Yan Huang has been a person with clear goals since he was a child.

After having the desire to unify the world, he studied the Seven Kingdoms.

The emperor of Qi was arrogant, the emperor of Jin was incompetent, the emperor of Chu was mediocre, the emperor of Lu was not worth mentioning, the emperor of Yu could not protect himself, and only the emperor of Qin could be regarded as an opponent.

Later, after all the three princes of the Yu Kingdom passed away, he thought it was very interesting that the Yu Kingdom would be crowned the crown princess.

After that, things got a little out of control.

The Kingdom of Yu became the realm of immortals.

Emperor Yan stood lonely in the army full of soldiers and asked the Minister of the Ministry, "What do you think, in today's world, no matter what other people are, how many people are willing to live in the territory of our country of Yan, and how many people are willing to live in the territory of the Kingdom of Yu ?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing thought for a while, "Nine times out of ten, you will want to live in the Kingdom of Yu."

Yan Huang smiled bitterly.

"Let's go, our monarchs and ministers have complemented each other for so many years. I also want to hear what you have to say."

The Minister of the Household respectfully followed Queen Yan and sighed, "What do you want to know, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Yan: "If you were an official of the Yu Kingdom, what would you do?"

The Minister of the Chamber of Commerce thought about it and said, "Study hard day and night, and try not to fall behind others."

Yu State officials were notoriously ruthless.

"I heard that they need to know a lot of things. For example, they have to know what to plant at four seasons, so that when people have problems, they can help them. For example, they have to learn the most advanced business knowledge. Only in this way can they know what is the latest business opportunities.”

"This is their so-called grassroots officials. When they reach the middle level, they will have to know more things, such as how they should control a city, how to make the city unite with other cities, develop tourism, develop agriculture, and the common people. If they can help sell the things they grow, they have to think about how to attract people to travel.

Yan Huang listened to the silence, nodded, "I know."

The Minister of the Household said: "My minister—Xu Shi will not succeed in becoming an official even if he arrives in the Yu Kingdom."

He was born in a noble family, and since he was a child, he has one more road to the sky than others. His talent is not enough to be competent, but as a minister of households, he really does not understand the difference between the visible hand and the invisible hand in this market, nor can he Like Sun Xiang, he drove the entire Yu Kingdom to develop commerce.

In the past, who could care about business, but in just a few years, businessmen are no longer ashamed of doing business.

Officials do not look down on business people, and business people also want to do public welfare with officials.

After the minister of the household had finished speaking, he smiled again: "Your Majesty, the minister thinks, there is nothing I can do, but if the son of the minister can survive under the Yu Kingdom, even if the minister dies, at least he can rest assured that he can grow up."

The common people can still be at ease, this is the generally accepted language of the Yu Kingdom.

Emperor Yan didn't talk to him any more, he just said, "Aiqing, you can go back, I'll take a walk by myself."

When they came, it was already twilight. If it was already dark today, Emperor Yan felt comfortable walking alone.

No dawn, no light.

Perhaps the dark night is more suitable for him today.

He walked like this, and before he knew it, the officials of the Yan Kingdom had already followed him behind him 100 meters away.

Emperor Yan walked back to the frontier palace, and the ministers knelt down outside the palace.

Everyone knows that Yan died.

This is not their Yan State's sin, nor their Yan State's incompetence, but that God has paved a road to the sky for Yu State.

The night was silent, and at dawn the next day, their Emperor Yan opened the door and walked out slowly.

With tears in his eyes, Lord Yan shouted, "Your Majesty—"

All the ministers knelt down and shouted, "Your Majesty—"

Emperor Yan swept their faces one by one with a solemn expression: "All ministers obey orders—"

The ministers: "The minister waits for orders—"

Emperor Yan: "Open the gate of the city and welcome the soldiers of Yu."

Suddenly, there were voices of grief, and it was only at this time that they really understood that the country of Yan was really dead.


Different from the grief on their side, Shen Liu got up a long time ago, dressed neatly, and waited at the border on a horse, saying: "You said, this Emperor Yan is really rough, why haven't you decided yet. "

Yu Zhu'er gave him a stern look, "Anyway, it's going to come down to the country, so give him some time anyway."

