"Linlin, you go see Mr. Chen off!"

Seeing that Chen Fan was about to leave, Zhao Guowei yelled.

Zhao Linlin froze, looking at her parents.

Even my mother pretended not to see it, and turned around, "I'll go upstairs to get something."


Mom, you...

Chen Fan had already reached the door, Zhao Linlin chased after him, "I'll see you off!"

Chen Meng drove the car to the gate, and saw Zhao Linlin coming out with Chen Fan, "Oh, boss, the car is out of gas, please wait a moment, I'll go nearby to refuel."

Then the guy drove off again.

Chen Fan: "..."

"Go back, I'll wait for him here."

He said to Zhao Linlin.

Zhao Linlin gave him a blank look, "Didn't you see that he did it on purpose?"

"Can you go? How about I walk with you for a while."

Just after eating, take a walk to help digestion.

Chen Fan is also a person who loves sports, and the moonlight is also good tonight, so let's go!

When the two of them walked to the side of the road, Chen Meng watched and smiled from a distance in the car, and he drove along unhurriedly.

After walking a few hundred meters, Chen Fan turned to Zhao Linlin and said, "Go back!"

"Thank your parents for me, they are really kind."

Zhao Linlin looked at Chen Fan's expression unexpectedly, "Alright then! Do you want them to come pick you up?"

"No, he must be nearby."

Chen Fan still doesn't know Chen Meng?

Zhao Linlin turned around and left, but——

Instead of going home, she went straight back to school.

As soon as she left, Chen Meng drove up to follow her, "Boss, can't you? You just let her go like this?"

"I opened the room for you!"

Chen Fan glared at him, "Stop playing such clever tricks in the future."

Chen Meng giggled, "Could it be that my assists are not good?"

"Go to Jiangshan Dijing!"

Chen Fan ignored him, and he had an agreement with Su Ruzhen to go to her place after dinner.

"Good class!"

With a yell, Chen Meng drove the car directly to Jiangshan Dijing.

But he never expected that Zhao Linlin would not go back.

This drove Zhao Guowei and his wife crazy.

The couple waited at home for a long time, and Zhao Guowei asked after a while, "Is Linlin back?"

"Is Linlin back?"

Mrs. Zhao said depressedly, "She hasn't come back yet, don't you know?"

She glared at her man, "Isn't this the result you want?"

Zhao Guowei looked at his watch, feeling a little distressed.

I really want to make a phone call, but I'm afraid...

he scratched anxiously

Scratching his head, he was very conflicted.

Could it be that she was taken away by Chen Fan?

But this is too...

It is estimated that tonight is the most difficult day for Zhao Guowei. He hopes that his daughter and Chen Fan will get closer, and it is best that the two young people can spark each other, and then they will be justified.

But he was worried...

It's twelve o'clock, and Zhao Linlin hasn't come back yet.

After going out for more than two hours, Zhao Guowei became more and more restless. Biqu library

He picked up his cell phone and was about to make a call, but his wife said, "What are you doing?"

"I'll give them a call..."

"What did you say on the phone?"

Madam was speechless, "Didn't we also come here like this?"

"But just in case..."

He is such a precious daughter, Zhao Guowei is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Why don't you call Linlin, you are her mother, it's normal to care about your daughter."

Madam thought for a while, "I'd better send her a WeChat voice message."

What can I send?

Urge her back?


After much deliberation, Linlin's mother sent a voice: Linlin, are you asleep?


Zhao Guowei was about to vomit blood.

But despite this, Zhao Linlin did not reply to the message.

It's over, it's over!

Zhao Guowei's heart was in his throat.

This gift is too big!

But he was too embarrassed to call Chen Fan, so why not ask him, where did you take our Linlin?

Chen Fan has finished his homework and is soundly asleep.

Fairy Su had a happy smile on her face, and she had already fallen asleep.

Who knew that Zhao Guowei would be burning with anxiety at home.

"Why don't we go to school?"

Linlin's mother is also a little worried, after all, she is a girl.

She is usually so good, parents don't want their children to be hurt.

If the daughter is not in school, there is only one possibility.


How can Zhao Guowei hold his breath?

Hurriedly pulling Linlin's mother into the car, the couple rushed to the school, greeted the guard, and drove the car directly to the downstairs of Zhao Linlin's dormitory.

Dorm manager Aunt thought something happened?

A call came to Zhao Linlin's dormitory.

Zhou Yufei was in a drowsy sleep, and the phone rang extremely harshly in the middle of the night. She grabbed it and shouted, "Who is it? It's so noisy in the middle of the night that they can't sleep, are you sick?"

"I'm the housekeeper."

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Aunt, I didn't mean to scold you."

Hearing that it was the housekeeper, Zhou Yufei immediately woke up.

"Aunt you

Problems? "

"Is Zhao Linlin in the dormitory? Her parents are here to look for them."


Zhou Yufei hung up the phone depressed, and slapped Zhao Linlin's butt.

Zhao Linlin drank some wine tonight and slept very soundly.

"What are you doing?"

Waking up in the middle of the night by Zhou Yufei, she shouted angrily.

"Your parents are here and want you to go down quickly."


Where would Zhao Linlin think that her parents would come to school in the middle of the night?

She rubbed her eyes, picked up her phone and looked at it, it was getting close.

Dad, what the hell are they doing?

Coming downstairs in pajamas, Zhao Guowei saw his daughter and asked anxiously, "Are you in the dormitory?"

"Yeah, where am I going if I'm not in the dormitory?"


Zhao Guowei couldn't explain clearly, "Didn't you send Chen Fan there?"

Zhao Linlin was speechless, "He has a driver to pick him up, so I'll go back to school."

"But your mother sent a message, why didn't you reply?"

"Scared us to death, I thought something happened to you!"

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Zhao Linlin was confused by him, and now she remembered that she didn't explain clearly to her family.

Zhao Guowei was in such a hurry, Linlin's mother said, "Okay, okay!"

"Linlin, go back to sleep, your father and I will go back too."

When Zhao Linlin went upstairs, the couple also returned to the car.


Zhao Guowei let out a long breath, although he felt relieved, he was a little bit lost.

He didn't say a word on the way back.

Linlin's mother guessed his thoughts and persuaded him, "You are too impatient."

"Let the young people do their own thing!"

"Besides, doesn't Chen Fan have a girlfriend? Today's incident just shows his character, he is not that kind of scumbag."

"You should be happy."

"Of course, this also shows that we, Linlin, know how to protect ourselves."

"Go to sleep, don't always worry about gains and losses."

"In this life, many things are preordained in the dark."

"Follow the fate!"

Zhao Guowei glanced at his wife, "Sleep!"

Even if you are not a parent, you probably can't understand Zhao Guowei's mood.

Zhao Guowei is now really as the ancients said,

It is worrying about advancing and retreating, but when will you be happy?

He hoped that Chen Fan would get closer to his daughter, but he did not want her to be wronged.

If he just took his daughter away like this, he couldn't stand it.

But Chen Fan didn't seem to be interested in his daughter at all, and he was lost again.

This night, he didn't sleep well.

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