The joys and sorrows of the world are not connected.

At the beginning of April, when the state of Yan was in great grief and the monarch led his subjects to the border, the students in Yuzhou College sat steadily in the classroom and began to think about their future in life.

And: The country of Yan definitely needs a group of talents who started from the grassroots level in the past. If they were in the past, they would just fill this vacancy.

"I just have confidence in us. Although the Yan Kingdom is strong, our Yu Kingdom is even stronger. In this battle, the two countries will fight against each other. It only depends on how long it will take."

"No matter how long it takes, you can always go there. Just look at the previous cities. Were any of the cities that we conquered that were beaten back? No, but if we attack a city, we need people to go and govern it. If we don't act at this time, Do we wait until all the city officials have been occupied before we rush over there?"

The two students are arguing about whether to go to Yan Kingdom now.

In June, they are about to graduate. After graduating from university, they will fight for their future and continue their studies.

Nowadays, those who continue their studies are called postgraduates, and they can continue to study after finishing postgraduate studies.

There are many such people, but more people like to go out to be officials.

"Since we are going to fight, we must take a bigger step." One person said: "Graduate in June, but we can ask Mr. to help send the graduation book. Now that we have passed the assessment, there is no need to stay here."

The other one was reluctant to say, "Although we have excellent grades and completed the assessment ahead of time, but you think that most of the recruitment came to our school in June. We had completed our studies ahead of schedule, and we could be better than others. I'm qualified to go to some places for interviews, but once I leave Kyoto, isn't it meaningless to finish the graduation assessment?"

His companion said angrily, "We can go to Yan Kingdom earlier than others."

The man finally expressed his heart: "But we went to Yan State, and now there is still war, how dangerous it is."

Companion: "... shame to walk with you, goodbye."

"Don't be angry, I can't help it either. The army is in chaos. The country of Yan is different from Qin Chulu. In case—"

"There is no case."

So the two good friends parted ways.

There are such, and there are some like-minded people who are happy to prepare their luggage.

"Don't worry, there are people in my family. At the end of February, Kyoto built a new type of cannon. The cannon bombed the mountain and the mountain collapsed."


"Really, this cannon must have been delivered to the border of Hezhou. With this kind of weapon, what should we be afraid of, let's go quickly, it's too late, and the official position of Yan State is gone."

"Yeah, we're really one step behind others, and we're going step by step. We haven't met Lu, Qin, and Chu. This time, Yan will always meet them, right?"

"You should say it like this, the state of Yan, the state of Qi, and the state of Jin, in these three countries, we can always have a grass-roots level to do it."

"But what if we fail the exam?"

"You are really unmotivated. We came out of Yuzhou College and are better than others wherever we go. What are you afraid of? Or did you not learn the knowledge?"

"That must have been learned."

"Then what are you afraid of?"

So the two went home together to pack up and leave.

People born in Yuzhou, the family asked: "Can you not leave?"

must go.

"My son has never been out of Yuzhou before, and this time I just went out to learn more."

The old mother was worried, "Isn't it bad to be in the main city of Yuzhou? You have been good at studying since you were a child, and you can continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination. It's all good."

Her son said, "My son's ambition is not here. He wants to be a high-ranking official in the future. A-niang, don't persuade me."

The old mother sighed, "I'm just worried about you."

"Auntie, when I'm safe, I'll come pick you up."

So the old mother had no choice. The son traveled far away, so she had to prepare luggage for her son. Then the daughter who was in elementary school came back in the evening and was very silent. The mother continued to worry, "What's wrong with you?"

The daughter looked at the mother, then looked at the elder brother, took up the chopsticks, ate a grain of rice, put it in her mouth and chewed it, but did not speak.

It's annoying enough that the son is going to travel soon, but the daughter must not do anything wrong.

The woman was a widow, with a son and a daughter who did not remarry. Seven years ago, she seized the opportunity to open a beauty shop in Kyoto.