After she finished speaking, she became excited again, "This war is finally over."

Gu Xiqiao finally took her words and said, "Well, you can go back."

It was just dawn, and the three of them waited at the border. After a while, they saw General Yan coming this way and nodded towards Shen Liu.

Then he turned around and said to Yan Bing, "Go back and open the city gate—"

Shen Liu laughed, "Finally, I didn't wait in vain, let's go, wasting so many cannons, now it's time to reap the fruits."

Yu's soldiers were all in high spirits, carrying robbing and pushing cannons, all of them headed for the territory of Yan.

Yan Bing looked at Yu Bing, some were curious, some began to cry.

"They are here, and our country is gone."

"Look at it, it is the best ending to end the war so peacefully."

"Yeah, if we fight, we all have to die... Thank you Your Majesty and the court."

"You said, what are we going to do in the future?"

"I don't know... will you let us go back?"

"No, I heard that every city in Yu Kingdom needs soldiers."

"That's good, I don't want to go back, I heard that Yu Bing is treated well."

"This is true. Look at the guns on their backs. If we can't have it, we can at least order something else. I heard that Yu Kingdom has come out with a new kind of knife."

"How did you find out?"

"Haven't you heard of it? I heard that the steel knife was used, and it was cut on Yu Bing's head."

"Ah? Why?"

"I know this, they are strictly disciplined. After a former Qin soldier was taken as a Yu soldier, he committed an old problem and ran to bully the girls in the village. After being reported, he was beheaded by the war **** of Yu Kingdom himself. What happened a few days ago, you are too depressed these days, you haven't heard any news from the outside world, so you don't know."

"So it's like this... It's good to kill, who doesn't have sisters."

"Yes, Qin Bing should be rectified like this... However, the discipline is really strict, and we can't do wrong things in the future."


Therefore, there are some things that cannot be discussed. The more you discuss, the more you will go in the direction you want.

At this time, all they want is to stay in the army.


Shen Liu took the soldiers into the city, and a group of officials who had been prepared went to the city to replace them in an orderly manner.

They are familiar with withdrawing withdrawing, changing and changing. After all, they have done it countless times.

Gu Xiqiao also seemed to have returned to his happy hometown, and began to count the land and population of the family.

Yuzhu'er is the whole army. Almost all the troops of the Yan Kingdom are here. Who of these people can stay, willing to stay, if they want to leave, they must leave, and they need to be checked slowly.

So the one who stayed to see Emperor Yan was Shen Liu.

Shen Liu didn't have a favorable impression of Emperor Yan, or, in other words, he didn't have a favorable impression of the Royal Family.

From the matter of the Xiazhou cult, it can be seen that the Yan Kingdom's royal family valued the Yan Kingdom's world, the people of the Yan Kingdom, but not the people of the world.

From the point of view of the emperor, he was right, but from the point of view of General Yu, Shen Liu felt angry.

When they attacked the state of Chu, they were careful not to attack the farmland or innocent people, but these Yan people slaughtered the soul of the entire village, destroyed the life of Xiazhou, and wanted to use religion to control the state of Yu.

It's utterly abominable.

However, as a general of the Yu Kingdom, he had his own basic qualities, and when he entered the hall, he still spoke politely.

"Your Majesty Yan, you need to go to Kyoto."

Emperor Yan sat at the desk and nodded, "As it should be."

At this time, he had recovered some complexion, and asked: "Have your majesty and the crown princess decided not to move the capital?"

Generally speaking, the capital will be moved to the capital of Qin State, which has been the ancient capital for thousands of years.

Shen Liu said: "If we don't move the capital, we don't need to move the capital."

Emperor Yan tutted, "I thought before that, after I unified the world, I would move the capital to Qin and sit on the throne of the ancient capital."

What he cared about, Yu Guo didn't care at all.

He stood up and said, "So, I will go to Yudu."

Shen Liu: "You need to write an edict of guilt first, and then write a letter of surrender."

Emperor Yan nodded, "I will depend on you."

