In April, Yiqi Juechen headed towards the Yan Kingdom's palace, and after that, countless courtiers were recruited to the Yan palace.

The sweaty lieutenant told what he saw one by one, knelt on the ground, and asked Emperor Yan to make a decision.

Ministers, look at me, I look at you, for a while, it is difficult to speak.

An old man stood up and said in shock: "Is what you said true?"

The lieutenant raised his head and nodded solemnly, "I don't dare to tell lies, hundreds of thousands of Yan soldiers saw the scene at that time, and a cannon was fired, which was enough to blow through the ground. If it was bombed on a person, the consequences would be unimaginable. ."

This kind of cannon, the denser you are, the more difficult it will be to escape, and the more casualties will be, but with so many soldiers, can you not gather?

impossible. So, when you are not rushing to the opponent's city, the opponent throws a cannon, what can you do?

"We can't do anything. If the other party's dozen cannons fire at us at once, we'll have to wait to die."

This is not the time to say that you can protect your family and country with all your might.

"Do they really have a dozen cannons? Are they all shot for you?"

The lieutenant shook his head and said, "Their dozen or so cannons were exposed at the end, and they didn't shoot."

He paused, then said, "I know what your lord means, but even if these dozen cannons are fake, just shoot one cannon and we're done."

There are still many people who don't believe it.

"How can there be such a thing in the world?"

Yes, how can there be such a thing in the world? The lieutenant was also disappointed.

Everyone said your words and I said them one by one, and immediately discussed countermeasures after they were unbelievable.

"Shen Liu asked someone to come back and write a letter. We only have 15 days. This time, Your Majesty, it will take 12 days. Your Majesty, we only have three days left."

"Your Majesty, if the other party really has that artifact, we have made a mistake before. We are equivalent to giving them time to develop a new type of cannon."

"So, I advocated fighting from the beginning."

"What are we fighting, even if we started fighting last year, can we hit the capital of Emperor Yu in no time? As long as this new cannon is built, we will all die."

"Then what? Are we going to die now?"

Waiting to die...impossible.

All eyes turned to Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan sat at the top, expressionless.

He said to the people below: "Are you finished talking?"

The ministers shut up.

Emperor Yan stood up, ready to say something.

But before he started to speak, he heard footsteps outside, and the little **** shouted from outside: "Your Majesty, someone from the border gate—"

Emperor Yan frowned, "Come in."

A man in armor came in.

Emperor Yan asked, "Wang Qing's family, why are you back?"

The deputy general surnamed Wang looked at Emperor Yan and said, "Three hours after General Xiao left, this minister was sent back by the general."

General Xiao was the lieutenant who came back to report before.

Emperor Yan's brows furrowed even tighter, and he said, "Your commander, have you collapsed?"

Deputy General Wang's head was covered in sweat, but he didn't dare to wipe it off. He only dared to take out a wooden box from his arms tremblingly.

Everyone didn't know why, and the anxious people scolded: "What the **** are you doing back here, tell me!"

Vice-General Wang did not speak. He opened the box and saw a strangely shaped thing inside.

He looked at this thing and said sadly: "Your Majesty, this is given to the general by the soldiers of Yu. If you say that the cannons will not be sent back to us to see, but this kind of guns, as many as the country Yu wants, I will bring one for you to see. Look, lest you distrust him."

"Extremely arrogant!"

"What is this?"

The two voices sounded at the same time. Those who were anxious could not do it, and those who were angry could not do it. Instead, Emperor Yan walked over without speaking. He stared silently for a moment and asked Lieutenant General Wang, "Can you make it?"

Vice Admiral Wang nodded, he was sent back after he had studied it specially.

"Your Majesty, please give me the best armor, and I will shoot it for you. The power of this pistol is the same as that of a cannon."

Emperor Yan trembled when he heard this.

Then he tied his newly acquired armor to a distant target.

General Wang stood not far away, then raised his pistol and shot at the armor on the target. One shot hit the chest of the armor, where the heart was.

The armor was torn.

If this were a man, he would be dead long ago.


Everyone present, including Emperor Yan, was shocked and speechless.

At this time, no one cared about General Wang, and only looked at the armor in horror.

The hole in the armor is sharper than a knife and faster than a sword.

If people are so far away from you, they can get in the way without killing you.

It's like a cannon indeed. Cannons can also be tactically evaded, but what about pistols? You want to fight with each other, they have guns in their hands, and you are shot to death before you kill them.

It's over, it's over.

Yan Huang's throat was dry. Then there was a hint of fishy smell in his mouth, and before he could react, someone shouted in horror, "Your Majesty - why did you vomit blood?"

A riot of troops.

Yan Huang was helped to the bed.

He lay on the bed and touched his heart.

For a moment, he even felt unreal.

If it is said that there is a cannon that is lied to by the general and deputy generals of the State of Yan, then this pistol is definitely not a lie.

He invited a craftsman from the country of Yan who had been studying cannons and asked, "Can you make it?"

