The spring in March is very beautiful.

The last class of the morning is Chinese.

The Chinese teacher of Grade 1 and Grade 3 was originally a senior teacher, but recently he had some physical problems and took two weeks off. The substitute teacher was a male teacher who had just graduated. A young man named An was currently impassionedly appreciating the ancient poems on the Chinese language test paper that had just been handed out.

Chen Nuo turned his pen slowly, thinking about Ruan Xiaonuan’s weaknesses that needed to be worked on. Next to him, Liu Zhihua was lying there thinking about his World of Warcraft.

The boy behind him patted Liu Zhihua on the shoulder.

Liu Zhihua was startled and turned around to look.

The other party handed over a note.

Liu Zhihua took it and opened it.

The note says。

“Please give it to Teacher An and ask him to appreciate this poem. ”

Followed by a little poem:

《”Lying on the Stone Spring Green” ”

Lying on the plum blossoms and smelling the flowers, lying on the ground knowing that the sky is painted.”

The fish kisses the water lying on the stone, and the lying stone answers the spring green.

Liu Zhihua turned back and glared at the other party, meaning you wouldn’t give it to Teacher An yourself?

The other party whispered seriously: “I wrote this poem myself. I’m sorry, please help me give it to Teacher An. I’ll treat you to a meal in the cafeteria.” Liu Zhihua was about to raise his hand when he heard that he could have free rice, but Chen Nuo turned

around After writing, he reminded him in a low voice: “Read this poem carefully a few more times.”

Liu Zhihua paused, then took the note and carefully recited the poem in his heart several times. After a while, he suddenly His face turned black with anger.

It turns out that this is a homophonic poem.

The meaning is: “”I am a stupid donkey” I have no education, I only know how to farm, if you want to ask who I am, I am a big stupid donkey.”

Fortunately, it was not given to the Chinese teacher, otherwise Liu Zhihua would have taken the blame.

Liu Zhihua was furious, turned around and glared at the boy in the back seat fiercely, his eyes indicating that I will settle the score with you after class.

The other person lowered his head and shrugged his shoulders. Laughing silently.

Teacher An, who is immersed in the beauty of poetry, knows nothing about it.

When the bell rang for the end of class, Teacher An just finished speaking about the composition and announced: “Class is over!”

Before he even stepped out of the classroom, Liu Zhihua jumped up and rushed towards the boy in the back seat, “Luo Xu, you bastard, Look at my Pegasus Meteor Fist and send you to hell。”

“Get out of here, I’m still using the Turtle Style Qigong Wave! ”

Both sides were very enthusiastic, and they soon became one.

The onlookers were also very active, cheering for both sides, and no one came up to stop them.

Chen Nuo said calmly: “You fight back, don’t touch my things. . ”

Then he turned around and saw Ruan Jing standing at the door of Class 3’s classroom, waving to him.

The sun was shining brightly outside, the spring was just right, the girl was as bright as flowers in bloom, and the cloud shadows in the sky cast down, making her A dreamy light and shadow floated on the palm-sized white face.

Chen Nuo couldn’t help but smile.

He thought everything ended well.

But fate gave him the opportunity to start again, crossing time and space and returning to the beginning of everything.

In this The unparalleled beauty of spring, his mature heart suddenly felt the breath of youth again.

Spring was just in time. As

soon as he went out, Ruan Xiaonuan said excitedly: “Future boyfriend, guess what? Guess, where did I place in this monthly exam? ! ”

Seeing the proud expression on her face, Chen Nuo knew that she probably did well in the exam.


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] he just raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: “22nd? Ruan

Xiaonuan snorted: “I got 22nd place in the exam last time. Is it possible that with a teacher as good as you, I’m still standing still for a month?” Before Chen

Nuo could continue, she had already shown off: “No. 18!””

“Um. Chen Nuo smiled and pursed his lips, “Not bad, keep working hard.” ”

After receiving the praise from her sweetheart, Ruan Xiaonuan’s almond-shaped eyes curled up, and she raised her little face and asked expectantly: “Is there any reward?

Chen Nuo said, “You are not taking the exam for me. This is good for yourself. ” Ruan

Xiaonuan curled his lips and looked unhappy, “But I want a reward.” Chen

Nuo thought for a while, felt in the pocket of his school uniform, quickly took out a lollipop, handed it to her, and said in a coaxing tone, “Here, take it.” ”

Because Ruan Xiaonuan loves sweets, he always keeps these gadgets in his pocket.

Ruan Xiaonuan puffed up his cheeks: “That’s it? ”

Chen Nuo touched again, took out the second one, and waved it in front of her eyes, “How about double reward? Ruan

Xiaonuan happily took it, one in each hand: “Hehe, this is pretty much the same.” ”

She put one in her pocket and peeled off the candy wrapper on one of them.

She didn’t peel off the candy wrapper for a long time, so she could only hand it to Chen Nuo: “Future boyfriend, help me peel off the candy wrapper. ”

Chen Nuo finished it in a few moments, and then handed it back to her.

The little girl smiled brightly, put the lollipop in her ruddy mouth, sucked and slurped it.

Chen Nuo glanced at it, and suddenly felt guilty Feeling.

No, don’t think nonsense.

I’m still young. The person

who caused the instigation didn’t know it yet. He was eating with gusto, and suddenly someone behind him shouted: “Xiao Nuan. Ruan

Xiaonuan looked back and saw that it was Ke Shishi.

Holding a postal parcel in her arms, she came from the direction of the school communication room, walked to Ruan Xiaonuan, and said, “I just went to the communication room to pick up my order.” book, I saw a letter from you, so I brought it over for you. ”

She handed an envelope to Ruan Xiaonuan.

Ruan Xiaonuan glanced at the sender’s address on the envelope, and suddenly his face showed nervousness. He took the envelope and quickly stuffed it into his pocket with a stick in his mouth. Lollipop said vaguely: “Thank you, Shishi. ”

After Ke Shishi left, she glanced at Chen Nuo as if nothing had happened, sipped a lollipop, tilted her head, and said with a smile: “Hurry to the canteen, there are braised pork ribs today!

Chen Nuo said: “Okay. ” ”

Walked to the cafeteria, ordered food, sat down, and ate.

Ruan Xiaonuan raised her head and looked at Chen Nuo quietly while eating.

The boy’s face was as usual, and there was nothing strange about his expression.

After a while, she couldn’t hold it in any longer, and asked a series of questions: “Why don’t you ask me who wrote the letter just now? Aren’t you afraid that it’s a love letter written to me by someone else? Humph, don’t you care about me? Let me tell you, if you continue to have no sense of crisis, you may lose your little cutie!

Chen Nuo said calmly: “Love letter? ” You mean, Sprout magazine sent you a love letter? ”

Ruan Xiaonuan:“……”

Damn it, why does this bad guy have such a good look?

No wonder I’m not nervous at all.

She pouted, took out the envelope and put it on the table.

Sure enough, the sender of the letter was “Editorial Department of “Grudge” Magazine”。

“Last month I saw they had a call for essays, so I submitted one. Ruan Xiaonuan muttered, “The results are probably here now.” I don’t know if there is any draft. She pushed the envelope towards Chen Nuo: ”

I don’t dare to look at it. Please help me look at it.” ”

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect, recommend, and share! ��,

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