The person was obviously a high-ranking official in the capital, and he kept urging her: "Did you see clearly? This person is a noble person."

Qiu thought that it was a high-ranking official in the capital who came to look for his relatives.

She still had resentment towards Du Wanchun and Aunt Zhou in her heart, and she thought that she could not let Aunt Zhou go to the capital to enjoy her life, so she deliberately said: "It seems familiar."

The high-ranking official was delighted, "Where have you seen him?"

Qiu thought for a while and said: "In Yanzhou."

"What Yanzhou?"

Yanzhou is in the far west, thousands of miles away from here, in a completely different direction.

Qiu just wanted to lead them to a farther place.

She only wanted to take revenge on the Zhou family, but she didn't know that she was actually helping the Zhou family.

If the emperor found Aunt Zhou at this time and learned that she was married to the third prince, he would go crazy and kill them both.

The official really believed what Qiu said. Seeing that he had not found anyone in Qingzhou Prefecture for so long, he took the people in his hands and immediately left here and went to Yanzhou.

It takes more than 20 days to travel from Qingzhou Prefecture to Yanzhou Prefecture, and it takes more than half a year to search from one county to another.

Qiu was still proud in her heart. Not long after, she heard her son say that her rice had locusts.

Locusts eat everything.

In the past, Qingzhou Prefecture had a locust plague, and many people almost starved to death. This time, locusts came again.

But it was strange that they did not eat the rice planted by Zhou's rice.

Later, everyone knew that it was Du Wanchun who developed a herbal medicine that could drive away these locusts.

But Qiu didn't believe it. Now she was hit and her food was almost gone.

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