After Being Knocked Into The Air By The School Belle, I Gou Became The Richest Man In The World

Chapter 336 No Matter Who This Woman Is, She Can't Be Zhou Yufei

As soon as Chen Fan returned to school, someone added his WeChat account.

The other party's nickname turned out to be: please send me a date!

After clicking on the information, it was a man.


Refuse to join!

But after a while, the other party sent another application message and left a message: I am the boss, Chen Meng!

Depend on!

Is this kid sick?

Chen Fan said through his WeChat, "What the hell are you doing? How can you marry such a name?"


Chen Meng sent a grimace, "People like you who have many girlfriends can't understand the pain of being single."

"Damn, it sounds like you don't have a girlfriend, I'll tell Liu Yawen."

"Don't! This WeChat name was taken before, and it has not been changed. The name doesn't mean anything."

"Okay, don't disturb my serious study."

Chen Fan ignored him.

But after a while, someone applied to add their own WeChat, the sylph beast of Xiaoqiushan.

"Huh? What's going on today?"

Chen Fan is also surprised that so many people add his WeChat.

Who is the sylph beast in Xiaoqiu Mountain?

Click on the avatar and take a look, it is a cartoon avatar of a girl.

Who is who?


Chen Fan has always ignored those who don't understand.

Could it be possible to chat with a girlfriend through social software?

But after a while, the other party applied again, "Little big brother, please add me."

"I have something to tell you."

Chen Fan wondered, could it be someone else's prank?

After clicking agree, there is nothing in the other party's circle of friends, and nothing can be seen at all.

Soon she sent a message, "Why did you reject me? Don't you guys like to tease girls?"

Chen Fan froze for a moment, then replied, "I'm different from them."

"Oh? No way? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, a lot."


The other party laughed.

He really laughed, and the person who sent the message covered his mouth and laughed.

But she quickly replied with a message, "Then do you mind having another girlfriend?"

At this time, Chen Fan began to suspect that Zuo Bing was playing tricks, and he clearly wanted to test himself.


Go back and clean you up.

So Chen Fan deliberately said, "It seems that you are very confident?"

"Okay, if you want to be my girlfriend, then you have to see if you have the capital."

The other party paused for a while and asked, "What capital, tell me."

"The minimum requirement, long hair and big waves, do you have it?"


"You are a devil!"

The other party replied.

Ha ha……

"No boobs, no boobs, who are you scolding?"

Sure enough, the other party stopped talking.

Chen Fan guessed that if this person was not Zuo Bing, he should be an acquaintance.

Want to tease me?

There are no doors.

Originally, I wanted to have lunch to make sure that Zuo Bing was playing a prank, but Zuo Bing and Lu Wanwan went to the company for a meeting.

Chen Fan had no choice but to go to the cafeteria with Wang Hao and the others.

This is the last semester of senior year, and many people are starting to worry about work.

After entering the society, you have to support yourself.

Of course, there are also some people who are preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination and continue their studies.

"Call everyone to have dinner together tonight!"

Yi Langgao is not here, Chen Fan said to Wang Hao.

"Okay, I'll let them know."

After eating, Chen Fan went back to the dormitory to rest.

The sylph beast from Xiaoqiu Mountain sent another message: Little big brother, please treat me to a meal?

Chen Fan ignored her.

"Hmph! So stingy!"

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't respond to messages, she sent a few more: "What do you think I'm doing?"

"I'm imagining what you look like, imagining the scene when we meet one day. Do you think it will be exciting?"

Chen Fan inadvertently glanced at the opposite side, Zhou Yufei was sending a message with her mobile phone.

Chen Fan jumped up, what the hell!

Could it be her?

Seeing Zhao Linlin approaching, Zhou Yufei dropped her phone like a thief.

Chen Fan lost his mood for an instant.

No matter who this woman is, she can't be Zhou Yufei!

Chen Fan quickly deleted her and went to bed.

In the evening, Chen Fan had a dinner with everyone.

The place for the dinner was at Zhao Linlin's former hotel. Although she no longer manages the hotel, it still belongs to the Zhao family's property.

In the box, Chen Fan, Yi Langgao, Wang Hao, Qin Nan, Xu Keqing, Wang Hao also notified Mao Xiaojuan.

In fact, Chen Fan had other intentions for this gathering. After the food was served, he said, "We are graduating soon, and everyone will have their own futures. After graduation, the days of getting together may become less and less."

He asked Yi Langgao, "Prince, have you decided to go stock trading with Professor Sun?"

"Well! I still like this industry, and I have meat to eat with Professor Sun."

"Okay, I wish you a bright future."

"What about you, Xu Keqing? Are you joining the securities company with him?"

Xu Keqing is a typical conservative girl, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog.

The two have been together for two years

, never give up. She nodded without hesitation, "I'm going to be a salesman."

"Oh, that's alright."

Chen Fan also hoped that they would stabilize, so he persuaded them, "If you have money, you should buy a house first? Like Wang Hao and Qin Nan, they have their own small families."

Yi Lang said, "There's no rush, my dream is a villa."

"The money should be used for investment, let the money make money, don't be confined to a certain area. As long as the two of us are together, we are home wherever we go."

Xu Keqing glanced at him, but stopped talking.

Chen Fan knows girls' minds, they yearn for stability instead of wandering around all the time.

But Yi Langgao's mentality has been a little drifting, and he can't calm down.

Chen Fan couldn't say anything, he asked Wang Hao, "You don't have any other plans for the time being, do you?"

Wang Hao and Qin Nan shook their heads together, "No, we are doing well in the company, and we plan to continue working."

Chen Fan smiled, "It's pretty good."

He could see that maybe Wang Hao and Qin Nan were the ones who had gone the longest.

The two of them are down-to-earth and not impetuous.

Finally, he asked Mao Xiaojuan. In fact, Mao Xiaojuan was not a member of the small circle, but Mao Xiaojuan had been actively moving closer to the circle.

If she is down-to-earth, Chen Fan will also take care of her.

"What are your plans?"

Mao Xiaojuan said, "What other plans can I have as a girl? After graduation, I can find a job that suits me and support myself."

"Aren't you working part-time in Mingyuan Jewelry?"


"But I can only go on weekends, and the salary is not high."

"Do it well, there's a lot of room for upside there."

That's all Chen Fan can say, he will ask Shen Mengyao to pay attention, if Mao Xiaojuan's ability is good, then use it.

Of course, if the ability is not enough, Chen Fan will not keep this person in vain.

After eating, this guy thought about going to Shen Mengyao's place again.

But when he came to the door of Shen Mengyao's house, Shen Mengyao was not at home.

After making a call, "Mengyao, what are you doing? Don't you go home at this hour?"

This guy was reminiscing about the beauty of that night in his mind, and he was already a little distracted.

Shen Mengyao said, "I haven't lived in these few days, my dad is a little uncomfortable."

"Oh, let me come and take a look!"

"No, no! No!" Shen Mengyao hurriedly refused in fright, she didn't want her family to know about herself and Chen Fan.

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