Now that the country is not a country, what else is there to care about?

He only asked Shen Liu, "My emperor's younger brother has been very ambitious since he was a child. He took the initiative to stand up, didn't he ask for anything?"

Shen Liu nodded and gave him the letter, "This is also for you."

Emperor Yan hesitated for a moment, took the letter, read it, and laughed, "He is really...really—"

However, there are those who are here to protect, there are also people who he wants to protect.

"Everyone in the royal family of Yan, how do you plan to protect them?"

Shen Liu: "If you want to be rich and glorious, it's definitely not possible. But it is certainly possible to remain anonymous and pass the day for ordinary people."

"No one bullies them, as long as they work hard, both men and women can make a career in the future."

"This is Yu's strategy to protect the people of Yu."

After hearing this, Emperor Yan murmured and repeated: "...Really? This is Yu's strategy for the preservation of Yu's people."

He sat down, pondered for a moment, and said, "I have a letter that I want to bring to my mother. I wonder if the general is willing to hand it over?"

Shen Liu: "No problem."

Yan Huang: "So, please leave the general, and come back tomorrow morning. I have a lot of things to write, and I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it in a while."

Shen Liu left.

Emperor Yan sat at the desk, picked up a pen, and began to write a letter.

In the evening, someone came to light the lantern, he ordered some good wine and good dishes, the servant served the food, he dismissed the crowd, sprinkled a bottle of medicinal powder into the wine and vegetables, and then slowly ate it in one bite.

When Shen Liu came with someone the next day, Emperor Yan was already a corpse.

Yan Chenqi, who was waiting outside, was in grief, kneeling down and crying.

Shen Liu: "Respect the imperial concubine's order, if Emperor Yan is unwilling to go to Yu Kingdom, then... bury her as the monarch of a country."

This is the last respect for Emperor Yan.

At the same time, Zhe Qing received a secret report from Zong Tong.

"King Yan committed suicide."

Zhe Qing paused and said, "I heard that the two brothers have similar temperaments. I am afraid that Emperor Yan will not be able to reach the capital."

Zongtong did not speak.

He never speaks these words, never expresses his opinion.

Zhe Qing said to him: "Let someone send him back to Yandu for burial."

Zongtong: "Yes."

Zhe Qing stood up, walked a few steps, and said, "The country of Yan has been subdued, and we should start to arrange the basic infrastructure of the three kingdoms of Yan, Qi, and Jin."

Her infrastructure heart was out of control.


At the end of April, 800 li rushed to the capital and the country of Yan surrendered.

Everyone is in a trance, this is over, this is the world unified?

Some people pay attention to the borders: "You are living in a dream, haven't you heard of the secret rumors in Kyoto before?"

Nowadays, the people who squat on the border between Yu and the state to deliver letters to Kyoto at all times are not only people from the imperial court, but also some other people.

Such as selling news.

Those who speak have their own channels, "It is said that our new-style cannons can blow up half the country of Yan, but we Yu people, as you all know, oh, we are all good-hearted people, who are willing to throw that cannonball out? Injuring the people in the city, I found an open space for them to test it out, my good fellow, this General of the State of Yan has seen it, where is he still in the mood to fight, so he went back and asked Emperor Yan to surrender."

"I see."

"However, this Emperor Yan is really not a good person. If we don't take our common people seriously, His Majesty and His Highness the Crown Princess should bombard them with cannons."

This is a man of Yuan Chu who can't be angry.

"I'm thinking, this cannon is really powerful. What if I accidentally fly out? Will it blow our own people?"

This is worrying about the country and the people.

"So, this cannon needs to be watched carefully, otherwise an enemy will sneak in and throw a cannon, God!"

Everyone was talking about it, but no one cared that King Yan died.

Only the confidants brought by King Yan were crying to help the coffin back to Yandu.

He held the coffin and didn't publicize it, just silently transported the coffin back. Originally, the court also sent people, but his confidants were unwilling, and he felt that his master might not be willing either.

So I decided to send it back myself.

He bought a very large carriage and rode it back in person. On the way, he met many people who went to Yan State together.

