The principal knew what the leader meant, and his news was also reported by the head teacher.

But yesterday he specially came to meet with Chen Fan to confirm the authenticity of this matter, and then reported to the county leaders.

After all, if the school wants to rebuild, it needs to report to the planning bureau for approval.

After hearing about this incident, the higher-ups also paid special attention to it. Of course, such a good thing should be seized.

So the county leaders took the opportunity to make a decisive decision, and they didn't care about rest on the first day of the new year, so they took this opportunity to come to the village.

The principal explained the situation, and Chen Fan said solemnly, "Yes, I asked the school to come up with a plan and budget. If it is feasible, we will implement it immediately, but I didn't expect to alarm you."

The leader asked, "Student Chen Fan, I heard that you started your own company in Jiangzhou?"

Chen Fan nodded, "That's right, if you have time, the parent officer in your hometown is welcome to guide the work."

The county leader laughed, how could he be qualified to go to Jiangzhou to guide the work?

What is the status of Jiangzhou?

He is a provincial capital city, not from the same province, he is just the leader of a county.

Although he is a local parent official, some big entrepreneurs do not buy his account.

Many times he had to go to visit people.

Ask people to invest or something.

The county leader said, "It will cost a lot of money to rebuild the No. 1 Middle School. How much money can you provide in your plan?"

Chen Fan said, "If you don't build it, it's nothing. Since you want to rebuild, you need to build a first-class middle school. You can refer to those high-quality schools in the provincial capital."

Seeing that the leader was worried, Chen Fan said: "Don't worry about the funding issue, just follow me to Jiangzhou during the Spring Festival and you will understand."

"Okay, okay, then I will visit you and your family after the Spring Festival."

There were so many people in my party, and I was too embarrassed to interrupt for too long, so I left some sympathetic gifts and left in a hurry.

Chen Fan's mother also offered something in return, but the other party refused to accept it.

After sending them to the entrance of the village, Liu Zhishu said to Old Chen, "Your son is so promising and silent, it scared me to death."

"On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the leader actually came to visit in person. Your family is about to prosper."

Old Chen entertained everyone politely.

The county leader returned to the car, still feeling uneasy, of course because he was afraid that Chen Fan would brag.

After all, they don't know much about Chen Fan, and Chen Fan

Fan did not explain his details.

Seeing his uneasiness, the principal comforted him, "It's useless to be anxious now. Today is the first day of junior high school. I will accompany you to Jiangzhou for a field trip in a few days."

"Well, that's all there is to it!"

Chen Fan set off to return to Jiangzhou on the fifth day of the lunar new year, but this time there were more people.

In addition to Chen Juan, there were also Chen Meng and Liu Yawen, and then the county leader took several staff members, the principal, and the class teacher to go together.

Since flying to Jiangzhou required a transfer in the provincial capital, the group drove directly to Jiangzhou.

On the road of more than 1,000 kilometers, everyone took a break on the way, and several drivers took turns to drive.

It took almost fourteen hours to arrive in Jiangzhou, and Chen Fan had notified Shen Mengyao to receive him.

After putting everyone in the Yuanzhou International Hotel, in order to dispel the concerns of the county leaders, Chen Fan only introduced Hongtu Capital.

But Rao was like this, and everyone was taken aback.

The staff found out that Hongtu Capital is a very large enterprise, with many listed companies under its umbrella, including the hotel they are staying in now.

After learning about these situations, the county leader said in surprise, "It's incredible, it's incredible!"

"But how did a student of his do it?"

He really couldn't figure it out.

In fact, not only him, but everyone who knows Chen Fan can't figure it out.

The reason why Chen Fan brought them here was entirely out of respect for his alma mater, otherwise he would invest in building their school, he would believe it or not.

Another important reason is that I have developed to this day and I also want to make some contributions to my hometown.

Only then did he show a corner of his huge business empire to the leaders of his hometown.

After they visited Hongtu Investment the next day, the county leaders politely expressed to Chen Fan that they hoped that he would invest in his hometown.

Chen Fan agreed without saying a word.

Taking this opportunity, the group visited and studied in Jiangzhou for a few days before returning to Tongcheng County with confidence.

After Chen Fan asked them to come up with a budget, if he felt that the plan was feasible, he would immediately allocate funds to them.

As for other investments, Chen Fan is not interested in running a business on land, and it is impossible for him to return to a place like Tongcheng to start a business.

They simply funded a sum of money and let them develop and engage in projects by themselves.

Of course, these funds are required to be implemented, and no one can

Fill your pockets.

It may be to get the funds earlier, the school is also working very hard, the principal has just returned to school, and immediately organized relevant personnel to make a budget.

This budget was reported to the county leaders for review, and their budget was about 200 million yuan.

Chen Fan directly supported the school with 300 million yuan, and the remaining money was used as a student fund to help those children with excellent grades and poor families.

The school asked Chen Fan for instructions, hoping to use his name to name these upcoming teaching buildings, but Chen Fan refused.

In fact, this kind of situation is also very common in the whole country. There are such precedents in many schools, but Chen Fan does not advocate doing so, and the school has no choice but to give up.

Schools basically start on the 16th day of the first lunar month, and Chen Fan handles the affairs of his alma mater well before the start of school.

The funds are in place, and the rest is left to them to handle.

There are still two days before school starts, Chen Fan asked someone to say hello, and sent Chen Juan to the best high school in Jiangzhou.

And find the best local teacher to make up for her last semester, so that Chen Juan can be admitted to an ideal university.

Shen Mengyao agrees very much with Chen Fan's decision to support the construction of his hometown, and she also believes that one should not forget one's roots.

Know how to be grateful and reciprocate. Without the care of the teacher in charge, Chen Fan might not have been able to get into such a good university.

He couldn't get into Jiangzhou University, and he didn't have the achievements he has today.

Of course she didn't know about the accidental collision between Chen Fan and Zhao Linlin, but Shen Mengyao was right.

My achievements today are inseparable from the care of my homeroom teacher, so Chen Fan decided to hand over the support for the construction of Tongcheng County and the reconstruction of the school to Shen Mengyao.

In this way, I will have the opportunity to bring Shen Mengyao back to Tongcheng, and create opportunities for the two of them to get along alone.

This is something Shen Mengyao never dreamed of.

Because there will be a groundbreaking ceremony for the school at that time, and Chen Fan will be required to appear in various ceremonies after the completion of the project, so Shen Mengyao becomes his agent.

After the school's affairs were settled and Chen Juan's school was contacted, Chen Fan was ready to report to school.

On the high-speed train from Daxiang to Jiangzhou, Gao Ranran said to Jiang Chaosheng who was standing next to him, "Don't tell anyone about my coming to Jiangzhou, especially Chen Fan."

Jiang Chaosheng nodded again and again, "Okay, okay!"

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