shot in one shot.

Chen Nuo put down his gun and took a look.


Wrong shot.

There is still a long way to go before the target.

Although it was expected, it was still a bit embarrassing.

The boss laughed and said: “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. Let’s feel the feel of the first shot. Maybe the next shot will hit you.”

The girl covered her mouth and arched her eyebrows: “Hehehe, I really didn’t expect that Chen Nuo, you There are also things that you can’t do……”

Really shameless.

Chen Nuo was angry, took off his coat and threw it to Ruan Xiaonuan: “Hold it to me.”

Ruan Xiaonuan stood aside holding his coat.

Chen Nuoli was wearing a black turtleneck sweater. He rolled up the sleeves to his elbows. The exposed skin of his upper arms felt the cold air outside. The hairs stood up instinctively, but he also felt much calmer and more awake.

Then , and then picked up the gun again.

He took a deep breath and slowly replayed the shot in his mind frame by frame, and then slowly adjusted the gun to an extremely weak angle.

His eyes became cold and stern.

Pull the trigger.

The second shot was fired.


Hit the target directly!

“ah! ! ! ! ! Ruan Xiaonuan jumped up excitedly while hugging Chen Nuo’s coat, “I hit it, you are so powerful!” The second shot hit! ”

Chen Nuo glanced at her and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

The smile on the boss’s face froze.

The second shot hit him?

He was losing money.

Ruan Xiaonuan ran to the shelf and pointed at the pink rabbit doll, excited He shouted, “Boss, I want this! I want this!” ”

The boss looked sad and took down the pink rabbit doll and gave it to her.

The little girl held the coat in one hand and the rabbit in the other, smiling so hard that she couldn’t close her mouth.

Chen Nuo raised his chin and said with high spirits: “Which one do you want, huh?”

“No more, that’s it. Ruan Xiaonuan said with satisfaction.

Chen Nuo paid for the two bullets, then walked to her, took the coat and put it on.。

“Let’s go, don’t we want to ride the roller coaster? ”

The two played a roller coaster. Ruan Xiaonuan screamed at the top of her lungs and turned pale. When she came down, she was picked up by Chen Nuo. Her legs were so weak that she couldn’t

walk anymore.

She wrapped her hands around Chen Nuo’s neck. , she was carried away from the roller coaster by him in a princess hug, feeling so beautiful that she felt so beautiful.

Chen Nuo carried her to a chair and sat for a while.

The girl’s almost whole body was pressed against him

. He lowered his head slightly, and his chin could directly touch hers. The top of the head felt itchy.

Between the nose, all that came from her hair was the faint fragrance of her hair. It

smelled very good.

Chen Nuo forcibly held Xin Yuma and asked in a low voice: “How are you, do you feel better? Ruan

Xiaonuan hung on him and said coquettishly: “No, please hold me for a while longer.” ”

Chen Nuo:“……”

After a while, he asked again: “Are you okay now?”




“……How long do you want me to hold you?”


Chen Nuo was angry and funny. He suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched the itchy flesh on her waist a few times.

Ruan Xiaonuan was the most ticklish, so she immediately let go of him and jumped up from him with a giggle.。

“I’m so necrotic, don’t tickle me!

Chen Nuo said: “It’s getting late, it’s time to go. ” ”

At this time, the sun was almost setting.

The two took a taxi back and first sent Ruan Xiaonuan to the door of her community.

When they separated, Ruan Xiaonuan looked at him reluctantly and said, “I still have some homework. I haven’t finished it yet. How about coming to se

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] e you tomorrow? Please tell me the topic again. Chen Nuo smiled: ”

Okay.” ”

Ruan Xiaonuan then jumped back.


Dr. Lin was at her desk, writing a summary of her recent work one stroke at a time.

Suddenly, the mobile phone placed aside rang.

She picked up the mobile phone, Glancing at the number, he answered the call: “Hello, Mom.。”

“Tongtong, come home for dinner this weekend。”

“this weekend? Lin Tong glanced at the calendar on the table and said calmly, “No, I have to be on duty.”。”

“Why are you always on duty? “The other person said, “You’re still always on duty on weekends?”


“It’s not because you are not married. The other doctors in your department are all married, and some have children, so they have assigned all their weekend shifts to you.。”

“You know and you still ask。”

“Switch shifts with your colleagues. You have to go home this weekend anyway.。”

“Why? Lin Tong asked subconsciously, then guessed something and said coldly, “Are you arranging a blind date for me again?” How many times have I told you I’m not interested!”

“I don’t care if you are interested or not, you must come home to me! After the New Year, you will be 5 years old. If you don’t get married, can you still get married? The person on the other side also got angry and shouted loudly, “Others who are over 28 and unmarried are called leftover women. What about you?” All are left fighters! Do you think it’s easy for me to ask people everywhere to find a suitable partner for you? Men who are still single at this age are basically rotten. How many are good? If you continue to delay like this, you will never be able to get married in this life! Let me tell you, I have made an appointment with someone this weekend. He is a 40-year-old returnee doctor and a native of Chu City. Although he is a little short and has been divorced, he has a good temper and studies a lot. If you come back and meet him on the weekend, if there are no problems, the matter will be settled! Lin

Tong frowned and hung up the phone.

A few seconds later, the phone rang again.

Again and again.

Reluctantly, Lin Tong would not give up until he answered.

Lin Tong finally picked up the phone again. Cell phone, said coldly: “I said, I have no plans to get married, so I won’t go back. ”

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly started crying.

“Tongtong, mom knows that you are cold-hearted, and she doesn’t want to force you. But… marriage is not only for love, but also for finding a partner! “The old female voice on the opposite side sobbed, “Mom, in a hundred years, if you are still single and lonely, and something unexpected happens in the future, and there is no one around you who knows how to take care of you, what will you do? Even if my mother is watching from the sky, she won’t feel at ease.……”

“It was your mother who was wrong before, but now she doesn’t want you to marry a rich man, she just wants him to be kind and considerate, and treat you well for the rest of your life. Mom is willing to give in… Can you understand what it means to be a mother? ”

Lin Tong’s fingers holding the phone tightened and loosened, then loosened and tightened again.

When she heard the words on the other side, her usually cold face became a little more moved.

After a long time, she sighed: “This weekend I can’t go back. There are too many people on vacation in the hospital and it will be very busy. In addition, I don’t need you to introduce me to a blind date, and don’t rush me. I will bring a suitable person to you within three months.。”


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