School starts in the blink of an eye.

After a lot of excitement, the students who were a little distracted during the winter vacation finally plunged into the hard life of high school again.

High school is more stressful every semester.

Just two days after school started, there was the exam. Fang Heping said, “Let me see if you just played all day long during the winter vacation. Take the exam!” Everyone complained softly: “There are so

many homework assignments during the winter vacation. How can you have time to just play?” Ah!”

Even Liu Zhihua felt relieved. His final exam scores last semester were poor, ranking him at the bottom of the class.

Therefore, his mother forced him to give away his World of Warcraft account and threatened to deduct his pocket money if he went to the Internet cafe all day again. He also promised that if his grades came up, he would help him get his account back.

Liu Zhihua turned his grief into motivation and studied hard.

After the exam, the results came out, and Chen Nuo ranked first again.

Total score 743.

Everyone was speechless looking at this score.

This guy’s grades are so good that people can’t even feel jealous.

Ruan Xiaonuan ranked 22nd in the class, with a score of 510, and slowly advanced a few places.

Pan Liping looked at her with a kinder look again. She was especially satisfied with Ruan Xiaonuan’s Chinese scores. These few times, her compositions were read aloud in class as model essays.

In the first semester of high school, study time is even tighter than before. There is no self-study on Friday night as usual. Saturday is a holiday, but classes will start on Sunday afternoon.

On Monday night, Ruan Xiaonuan returned to his dormitory from the library.

She hummed a song and went to the bathroom to wash up in a happy mood. She was going to read some books while the lights were still in the dormitory.

At this time, Huo Jia, who was lying on the bed in the dormitory and reading comics with his feet up, suddenly said: “Hey, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, how are you and your Chen Nuo going to spend it?”

“Valentine’s Day? Ruan Xiaonuan was stunned for a second, then slapped his forehead, “Oh, I’ll be 14 tomorrow. I forgot about this matter.” ”

It’s such a risk. If Huo Jia hadn’t reminded her, she would have almost forgotten it.

But then she thought about it, tomorrow is Tuesday, there are classes all day, and she spends her free time with Chen Nuo. Are they lovers? It doesn’t seem to matter much on Valentine’s Day.

However, gifts always have to be prepared. By the way

, will Chen Nuo remember Valentine’s Day?

Will he prepare any gifts for her?

Ruan Xiaonuan was thinking wildly, but Huo Jia didn’t wait for her answer. A kick came from the other side, “Why are you so stupid?。”

“What does it have to do with you? Ruan Xiaonuan was kicked by her and angrily fought back with a pillow, “Anyway, you are single and it has nothing to do with you.” Therefore, I don’t want to show affection on Valentine’s Day because I have to care for animals. ”

The rest of the people in the dormitory said: “Hehehehehe。”


She put down the comic book, held her chin and said, “Actually, sometimes I envy you.”

Ruan Xiaonuan:“???”

Huo Jia sighed: “At least you are my person. Sometimes I feel lonely and lonely. I want to find someone I like, but why can’t I find someone?” Ruan Xiaonuan frowned and thought for a while, then answered calmly:

” Maybe because you are ugly, you think others are ugly.”

Everyone: “Hahahahaha.”

Huo Jia:“……”

No one can stop her, she will strangle this little villain to death!

She gritted her teeth and rushed over to scratch Ruan Xiaonuan’s itch, which made Ruan Xiaonuan lose her armor and beg for mercy. Then she let her go and said, “I’m too lazy to pay attention to you. I’m going to take a beauty nap.” Ruan


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] aonuan said in a mean tone: “A beautiful girl like me sleeps on beauty sleep, while a dumpling like you can only sleep in the cage.” He was scratched to death by

Huo Jia again.

After the lights were turned off, they went to bed separately.

On the other side, in the boys’ dormitory.

The lights were turned off, and Chen Nuo was about to close his eyes.

The mobile phone next to him flashed, and a text message came.

He used to turn off his phone at school, but now Ruan Xiaonuan often sends him text messages, so he turns it on at night.

Sure enough, it’s from Ruan Xiaonuan。

“hllo, future boyfriend, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, did you know? “·

Chen Nuo sat up and pressed the keyboard to type: “I don’t have a lover, it has nothing to do with me. ”

A few seconds later。

“Do you need me to play your lover? Ahem, it doesn’t matter whether it’s money or not, the main thing is that I love performing.。”

“You are not suitable for Valentine’s Day。”


“You are suitable for Children’s Day. ”

Ruan Xiaonuan:“……”

If you don’t love the right person, you will lick the dog and cry twice.

I will never be a love sucker again in my next life!

She angrily threw her phone aside and went to sleep.

The next day, Ruan Xiaonuan originally wanted to buy a box of chocolates for Chen Nuo, but he didn’t buy it because he was angry about what happened last night. Chen Nuo also pretended that this was not the case, and the teachers seemed to have a tacit understanding that day, and they assigned a lot of homework at the same time, killing all the young lovers in the school who were ready to have sex in the evil homework hell.

Inside the library.

When Chen Nuo went, Ruan Xiaonuan had already arrived.

The little girl kept a straight face and worked hard on the questions without even looking at Chen Nuo. She was obviously saying, “I’m not happy, I’m very angry.”

Chen Nuo sat down next to her, glanced at her for a few times, tapped his fingers on the table, and said calmly. He said, “Both the seventh to last question and the second to last question are wrong. Take a closer look.”

Ruan Xiaonuan involuntarily moved his eyes over and checked. After a while, he really found out that they were wrong.

He began to revise silently.

While I was changing, I suddenly smelled a fragrant and sweet smell in my nose.

Ruan Xiaonuan turned around subconsciously and saw that Chen Nuo took out a small paper box from somewhere, placed it on the table and opened it.

There are several neat little cakes inside. Each piece is only a little bigger than a mahjong tile, but it looks very delicate and has a sweet smell.

Ruan Xiaonuan watched from the side and swallowed involuntarily.。

“Want to eat? “Chen Nuo knew that she loved sweets and deliberately teased her.

Ruan Xiaonuan pursed her lips and puffed up her cheeks: “I don’t want to eat them. Chen Nuo said, ”

Really?” It’s a pity that it has to be thrown away. ”

As he said this, he pretended to stand up with the carton containing the cake, as if he really wanted to throw it away.

“Why throw it away? “Ruan Xiaonuan hurriedly reached out to hold him and asked。

“I don’t like sweets. Chen Nuo said lightly, “Since you don’t eat it either, you can only throw it away.”

Ruan Xiaonuan’s eyes were filled with reluctance: “This is such a waste, right? “……”

Chen Nuo asked: “How about you eat it?”

The little girl nodded quickly, and after finishing the order, she emphasized: “Remember, I didn’t want to eat it. It’s a waste, so I ate it.”

Chen Nuo said: “Okay.”

Ruan Xiaonuan’s eyes lit up, and he quickly took the cake and ate it in small bites with a fork.

Sweet from mouth to heart.

She knew that Chen Nuo must have bought it for her on purpose.

For the sake of this cake, I forgive him! _To

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