After listening to Du Wanchun's words, Zhou Ruiyuan thought for a long time and decided to listen to her this time. Although he allowed her to go to Beidi, he sent two skilled guards to follow her to protect her safety just in case. Before leaving, Zhou Ruiyuan deliberately did not return to the government office and stayed at home to accompany Du Wanchun to pack up. They loaded the fake gold boxes on the carriage, and also loaded some food and clothes. Aunt Zhou looked at a golden stone and asked Du Wanchun, "Wanchun, can these stones fool them?"

Du Wanchun reached out and gently brushed it, "Mom, don't worry, they won't find out."

Aunt Zhou's eyes were full of worry, and she took her hand and said, "Wanchun, you've worked hard this time..."

Du Wanchun gently held the back of her hand, "Mom, take good care of my third brother and sister-in-law, we will be back in less than a month."

Aunt Zhou took a deep breath, nodded heavily, turned back to the house and packed some more meat pies for her.

The next morning, Du Wanchun, Han Yan'er and Wei Xun set off for Beidi together.

Because there was a lot of fake gold on the car, in order to convince Beidi's spies, they took the official road.

There was a post station every ten miles on the official road, and the post station was guarded by soldiers to prevent bandits from robbing.

Du Wanchun and Han Yaner both changed into men's clothes to make it easier to travel, and Wei Xun even wore servant's clothes and mixed in with the guards.

When they arrived at the first post station, Du Wanchun asked everyone to stop and rest.

As soon as they stopped the carriage, they heard a call from a distance.

Du Wanchun looked up and saw Zhou Ruiyuan riding a horse.

He was wearing an indigo-colored dress, letting the wind lift his sleeves.

"Sir, why are you here?" Du Wanchun strode up to him.

Zhou Ruiyuan jumped off the carriage and hugged her in his arms, "I want to see you off."

Du Wanchun buried her face in his arms, smelling the faint scent of grass and wood on him, her heart was full of warmth, she shook her head and said: "Husband, no need, we left Qingzhou Prefecture and headed north, and we will reach Beidi in less than three days."

Zhou Ruiyuan hugged her tightly, "Nothing, I'll take you to the gate of Qingzhou Prefecture."

Du Wanchun was a little breathless because of him, and after thinking about it, she agreed, "Then husband, just take you to the gate of Qingzhou Prefecture."

Zhou Ruiyuan slowly let her go and smiled: "Yeah."

Du Wanchun looked at his smiling face and couldn't help laughing.

She took Zhou Ruiyuan into the post station.

This post station is pretty good, there are many empty rooms inside, Du Wanchun and Zhou Ruiyuan live in one room.

The two haven't been together quietly like this for a long time.

A few days ago, one of them was busy with disaster relief, and the other was busy with road repairs. Every night, it was very late when the two of them went to bed.

Zhou Ruiyuan was reluctant to torment his wife, and he hugged her to sleep every night.

Tonight, I don’t know if it’s because the two of them have to separate for a while, Zhou Ruiyuan became very clingy.

Du Wanchun couldn’t resist at all and was completely defeated.

Fortunately, Zhou Ruiyuan was a man who knew his limits. He knew that Du Wanchun had to travel tomorrow, so he didn’t torment her for too long. When it was late at night, he hugged her tightly in his arms and kissed her forehead.


He called her name softly, as if he was whispering in a dream.

Du Wanchun nestled in his arms and responded softly.

Neither of them fell asleep that night. As soon as the next day dawned, everyone got up immediately and continued on the road.

Du Wanchun sat in the carriage.

Zhou Ruiyuan rode in front, looking back at the carriage every few steps, his eyes never left Du Wanchun.

In the evening, they arrived at the gate of Qingzhou Prefecture.

After passing Qingzhou Prefecture, even if they were out of their territory, Zhou Ruiyuan specially got a token from Li Zhifu. With this token, Xuanyue Kingdom would let them stay in any post station for free.

Du Wanchun took it in her hand and smiled, "Thank you, husband."

Zhou Ruiyuan reached out and gently brushed away the broken hair by her ears, and said softly, "Be careful on the way. When you get to Beidi, my third brother will go to meet you."

Du Wanchun nodded and said, "Yes, husband, you should be careful too."

Zhou Ruiyuan reached out and hugged her in his arms and kissed her hair.

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