In an instant, a large group of people gathered around, staring at him.

Kawen Niubi came over coaxingly, and said brazenly, "You Donghua, how dare you touch me?"

"I'm from the Calvin family."

His eyes fell on Lu Wushuang, and seeing the two of them so affectionate, his teeth itch with hatred.

"She is mine, you must pay the price today!"

Seeing the opponent's posture, Tang Wu wanted to protect Chen Fan and the others to leave safely.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes at him and said, "You're going to have bad luck today!"

Calvin sneered, "I'm from the Calvin family, what do you count as a Donghua?"

"Now I just need to say one word, and you have to die here."

He looked at the people he brought here with pride.

But Chen Fan wasn't worried at all, "Don't forget, this is the Chinese district."

"Fuck! What is the Chinese district?"

"Ask all the people here, who dares to fight against our Caven family?"

"Everyone in this area has to work for our Caven family, otherwise I can raze this place with a single sentence."

At this time, a voice came, "Who the hell is bragging here?"

A group of people came down from the second floor of the Night Snack City. The muscular man leading the way approached with a toothpick in his mouth.

Behind him were several muscular men with thick backs, and there was even a black man in the middle.

Chen Fan saw him at a glance, but when he got closer, he realized that Chen Fan was here with his girlfriend.

"Brother Chen, when did you come?"

Chen Fan waved his hand, "Is this your territory?"


"Who the hell dared to pretend to be 13 in front of me?"

He glared at the group of people behind Calvin, "Damn it, it's you idiots again!"

He rushed forward, grabbed the opponent's little leader and slapped a dozen times.

The little brother behind him rushed up and pointed his gun at the head of the little boss. Shi Yukai yelled, "Are you blind? Do you dare to come here to make trouble in my territory?"

He roared, and hundreds of brothers rushed out from various stores, instantly surrounding Kawen and the people brought by the little boss.

"Kneel down!"

Shi Yukai's side is powerful, and his brothers all have guns in their hands. The little leader on Kawen's side and the gang of younger brothers trembled and knelt down awkwardly.

Some are afraid that they will kneel slowly

, Kneel before the others.

Calvin looked at the group of people, his face darkened with anger, ""

Shi Yukai snatched the gun from the men next to him and put it directly on Calvin's head.

"Don't! Don't!"

Calvin was so scared that he peed his pants, shaking like a sieve.

Shi Yukai kicked him, "What a fucking coward."

"Kneel down to me!"

In such a big supper city, there are dozens of punks from Barry City kneeling on their knees.

Shi Yukai threw the gun and walked towards Chen Fan and the two, "What's going on? Dude."

"What else can happen? He disturbed our Wushuang family."

Chen Fan was very unhappy and authentic.

He has come to this place twice, and every time he encounters something unpleasant.

Shi Yukai said, "We must give him some color, but let me tell you, this kid is from the Calvin family, let him live!"

"Punish it and forget it, otherwise it will not end well."

Chen Fan was very annoyed at first, but after hearing what Shi Yukai said, what did he suddenly think of?

He glanced at Shi Yukai, "Then let's abolish one of his hands!"

Shi Yukai nodded, "OK!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and gave instructions to the younger brother beside him.

A black muscular man walked over and pulled out a dagger with a swish.


With a flash of cold light, one of Calvin's hands was chopped off.

Calvin screamed and passed out on the spot.

The gangster leaders he brought over turned pale with fright, and they were all trembling.

Shi Yukai shouted angrily, "Get out!"

This group of talents scrambled away.

As soon as they left, Ye Xiao City returned to calm.

"Dude, are you here to see your girlfriend again?"

Shi Yukai sat down and asked the waiter to serve wine.

Chen Fan said, "I'm here to discuss some business, why is the law and order in Barry so chaotic?"

Shi Yukai said, "Isn't it normal? This kind of thing happens everywhere."

"The Calvin family is rich, so he probably wants to pretend."

"Hey, are you interested? Let's gamble on the boat again."

Chen Fan shook his head, "Tomorrow we have to discuss a business, let's do it another day!"

"Good class, you can call me whenever you have something to do in Barry, and I guarantee that no one will dare to touch you."

He looked at the people around Chen Fan, and said with a chuckle, "You'd better not make trouble for the brothers, otherwise it will be very troublesome, and they will bully the newcomers here."

Since Chen Fan is going to discuss business tomorrow, drink

After a few bottles of beer, he took Lu Wushuang back to the hotel.

Chen Meng said, "If they come a little later, Tang Wu will do it."

Chen Fan said, "We must also establish our own territory overseas."

"Let's go back to rest today, we will discuss business tomorrow."

Everyone went back to the room. They all knew that the boss had more important matters, so they didn't bother.

Lu Wushuang hadn't seen Chen Fan for a long time, and couldn't bear to part for a moment.

It wasn't until early the next morning that she knew that Chen Fan was going to discuss business, so she reluctantly went back to school.

Chen Fan saw the agent brought by Bai Yong and the others. The other party was a middle-aged man in his forties with a full-time secretary, very similar to the professional manager on TV.

After being introduced by Bai Yong and the others, and hearing that Chen Fan was the boss, Paul took the initiative to shake hands.

According to Bai Yong and Xu Shao, they can only buy the winery in the name of the other party, and then transfer it to Chen Fan's name through the other party's hands.

After meeting with him, Chen Fan learned about the whole transaction process.

Because he believed in Bai Yong and the others, Chen Fan said yes, let him prepare the agreement, and then negotiate with the winery.

Paul smiled wryly, "I'm really sorry. I contacted the winery when I came here. Something happened to their family. I'm afraid we can't talk about it today."


Bai Yong was very angry when he heard that there was a delay in what was originally scheduled.

Paul said, "His son's hand was chopped off by a local Donghua organization, and he is currently undergoing surgery in the hospital. So I don't have time to talk about it today."

"Wait, who is the owner of this winery?"

Hearing this, Chen Fan asked instinctively.

Paul explained, "You should know about the Calvin family, right? The owner of the winery is also a member of the Calvin family, but he belongs to the branch of the Calvin family."

Second Olympic!

The winery turned out to be the property of the Carvin family?

Depend on!

It looks like the deal is out of the question.

Chen Fan was a little depressed.

Zhang Shao said, "Then wait for a few days! There is no rush."

They still don't know that Chen Fan had a conflict with the Calvin family last night.

The members of the Calvin family are negotiating with the police, and they must wipe out these Donghua social organizations and seek justice for Calvin.

All expenses are borne by their Calvin family.

And the police just happened to have this intention, they had long wanted to attack people like Shi Yukai.

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