The king of the country was killed, and the king of the country was killed.

Wei Xun continued, "The emperor's uncle should be eager to deal with my father and expand his military force, which requires a lot of silver."

The third prince frowned and said, "You mean, he kidnapped Zhou Feng for silver."

"That's right. The Zhou family is now a famous wealthy businessman in Xuanyue Country. There should be no faster way to use the son of the Zhou family to ask for silver."

After hearing this, the third prince sighed, "I am really surprised that a dignified prince is a gangster."

Wei Xun said slowly: "My uncle can do anything. Not to mention being a bandit to ask for money, he can even kidnap the emperor and take the land."

The third prince nodded slightly, then bowed and saluted him, saying, "Little Wei, I'll leave Feng'er's matter to you this time."

Wei Xun quickly helped him up, "Uncle, get up quickly. Even if you tell me about this, I will go back."

The third prince looked up and said, "Don't worry, Madam Wu and the children, your aunt Zhou and I will take good care of them."

Wei Xun felt relieved with his words.

Now some people in Beidi are ambitious, and it is not a solution for him to hide here all the time. For his wife and children, he wants to take back his position.

At night, Du Wanchun came back and heard about this. She proposed to go with Wei Xun.

Just this morning, she received a letter from Beidi in the shop, saying that they were asked to take 100,000 taels of gold to the capital of Beidi within ten days.

If Du Wanchun's gold hasn't been delivered by the time, they will kill Zhou Feng.

When Du Wanchun received the letter, he always felt that something was wrong.

They seemed to know the Zhou family very well. Instead of sending the letter to Zhou's house in the capital, they sent it to Du Wanchun.

It seems that there is a thief around Zhou Feng.

She put the letter away and returned home, and immediately proposed to go with Wei Xun.

Aunt Zhou looked anxious, "No, Wanchun, Beidi is too dangerous."

Du Wanchun said slowly: "Beidi asked me to go, they must have inquired about our Zhou family's situation a long time ago. If I don't go, I will definitely not be able to hide it from their eyes."

She said and looked at Wei Xun again, "And Brother Wei, if you go back rashly, it will also attract their attention. It is better to disguise your identity and secretly mix in my team to catch them by surprise."

"But..." Aunt Zhou still wanted to object.

The Third Prince took over and said, "Wanchun is right, let's listen to her."

Wei Xun thought for a while and said, "Yes, Wanchun is right."

Du Wanchun smiled and said, "In that case, let's pack up quickly and leave tomorrow."

Beidi said they wanted 100,000 taels of gold.

Du Wanchun calculated the family's accounts and found that they did have that much gold, but she would not take out a single ounce.

She looked up at the big rock on the top of the mountain. These things should fit in the box just right.

Late at night, Zhou Ruiyuan hurried home, "No, you can't go."

He looked gloomy and a little anxious.

Du Wanchun walked to his side and comforted him, "Husband, don't worry, I will be fine this time."

Zhou Ruiyuan immediately said, "I will go with you."

Du Wanchun shook his head, "Husband, don't worry, if you go, who can go to Beidi to save us?"

Zhou Ruiyuan was slightly stunned.

Du Wanchun said slowly: "Brother Wei will definitely seize power when he returns this time. You and my third brother will stay outside. If you need more troops, it won't be too late for you to show up later."

"My husband, if you and my third brother help Brother Wei to secure the position of Beidi this time, and the two countries become friends in the future, with him helping the village, who will dare to object when you return to the capital?"

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