The two cruise ships approached each other and approached slowly.

Her gaze was fixed on the singing woman.

Very affectionate.

Wow! Beauty!

Bai Yong and the others suddenly pointed at the cruise ship in front of them and yelled, all of them looked at the cruise ship in unison.

The woman obviously didn't like their style of behavior, so she glanced lightly.

Just about to look back, his gaze froze.

Chen Fan thought they were talking about a singing woman, her brows were slightly lowered, thinking about the meaning in the lyrics.

Naturally, they didn't notice the girl Bai Yong and the others were talking about.

The other party glanced at him several times, but Chen Fan didn't look back.

Bai Yong patted him, "What are you looking at? This way."

The three animals looked at each other eagerly, and when Chen Fan looked again, the other had already turned his head away.


"Whose girl is this? So beautiful."

"It's not from our Tiandu City, is it?"

The three of them looked at the woman with salivating faces, "It's so beautiful!"


"Who are we going to take her down?"

Chen Fan said, "Don't make trouble, I'll go over and say hello."


The three of them stared blankly at him, Chen Fan stood up, the two boats approached, Chen Fan jumped over.

Ning Xuecheng looked up at him, and the two boats passed by again, leaving the three of them in a daze, you look at me, I look at you.


"How did he know this girl?"

Xu Shao asked depressedly.

"How would I know?" Bai Yong's eyes kept falling on Ning Xuecheng.

Zhang Shao also looked at her, "This girl is really good, how many times better than those arrogant young ladies in Tiandu?"

"you alone?"

Chen Fan is very strange, what is she doing here alone?

Ning Xuecheng said, "I had an appointment with someone, but she didn't come."

She glanced at Chen Fan's cruise ship, "You can't make it through! Sit down and eat something!"

Seeing the two ships getting farther and farther away, Chen Fan said, "I wanted to call you over to say hello to them, but now I really can't make it through."

"Why greet them? I don't know any of them."

Ning Xuecheng ate with his head down. There were two drinks and two sets of cutlery on the table.

Anyway, I couldn't make it through, so I had to accompany Ning Xuecheng to have dinner.

The eyes of the three people on the distant ship all popped out, "Fuck, what does this guy have to do with that girl? I've eaten them all."

"do not know!"

"Looks like they know each other well.


Chen Fan said to Ning Xuecheng, "The matter of the winery has been settled, and the investment is 20 billion."

Ning Xuecheng was really interested, with a pair of charming eyes shining brightly, "Is that why you came here?"

She is very smart and can see the essence of the matter at a glance.

Those big and young people in the Tiandu circle have good hands and eyes, and they can often get a lot of resources.

Since Chen Fan came to Tiandu, he probably asked these people for help.

Chen Fan didn't hide anything, "Yes, they did it. I gave each of them 10% of the shares. They don't participate in the operation and management."

Ning Xuecheng took a sip of his drink, "Can I also become a shareholder?"

"I don't know what you think? Are you simply buying shares? Or do you want to find the feeling of running a winery?"

"You are so unpredictable that I can't grasp it."

Ning Xuecheng raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Chen Fan calmly, "Is it because I am particularly difficult to get close to?"

"Well, you're too cold."

"If I remember correctly, today is the time you talk the most."

"Every time I saw you before, you were always cold, too cold."

Ning Xuecheng showed a wry smile.

The singing flower boat has gone, but the singing still reverberates in this lake area.

The woman in red costume continued to sing, and the woman beside her continued to dance.

Ning Xuecheng asked, "Do you know what the song meant just now?"

Chen Fan looked at her unexpectedly, "It seems like a tragic love story." Pen Fun Library

"But this song is very popular on the Internet."

Ning Xuecheng looked at the flower boat in the distance with her beautiful eyes, "Why does love have to be miserable to be deeply rooted in people's hearts?"


Chen Fan didn't know how to answer for a moment.


Throughout the ages, most of the typical love stories that have been handed down are tragic.

Like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei,

The two protagonists in Peacock Flies to the Southeast.

Even Juliet and Romeo in the West and so on.

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't speak, Ning Xuecheng said in a low voice,

"This song is about a local female teacher who fell in love with a male teacher who came to support her. But she is terminally ill and knows that she may not live long, so this love can only be buried in her heart."

"But then the male teacher was leaving, and she decided to express her feelings to him before he left.

So she turned over the snow-capped mountains, looking for a Gesang flower that symbolizes beauty and happiness, and gave it to the male teacher who was supporting her, hoping that he would understand her heart. "

"Unfortunately, she fell on the snow mountain."

After listening to her, Chen Fan was also a little moved.

Seeing Ning Xuecheng like this, Chen Fan said, "Love is also beautiful."

"It's just that poignant love is more touching and unforgettable, so it can be passed down for so long."

"Maybe people feel a little regretful and always want to make up for something?"

"Hey, aren't you and Luo Xingwang getting married soon?"

Ning Xuecheng said indifferently, "We broke up!"


Chen Fan was stunned.

But he couldn't know what Ning Xuecheng was thinking, she was a girl with a strong sense of protection.

All the thoughts are hidden in the heart, not easily revealed to outsiders. Biqu library

Does anyone know what she wants?

No one knows what she is after?

Chen Fan suddenly felt that it was not appropriate to talk about this issue, and the topic turned to the winery.

"Then how do you want to cooperate?"

Ning Xuecheng frowned, "I don't have much money, let's buy some shares, how about I go to Western Europe to help you manage the winery?"

"Of course, it's just that why do you want to go to such a distant place alone?"

Ning Xuecheng didn't answer, she only said that she could manage the winery well.

"That's fine!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether the winery makes money or not. What I play is also a feeling."

"But the quality must be guaranteed, otherwise it would be meaningless for us to spend so much effort to win it."


Chen Fan saw that Bai Yong's boat was approaching again, so he stood up and said to Ning Xuecheng, "Go and say hello to some of my friends!"

Ning Xuecheng looked back, and those guys were stretching their necks and looking at this side.

When the boat approached, the two came to Bai Yong's boat.

The three guys stared straight at Ning Xuecheng.

"This is Young Master Bai, Young Master Zhang, Young Master Xu."

"Yes, yes, yes, you should have heard our name more or less?"

"Where are you from, beauty?"

The three guys couldn't wait to shake hands with Ning Xuecheng. Ning Xuecheng frowned slightly when he saw the anxious look of the three.

Chen Fan said, "She is the niece of the leader of Zhonghai Ning Jianing."


As soon as the faces of the three changed, they immediately retracted their hands.


Sit quietly one by one.

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