It was not easy to open a beauty shop. She borrowed a lot of money at the time. She felt that she would not be able to last. It was Mrs. Sun Xiang who came to the beauty shop, learned about her, and bought shares, saying that she would be a shareholder in the future. Just pay dividends every year.

This is seven years.

The woman bought a house in the former capital of the city of Yuzhou, and now her son and daughter go to school.

They have money to go to school, but they cannot solve their learning problems.

The eldest son is smart and steady, and his education has always been stable. But the little girl danced very well.

The woman asked, "Did you cause trouble at the school again and ask your parents?"

The younger daughter sighed, "Auntie, this time, I may really be remembered."

As soon as she heard that she was going to be demerited, the woman's eyes darkened, she just felt that she was going to be mad, and quickly asked, "What's going on, how can I be deceived?"

Demerit, written in the elementary school handbook, said that there were three opportunities to demerit. If you run out, you will be fired.

Although it is the first time that my daughter may be recorded as a demerit, the demerit is not good-looking, not pleasant, and may affect her future studies.

Her daughter said, "I... I rely on my ability to study well and write fast, so I do homework for others, and I can earn ten cents a day for one homework."

Woman: "..."

The family didn't treat her badly, why did she think of making money.

Her daughter sighed, "It's not short of money, but I just wanted to try it at first, but the business has grown bigger and bigger. Now, I can divide a lot of homework out and earn a middle price."

Brother: "..."

Then there's nothing wrong. The husband called the parents and should just criticize them. The child was frightened by himself.

The woman sighed heavily, and cried to say goodbye to her son at night. The next day, she sent her son to the suburbs, watched him leave the capital, and then went to the primary school to see the husband.

Sure enough, the husband first affirmed the child's talent for business, and then proposed that now is not the time to do business, but to study.

The woman kept promising to go home and take good care of her daughter, but the husband said: "However, although I admit and love her talent in business, she can't be too self-righteous, so here I have a primary school high school student here. You can take her to participate in the Yuguo business simulation battle, and let her know that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside the world, and you will drag this child back from the air."

The woman quickly thanked her and took the form given by her husband to fill out the form.

She knew that this business simulation battle was organized by the business school of Yuzhou University.

There, they will give out all kinds of business cards, the cards say what you started holding, use these things as a start, in the map of the small city, use these things to earn the most money, even if you win .

Nowadays, not only do business simulation battles use this card and the map, but also some people who are in business on weekdays will buy some to teach their children or train their own thinking skills.

The woman's daughter loves it.

The woman's family bought it because her daughter liked it, so when she went back, she told her daughter about the competition, "Would you like it?"

Her daughter was very excited, "Yes, Niang, have you promised Mr."

The woman said, "A-niang has to wait for you to agree before agreeing to your husband."

So in this way, the husband is satisfied, the woman is satisfied, and the daughter is also satisfied.

It's fun.


In April, before Emperor Yan arrived, Shen Liu stayed in Hezhou and got moldy.

He asked Yuzhu'er to help him look at his city.

"After the state of Yan was conquered, the original state of Yan, the state of Qi, and the state of Jin, one country followed the old rules, one country and six prefectures, that is, the eighteen prefectures."

He asked Yu Zhu'er to help with the calculation, "Think about it, the eighteen states plus the previous twenty-four states are forty-two states. If you say forty-two states, which one is better for me to go to."

Yuzhu tutted.

"No matter where you go, I want to go back to Qingzhou. My brothers can't use it. I want to go back."

Qingzhou Yueyuzhu has already made a name for herself, but she doesn't want to take the title of Qingzhou.

Shen Liu tutted, and was about to speak when he saw Gu Xiqiao came in with two letters, and said with a smile, "Yo—Xiaoqiao—"

Gu Xiqiao glared at him and took out a pistol to hit someone. Shen Liu took out an anti-gun from the side and pointed it at Gu Xiqiao.

Yu Zhu'er rolled her eyes helplessly and said, "Be careful, this thing still has the possibility of fire."

