Lu Wushuang really didn't expect that Chen Fan would come to see him again so soon.

But during this period of time, I really thought about it day and night, and I lost a lot of weight.

It made Chen Fan feel distressed.

Seeing the two making out, Calvin felt as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle. It turned out that she had a boyfriend.

He glared at Chen Fan and said unhappily, "I advise you to let her go, she doesn't belong to you."

Chen Fan looked at Lu Wushuang, thankfully he came here, otherwise she would be annoyed to death by being pestered by these people every day.

After kissing Lu Wushuang, Chen Fan smiled and said, "Let me deal with things first."

Lu Wushuang couldn't bear to let go, and held his arm tightly, "He is from the Kawen family, and he is also my teacher's disciple."

Chen Fan nodded. Of course he had heard of the name of the Calvin family. These capital tycoons basically have their own industries all over the world.

Calvin hooked his fingers towards Chen Fan, "I suggest you go to the woods to see that dark guy just now."

"Do you know that what I am best at is helping opponents change their gender."

Chen Fan looked at each other and smiled, "If you like, I can fulfill your dream."

Cavin laughed, "Interesting, it seems that you still can't see the situation clearly."

"Don't forget, this is Barry. You are a mere Donghua, and you want to show off here?"

"I'll give you a chance, before I change my mind, let her go!"

Several of Calvin's bodyguards rushed forward, and they even had guns.

Seeing this, Chen Meng stepped forward to protect Chen Fan and Chen Fan, and Lu Wushuang's four bodyguards were also on the verge of a formidable enemy.

Seeing them so nervous, Calvin found it particularly funny.

Seeing the muzzle of the black hole pointing at everyone, Chen Fan clenched Lu Wushuang's little hand.

Calvin said contemptuously, "I gave you a chance, if you don't know how to be funny, don't blame me for not giving face."

"It will be too late until I help you change your gender."

Chen Fan frowned, "Where's Tang Wu?"


A dozen figures flashed out, and before the bodyguards with guns could react, they were all knocked down.

At the same time, the gun turned and aimed at Calvin.

Calvin was taken aback, he never dreamed that Chen Fan would still have a backup.

Moreover, his people had absolutely no power to fight back in front of the other party. Of course, this was also an emergency situation.

They underestimated the enemy.

Think it's on your own turf, there's no way this kind of thing can happen.

"What do you want?"

After seeing all his bodyguards fell down, Calvin panicked a little.

Chen Fan took Lu Wushuang's hand and walked over, sizing him up, "Didn't you say you like helping people change their gender? I can help you too."


Calvin instinctively covered important parts with his hands, and his legs were clamped tightly.

This thing is too important to me, and I must not let others waste it.

"Kneel down!"

Chen Fan yelled loudly, and Calvin's legs went limp in fright, and he knelt down in front of Chen Fan, panicking, "No! No! Don't kill me."

Chen Fan warned, "If she is harassed by anyone here, I will kill you."

"Don't think that I won't kill you because you are from the Calvin family."

Calvin nodded again and again, "I know, I know!"


Chen Fan yelled, and Calvin rolled and ran away.

It doesn't matter whether those bodyguards are dead or alive.

Seeing him leave, Chen Fan took Lu Wushuang away.

"Wushuang, it's not safe here, I think you might as well go back to China."

Unexpectedly, his little white rabbit was missed by so many people, Chen Fan was a little worried.

Lu Wushuang said, "It's okay, they usually don't dare to mess around, they just like to pretend."

Chen Fan said, "No, it's too unsafe here, and people will use knives and guns at every turn."

Guns are not allowed abroad, as long as you have a gun license.

Lu Changfeng also has a big heart. If he puts his daughter so far away, he might as well give her to me.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and Chen Meng tactfully asked everyone to avoid them. Chen Fan and Lu Wushuang were sitting in the car, and they couldn't help but hug each other tightly.

Lu Wushuang abroad is not as shy as in China, let alone worry so much.

Anyway, no one knew her, so she dared to hold Chen Fan's hand openly, probably this was what she wanted to do the most in China before.

After staying in the car for 20 minutes, Lu Wushuang lay softly in Chen Fan's arms, "I'm hungry!"

"Come on, I'll take you to eat delicious food."


Lu Wushuang nodded obediently. The happiest thing for her is to be with Chen Fan and eat delicious food.

Chen Fan called Chen Meng, "Find a place for supper, Wushuang

hungry. "


Chen Meng got into the car immediately, and Lu Wushuang's bodyguards had a driver's license here, and they drove the two of them to the busiest supper city in the city.

The bodyguard is also clever, he is looking for the kind of Chinese district.

Because only here can you eat authentic hometown taste, as well as barbecue.

Chen Fan ordered Lu Wushuang's favorite barbecue, and then sat down to eat with her.

In the days when Chen Fan is not around, she has no chance to come over to eat these delicious food.

The family wanted to raise her into a tall and noble girl, and she was not allowed to live such a civilian life.

Only at this time can she enjoy this kind of happiness.

Seeing Lu Wushuang eating a large skewer of mutton skewers, Chen Fan pinched her little face affectionately, "Slow down, there are more."

Lu Wushuang took a bite and stuffed it into Chen Fan's mouth, "How long are you going to stay here?"

"Not necessarily, try to spend as much time with you as possible."

"Hey, but eat slowly, aren't you afraid of turning yourself into a little fat man?"

"No, I just can't get fat."


Chen Fan immediately felt countless envious and jealous eyes around him.

It's fine for the little girl to be so pretty, but she can't get fat, that's too much.

Chen Fan also likes her simplicity, purity and cuteness.

After wiping her mouth with a paper towel, he handed over a skewer of freshly roasted beef skewers that were still sizzling.

"you eat!"

Lu Wushuang handed it to Chen Fan's mouth, "Take a bite and I'll eat again."


Hearing that the little girl was acting like a baby with her boyfriend, showing affection, the eyes of the people next to her were so envious that their eyes would pop out.

Chen Fan took a bite, and Lu Wushuang also took a bite, and suddenly she said mischievously, "I'll tell you something."



Unexpectedly, just as Chen Fan leaned over, she slapped Chen Fan on the face.

It made Chen Fan's face greasy, Chen Fan was not angry, but pinched her face, "When did you start to learn to be naughty!"

Lu Wushuang brought her fair face closer, "You come too!"

Chen Fan smiled happily and didn't bother her.

At this time, a dozen cars suddenly came over there, and dozens of people jumped out of the cars.

The leader was Kawen who had just been beaten away by Tang Wu and the others. Kawen led a large group of people to kill him. Seeing Chen Fan and Chen Fan from a distance, he shouted angrily, "He's over there!"

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