The eggs were picked up by the owl.

Auntie Zhou hurriedly called out to him, "No matter if they become spirits or not, just pick up the eggs first."

"Okay!" Zhou Zhao hurriedly came to pick up the eggs together.

After a while, the mother and son picked up a basket of chicken and duck eggs.

When Du Wanchun came out, Auntie Zhou had already put all the eggs in a basket.

She walked closer and looked at it, smiling, "Mom, when we go to the Fang Mansion to deliver radishes today, do you want to bring some eggs with us?"

Not long after returning from the Fang Mansion last time, the Fang family specially found Auntie He to pass on the message, wanting them to send some more radishes.

So, Du Wanchun started preparing to send radishes again early in the morning.

Aunt Zhou smiled and said, "Of course, we can't finish all the eggs anyway, so we can just change some copper coins."

Du Wanchun washed her face, finished breakfast, and put the two bottles of fragrant dew and tower incense that Aunt Zhou had just made into the carriage.

When she was about to get the eggs and radishes.

Zhou Ruiyuan and his two younger brothers rushed to carry the radishes and eggs onto the carriage.

Although Zhou Ruiyuan had bad legs and feet before, he was very strong. He could lift things that ordinary people could only lift with two hands.

Du Wanchun seriously suspected that her husband had other skills.

After everything was loaded, Du Wanchun and Zhou Ruiyuan drove the carriage together and rushed to Cheng'an County.

This time, Aunt Zhou, Zhou Zhao and Zhou Feng were left at home.

Aunt Zhou had to look after the furnace for refining fragrant dew.

And Zhou Zhao and Zhou Feng had to look after their own land.

No one in the family was left behind.

Fortunately, although the sons of the Zhou family all went from rich to poor, none of them were lazy and gluttonous.

They could do any dirty and tiring work.

When Aunt Zhou saw Zhou Zhaoshi carrying a hoe and going out, she felt bitter in her heart, thinking that those who didn't even need to dress and eat by themselves in the past have now learned to farm and become independent.

She didn't know whether this was a blessing or a curse.

There is a saying that wealth cannot corrupt, and poverty cannot change.

Aunt Zhou thought that this should be the truth.

At the same time, in Fang Mansion in Cheng'an County.

Madam Fang came from the capital, so many dignitaries in Cheng'an County who had never seen the world wanted to win her over.

Especially Madam Li from Magistrate Li's family.

Madam Li often came to Madam Fang to show her courtesy.

The radishes from Du Wanchun's house were brought by her to Madam Fang last time.

Today, many female relatives enjoyed flowers together in Madam Fang's mansion.

One of them was the younger sister of Zheng Zhifu of Qingzhou Prefecture, the second daughter of the Zheng family. She smelled a strong floral scent on Madam Fang and exclaimed: "Madam Fang, you smell so good, so nice, what kind of perfume do you use?"

Madam Fang was very pleased to hear her praise. She lifted her sleeves and waved her hand, saying with a smile: "I just bought the rose perfume. It not only has a pleasant fragrance, but also has the effect of calming the nerves and helping sleep."

Mr. Fang had been suffering from insomnia for some time, but since he smelled this fragrance in Madam Fang's room last night, he slept very soundly.

When he got up this morning, he also said that he slept soundly beside her and would come to her place to sleep every night in the future.

Although Mr. Fang is not young, he still has two concubines who followed him back to his hometown.

Now Madam Fang is old and ugly, and Mr. Fang has not slept in her room for a long time. She was very surprised to hear such words suddenly today.

She suddenly felt that this perfume was her blessing.

Seeing that the scented dew was so effective, other ladies hurriedly asked, "Madam Fang, where did you buy this scented dew?"

Madam Fang hurriedly smiled and said, "What a coincidence, it was sold to me by a farm girl who delivered radishes to my house."

"Farmer girl?" Madam Li on the side showed a look of disgust, "Farmer girls often work in the fields and are dirty. Can the things they make be used?"

Madam Fang's face turned cold instantly, and she still smiled at the corners of her lips and said, "You can't say that. There is nothing shameful about a farm girl making a living by her own skills. The things she makes are no worse than those big incense shops in the capital."

When everyone heard that it was better than the things in the capital, they became more curious about this scented dew.

Many of them had never been to the capital, and only knew how rich it was there. Now they don't have to go to the capital, and can use things that are better than the capital. Of course, they are very happy.

"Mrs. Fang, is that girl still selling perfumed lotion?" Miss Zheng Er was the first to ask, "My eldest brother has been suffering from insomnia lately, and I want to buy some.

Some for him."

Miss Zheng Er's eldest brother is the famous Zheng Zhifu.

Although everyone present is a wealthy family, they are still a far cry from Zheng Zhifu's family.

Mrs. Fang smiled and said, "They will come to our house to send radishes today. When they come, I will ask for you."

Miss Zheng Er smiled happily and bowed to her, saying, "Thank you, Madam Fang."

Several other ladies followed suit and wanted to buy some.

Only Madam Li on the side had a long face, still full of disgust.

Not long after, Du Wanchun came to the back door of the Fang family with radishes and fragrant dew.

This time it was the previous housekeeper Liu who opened the door.

Housekeeper Liu smiled and said, "Girl, wait a minute, our lady wants to see you."

Du Wanchun smiled and replied, "Okay, thank you, housekeeper Liu."

Housekeeper Liu turned and entered the courtyard, and soon Madam Fang came with a group of female relatives.

"Madam, our radishes are delivered. "Du Wanchun bowed to Madam Fang.

Madam Fang hurried forward to greet her and said with a smile: "Miss, do you still have the perfume you sold me last time?"

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