She asked Gu Xiqiao again, "You have a letter from Kyoto in your hand, right? What's wrong?"

Gu Xiqiao took out the first letter first. The letter was written by Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess, and they were all familiar with her handwriting. So they all leaned over to look, only to see the words hello from Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess to several of them, such as taking care of their own body when they are busy fighting, and so on.

Only then did he mention: the Western Regions have been conquered, and will exist as two special states of the Yu Kingdom in the future.

Shen Liu: "...Before we conquered the Yan Kingdom."

Yuzhu'er: "It was your cousin who conquered the Western Regions, right?"

Gu Xiqiao: "Tsk."

Shen Liu sighed, "You said, can I go to the Western Regions? No one has been to the far left of the Western Regions. If you go straight from there, do you think there are other countries? Can you be like the Western Continent? Exists elsewhere, we just don't know about it?"

Yuzhu'er: "Then it's up to you."

Then he asked Gu Xiqiao, "Is there another letter from Kyoto? What did you write?"

Gu Xiqiao was silent for a while, "This letter is very important, it is for us, and it is also for Emperor Yan."

Yu Zhu'er was curious, "What is it?"

She took it and said while looking at it, "Is it... King Yan's handwriting?"

She read it at a glance and then frowned, "This King Yan has a lot of demands."

Shen Liu took a look and saw that there were some people who needed their protection.

For example, his mother, other masters of the Yan Kingdom royal family, as well as other masters' concubines, as well as various people who were close to King Yan.

Among these people, there is no Emperor Yan.

But he didn't dare to mention it.

After reading it, Shen Liu said, "They are all irrelevant people, but there are hundreds of them."

Among these people, there is even a little palace maid.

Gu Xiqiao is more practical. He asks people to compare. If there are no people who must be killed, he can stay.

"Check their backgrounds carefully. King Yan is cunning, and it is impossible to tell who is in here."

The subordinates took orders and left.

In the evening, Emperor Yan arrived at the border.

Shen Liu finally felt energetic, looked at the sky, and said with satisfaction: "This time, I really gave them free gifts, and when I enter Yandu, I will personally dig out all the gold in Yanhuangdu. "

Cannons are expensive.

"Children, set up the formation and let the Emperor of Yan see what it means to fire a salute."

If you want to let it go, give them more.

In the past two weeks, he communicated with General Yan early, and asked him to clear the battlefield on the left side, and no one should go there. After they waited for Emperor Yan to come, they would start sending gifts on the left battlefield.

At dusk, the time was turning yellow, and Emperor Yan stood on the observation deck with a solemn face. Accompanied by the chief general, deputy generals, and various ministers, he watched the opposing battle with his binoculars.

He and the ministers were far enough away that even if the cannonballs of the Kingdom of Yu suddenly attacked, they would not have attacked them.

This was the first time he faced Yu Bing.

I saw that the cavalry on the opposite side was at the forefront, then stopped exactly and uniformly, and reined in the horse.

Then the shield soldiers moved forward, and the archers knelt down, but looking closely, there were no arrows in their arrow baskets.

This is respect for Yan Bing.

Finally, the rumored cannon finally came out.

Emperor Yan looked at the dozen cannons, nodded, and said, "Is that all?"

The Lord sighed, "Yes."

He raised his hand and made a possible move, and a small soldier rode to the formation, waved the flag, and the soldiers of the Yu Kingdom with binoculars saw it, and made a move towards Shen Liu.

Shen Liu hummed, put down the instant noodles, and shouted, "Are you all ready?"

The artillerymen nodded, "Ready, please show me-"

Shen Liu put his hands up and down, and commanded: "Shooting—"

- rumbling.

The explosion sounded dead, shaking the world.

After seeing it with the binoculars, Emperor Yan did not speak for a long time.

For a long time, he walked down the observation deck silently, and everyone looked at each other and sighed.

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce walked down the observation deck with Emperor Yan.

When Emperor Yan saw him, he said, "-- Heaven is not fair."

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