Chen Fan never imagined in his dreams that he almost took the blame.

If it wasn't for Zhao Guowei who was really worried about going to school to seek evidence, it is estimated that...

All right!

Passed by this pot again.

At noon, Chen Fan asked Zuo Bing to have dinner together.

Zuo Bing told him that he was not going to film anymore, Chen Fan asked her why?

She pouted, "The circle is too chaotic."

"From now on, I will stay at home with peace of mind and let my boyfriend take care of me."

"As you said, don't be so crazy from now on. You often run outside and leave me alone at home, causing my hands to blister."

Zuo Bing gave this guy a white look, "Don't worry, I will leave this kind of thing to me in the future."

In fact, why does Zuo Bing need Chen Fan to raise him?

With her living environment and family conditions, plus the money she earns, it is enough for her to spend her whole life.

Of course, if you insist on being extravagant, no one can guarantee it.

But it's a good thing that Zuo Bing doesn't go out to film. Humans have to go through some things to grow up slowly.

The two were having a sweet meal when Bai Yong called, "Come and play!"

"The matter of the winery has settled down."


Zuo Bing heard from the side, "Where are you going?"

"Tiandu, do you want to go together?"

"Which people?"

Zuo Bing asked a question.

"They're all those young and old in the Tiandu circle."

Zuo Bing shook his head as soon as he heard it, "I'm not going."

She knew that she still couldn't get in touch with such a circle, and it would definitely not be fun to go there.

She has heard of such cases more or less, if they had too much fun, wouldn't it be embarrassing for her to be by Chen Fan's side?

Zuo Bing really grasped this point well and had a sense of proportion.

She told Chen Fan, "Be careful yourself."

Chen Fan smiled and pinched her face, "You know, I have my own measure."

You must know that many people can't squeeze into such a circle, and Zuo Bing also knows the severity.

In the afternoon, Chen Fan set off with Chen Meng.

In fact, it only takes three or four hours to travel from Jiangzhou to Tiandu by high-speed rail, but it is not so convenient to fly.

After rushing to Tiandu, he went directly to Bai Yongfa's place.

Young Master Xu and Young Master Zhang were also there, and when they saw Chen Fan, they asked, "Do you really want to build a winery?"

Chen Fan nodded.

"Then how much money can you invest?"

"Look at the quality of the winery, the quality should not be too bad."

What Chen Fan wants is first-tier brands, as for those that are too low-grade, he doesn’t like them at all


Young Master Zhang sized him up, "It's difficult for a big first-tier brand, but there should be hope for a second-tier brand."

"It's just that these Western Europeans are very cunning. They don't want the winery to fall into our hands."

"We can only find a Westerner as an agent, first go through him and then pass it on to us."

"How about this, Bai Yong and I, Young Master Xu all get a share, how about you being the major shareholder?"

Chen Fan said, "Of course."

Bai Yong handed him the information, "We've basically reached a conclusion, and the other side asks for 3.6 billion Western European dollars."

"In the end we talked about 3 billion, which can't be less. If you think it's okay, we will take it down."

3 billion Western European coins are equivalent to more than 20 billion Donghua coins. This amount of money is nothing to Chen Fan.

So several people made a decision on the spot.

Chen Fan gave each of the three of them 10% of the shares without requiring them to invest money.

Bai Yong said this is not acceptable, how can we want your shares for nothing?

Zhang Shao also said, "Yeah, it's boring to play like this, and it's not good to spread the word."

Chen Fan said, "It's okay, we are all brothers, and I have to rely on you to deal with all kinds of formalities in the future, and I can't handle it. I'm afraid I have to rely on you to open up sales, so there are not many shares."

Bai Yong wanted to say something, but was stopped by Chen Fan.

"Let's decide like this, everyone contributes money, contributes effort."

Xu Shaodao, "That's fine, since Chen Fan is so grand, let's stop talking."

You must know that they all have a big family background, and they can solve many things with one phone call.

Chen Fan did all this just to pave the way, at worst, he spent 20 billion to play with them.

Several people chatted for a while in the villa, and saw that it was getting dark.

Bai Yong said, "Let's go find a special place to eat today."

"Young Master Zhang, what about the internet celebrity check-in spot you mentioned last time?"

Zhang Shaodao, "Yes, that kind of place eats just to create an atmosphere. I'll call and ask them to reserve a seat."

Chen Fan didn't know how they arranged it, anyway, he just went with them.

Several people came to the Internet celebrity attraction that Bai Yong said in a car. It was a lake.

There are crowds of people around the lake, and the lighting effects are well done, it looks really beautiful.

The restaurant is built in the middle of the lake, and all locations are open-air, completely open and distributed around.


There are many cruise ships in the middle. They are said to be cruise ships, but they are actually a platform floating on the water.

Of course, the platform is so stable that you can jump on it without tipping over.

Surrounded by a few strong columns, it is covered with a netted canopy, all tied with flowers.

They created such an environment, and the fees are naturally ridiculously high.

The seats here are usually not available at all, and usually you have to queue for several days.

If it weren't for the relationship between Zhang Shao and the others, don't expect to be able to eat here at all.

And those guests who can't book a seat can only watch from the shore.

Chen Fan was very curious, "Since they can't reserve a seat, why are they staying here and not leaving?"

Bai Yong said, "You don't know about this, do you? See how many live broadcasters are around here?"

"There are performances here every night, and many people come to watch the performances even if they can't get a seat."

Chen Fan didn't know what show was so famous, so he followed the three on the cruise ship.

There are four waiters standing on the cruise ship, all of them are wearing Hanfu, and their average age is no more than twenty-five years old.

After the guests board the ship, they will send a small boat to deliver the dishes to the ship.

The four of Chen Fan opened wine and chatted while eating.

Zhang Shaodao, "Eat here, the key is to watch the show."

"You can watch their special programs here after a while."

"See, that woman is the original singer."

Bai Yong pointed to a flower boat over there, with speakers on it, and the whole boat was very beautifully decorated.

Several women in ancient costumes stood on the boat, four women in white danced, and a tall woman in red sang.

All women's faces are covered with veils, giving people a sense of mystery with infinite reverie.

The singing came from far away, it was very rich and smoky, and it also had the boldness and vicissitudes of the plateau.

I heard Chen Fan was also a little involved, and the other party sang a song "I am your Gesanghua" that has become popular on the Internet.

Although I have listened to it countless times on the Internet, it is another feeling to hear the original song at this moment.

"Before the snow on the mountains melts,

I can't wait to go,

I'm going to pick a bouquet before you leave,

The first Gesang flowers to bloom.

I can't accompany you to Cape Tianya,

Just let Hua'er accompany you for me..."

On another cruise ship in the middle of the lake, there is also a beautiful woman who is as devoted as Chen Fan.

She listened to this song and gradually fell into deep thought.

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