The craftsman of the State of Yan shook his head, "No—we haven't even built a cannon. This kind of pistol takes more time than a cannon. Your Majesty, we won't be able to build it within a year at least."

Not to mention large batches.

Emperor Yan nodded silently, and then said, "Go on."

He was lying on the bed alone, thinking for a long time, unable to make a decision for a long time.


The scholar of the Ministry of War of the State of Yan.

Several important ministers belonging to the military minister camp gathered in one place to discuss political affairs.

"So, what should we do? Do we really have to fight to the death?"

"It's not worth it, but it's not worth it if we surrender here."

"People of my generation are willing to die for the sake of the country of Yan. They are not greedy for life and fear death. I am only afraid that the country of Yu will slaughter the city."

"It shouldn't slaughter the city, Yu Bing... Although they are opponents, enemies, and people who want to kill with their lives, I absolutely believe that they will not kill innocent people."

"Yeah, if they slaughtered the city, they wouldn't give us this one."

"So, are we going to surrender?"

"We should go and see for ourselves."

"Until I saw that kind of cannon, I would always have doubts in my heart."

"I'm going too, the country will not be the country, we old and immortal, there is no point in staying in Kyoto."

"What do you think, Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty...hey, Your Majesty also loves the people."

There was grief in the hearts of the people.

These people may be able to survive after surrendering, but His Majesty certainly cannot.

This is a group that is still struggling.


The scholar of the Ministry of Rites of the State of Yan.

"We're afraid we're going to prepare to serve the new master." He said to his party members: "Have you seen the pistol today, that thing, we can't resist it."

One person said: "What do you mean by adults?"

The Master of the Ministry of Rites said: "I mean, our country of Yan is afraid that the country will be destroyed, and after the country is destroyed, what kind of official positions do you think you can get in the state of Yu?"

"According to the usual procedures of the Yu Kingdom, after taking charge of New State, they will recruit people to serve as officials, but they must pass their exams."

"Anyone among us can write the word Yu?"

A few people look at me, I look at you, all nodded in unison.

That's right, they actually all write the word Yu.

Like them, who can't have a backhand?

It's not just them, whether they are poor students or children from aristocratic families, in fact, they all started to learn the word Yu later, not for other reasons, just in case there is an emergency.

And even when they are studying, they have something to say.

One reason: knowledge. Yu country is rich in books, in order to learn this knowledge of Yu country, so he must learn Yu character.

Reason two: businessmen. The Yu Kingdom was rich in land and resources. In order to do business with the Yu Kingdom, it was necessary to learn the word Yu.

Reason three: education. Yu State had the most perfect education system, and it was a good plan to see the children sent to Yu State.


Countless reasons have led countless people to learn the word Yu. Therefore, if the Yu Kingdom came over, and if the Yan Kingdom collapsed, the competition for officialdom would still be great.

Because the officials of the Yu Kingdom don't care about your background or whether you are good at writing articles, they only care about whether you can do anything.

All the officials of the Ministry of Rites were descendants of an aristocratic family, and they felt unhappy when they thought that they would go to the exam with countless ordinary people in the future.

"The Yu Kingdom is not good at this. It takes the common people as a matter of fact. When we look at their proposal book of the Wanmin Conference, we all look at the problem from the point of view of the common people, and we don't care about our aristocratic family at all."

"Yes. If there is another meeting of the people in the future, we must fight for it."

This is a group of people who are basically ready to surrender and run.


The Housekeeper of the Household Department, the Housekeeper of the Household, held a knife and handed a treasure map to his wife.

"We have known each other since childhood, childhood sweethearts, you have given birth to children for me, and worked hard for the family. I am grateful to you."

His wife broke down in tears. "Do you really, really want to do this?"

The Minister of the Household nodded, "There is a saying in the state of Yu, called the death of the ruler and the minister, and the emperor guards the gate of the country. Although I am not talented and useless, I am willing to follow your majesty."

He said: "Your Majesty has already made a decision after thinking about it. It is imperative to go back to the border. If there is no accident, I will not be able to come back."

"The Crown Prince of the Yu Kingdom is a woman and a crown princess. Many of the benevolent policies she has set are beneficial to women, didn't you say that? Women in the Kingdom of Yu can be officials and businessmen, and they have given women opportunities. At that time, if Yu Guozhen is attacked, remember that you must use the money to buy a new house and read to the children."

The wife was sad, "Why do you have to do—"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing shook his head, "You know who I am."

After he finished speaking, he stood up, "Time is running out, please madam... prepare another bag for my husband."


The next day, everyone gathered in the Yan Kingdom Hall.

One person has one person, and Emperor Yan said as everyone expected, "I, I intend to go to Hezhou, is there anyone willing to go with me?"

The Minister of Accounts stood up, "I am willing."

"My minister is also willing." The representative of the official who wanted to struggle also stood up, "Your Majesty, I am willing to follow Your Majesty."

Emperor Yan looked at the bowed official's head, looked away again, and said calmly, "If that's the case, let's go."

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