The old man was very happy.

Du Wanchun listened and was immediately delighted, and replied: "It just so happens that my mother made six more bottles. Madam, do you want to buy more?"

Madam Fang looked at the women behind her and said, "It's not me who wants to buy it, it's them who want to buy it."

The women responded in unison: "Yes, young lady, we want to buy your perfume."

"Don't worry, ladies, I'll get it right away." Du Wanchun turned and walked towards the carriage.

Zhou Ruiyuan leaned out and handed her the perfume in his hand.

She took it in her hand and walked towards them, "Madam, our perfume is here."

The ladies came up together, took the perfume and smelled it again and again, "Yes, it's this fragrance."

"Miss, how much silver is your perfume per bottle?"

After hearing this, Du Wanchun hesitated in her heart. After all, these ladies are from wealthy families. If the price is too high, they will offend them. If the price is too low, they will lose money.

At this time, Madam Fang suddenly said, "I bought it from you with ten taels of silver, so naturally I will sell it to you for ten taels."

Du Wanchun was shocked. She clearly sold it to Madam Fang for five taels of silver. Now Madam Fang said ten taels, it seems that she was specifically trying to help her raise the price.

"Ten taels~" The ladies present looked at each other, and they couldn't make up their minds for a while.

After all, ten taels is not a small amount.

On weekdays, this price can buy a lot of rouge and powder.

Seeing them hesitating, Madam Fang said again: "If you think it's too expensive, then let this girl go back."

Du Wanchun also took over her words and said: "Yes, ladies, if you don't want to buy it, then I will go back first. I have to sell our chicken and duck eggs in a hurry."

After that, she turned around and prepared to leave with the fragrant dew in her hand.

The ladies saw that she was about to leave and hurriedly called her, "Wait a minute."

In the end, Miss Zheng Er stood up first. She took out ten taels of silver from her bosom and handed it to her, saying: "Miss, give me a bottle of fragrant dew."

Du Wanchun took the silver from her hand and handed her a bottle of fragrant dew, "Madam, please keep it."

Miss Zheng Er took it in her hand, took out the cork and smelled it, and smiled: "Miss, this fragrant dew is really fragrant, can you sell me another bottle?"

After that, Miss Zheng Er took out silver from her bosom again, this time she took out a silver note.

The other ladies immediately became anxious when they saw this, "Second Miss, there are only five bottles in total. If you buy one, don't fight with us."

Mrs. Li, who has always been stingy, also stood up and took out ten taels of silver, "Yes, there are four bottles left, just one bottle for each of us."

"Mrs. Li is right." The ladies on the side all echoed.

Mrs. Fang stood up and said with a smile, "In this case, one bottle for each of us, what do you think, young lady?"

After saying that, she looked at Du Wanchun.

Du Wanchun nodded repeatedly and said, "Of course."

"Young lady, here." Mrs. Li and the other three ladies stuffed the silver in their hands into Du Wanchun's arms, and then each picked a bottle of perfume from the basket in her hand.

They took it in their hands and smelled it again and again, and were very happy.

At this time, Zhou Ruiyuan in the carriage handed Du Wanchun a box of incense sticks and whispered in her ear: "Give these to them."

Du Wanchun immediately understood what he meant. After taking the incense sticks, she turned to Madam Fang and smiled: "Madam, here are the sandalwood incense sticks that my mother just made. If you like them, you can take some back."

They all looked at her hands.

There were about twenty incense sticks in the small wooden box.

These ladies burn incense every day at home. This kind of incense sticks is very common to them, so they are not very interested.

Du Wanchun rolled her eyes and said: "Madam, these incense sticks are made of high-quality sandalwood, and we have added some of our unique secret recipes. Not only can they enhance the fragrance and make people feel happy and calm, but they also have the effect of health preservation, which can circulate qi and blood and make people radiant."

The ladies did not understand incense and thought she was bragging.

But Mrs. Fang understood. She picked up a sandalwood incense stick from the box and said, "It's top-grade sandalwood. Let me take a look."

She took it in her hand and smelled it. Her eyes were startled. She immediately looked up at Du Wanchun and said, "It's really top-grade sandalwood. Where did you get it from?"

Du Wanchun said truthfully, "We just happen to have this sandalwood tree in our field."

Mrs. Fang was amazed. "You Zhou family is really lucky to get such a good piece of sandalwood. Your mother's craftsmanship is also good.

This tower incense is very delicately made, and its fragrance is stronger than ordinary sandalwood. The quality is indeed top-notch. "

With Mrs. Fang's praise, the other ladies immediately became interested again, "Let me take a look."

Each of them took two or three, looked at them again and again in their hands, "Is it really that magical?"

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