Some of these people are in business, and some are in search of officials. Nowadays, Yu Guo is already a person who wants to make a future for himself.

Farmers want to grow better millet, businessmen want to expand their shops, and people with official careers, even running around, want to take advantage of the prosperity and make some achievements.

The people here have never stopped, they come and go in a hurry, different from him.

He originally went with His Royal Highness King Yan, but who knew that His Highness left him a letter.

"You are the one person this king wants to protect, so don't go with me. I have done something wrong. Who knows which animal will be reincarnated in the next life."

While driving the carriage, the confidant wiped away tears.

A man on horseback passed him, saw him, stopped, and said, "Brother, why are you crying, but what's the problem?"

The confidant shook his head, "No, it's just that my brother died of an illness, and he is helping the coffin to go home. I feel sad when I think about it."

The man on horseback said: "Xiongtai condolences."

This was of no help, and then he said nothing, and rode away again.

The confidant was asked once, but his heart was much calmer. He was about to wipe his tears again, when the man on the horse came back and said, "Brother, where are you going?"

Confidant: "The Imperial Capital of Yan."

The man on horseback smiled and said, "I'm going there too, why don't we go together."

The confidant refused, and suddenly remembered a word that His Royal Highness King Yan said during his lifetime.

"The new batch of students in the Yu Kingdom are mostly pure and good-hearted."

It is a pure and perfect heart. If you see someone crying on the road, you will give it away.

He nodded, "Alright."


In early May, Yu Guobao published a new state division.

"The original state of Yan was divided into six states: Tongzhou, Chenzhou, Aizhou, Mozhou, Hangzhou, and Aozhou.

The original state of Jin was divided into six states: Yizhou, Yinzhou, Dianzhou, Mianzhou, Shenzhou, and Huazhou.

The original state of Qi was divided into six states: Gezhou, Wuzhou, Qizhou, Wenzhou, Huanzhou and Dingzhou. "

Author: the princess Zheqing.

As soon as the name came out, the newspaper was out of stock again.

Countless people bought it to collect it, knowing that this is a historical record.

This is a day to go down in history.

"My heart is settled." A tofu seller said: "Even if it was said that Yan was dead, my heart was never so settled. Now that my name is settled, my heart is at ease."

Someone who bought tofu smiled and said: "You are a tofu seller, what does this have to do with you? I want you to rest assured. Besides, you said Yan died earlier, what worries do you have? "

The tofu seller was not annoyed, but said, "Don't laugh, guests, our custom says that when a child is born, a name must be taken, but it is too slow, and Lord Yama will see the child take it back, so only the name is taken. , Lord Yan will not take people away."

The guest laughed: "Where are you from?"

The tofu seller said: "It's from Yuanjin, but I don't know where I am from, which state is our place? Hey, I don't understand, only people who followed our place before sneaked here from Yanshan. , Some people stopped on the way from Hezhou to Xizhou. I don't want to stop. The war is bitter. I always think that other places may be beaten, but Yu Kingdom won't be able to Kyoto, right? So I just walked all the way. here."

He is a tofu maker. As soon as he came here, he saw Zhu's tofu shop recruiting people, so he mustered up the courage to go.

And keep doing it today.

The guest did not laugh when he heard his words, but said: "The state of Yu is alive everywhere, and now the state of Jin has become the land of Yu, if you want to go back, you can go back, after all, that is your root. , do you think about it?"

The tofu seller was startled by this sentence, and said, "Ah? Go back?"

He couldn't listen to what the guest said again, and just thought: Yes, he can go back by himself.

Now, the state of Jin has also returned to the state of Yu, the war is over, and they can no longer be burdened by the war.

He went back in a daze, just in time to meet Aunt Zhu, the female shopkeeper of Zhu's tofu shop, visiting the shop.

Seeing him pick a load of tofu back and forth, they all laughed angrily, "How many hours did you come back at this time?"

The tofu seller recounted the matter in shame, "Shopkeeper, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I'm going back."

Grandma Zhu was stunned for a while, and then said, "It's a good thing!"

She smiled and said, "If you are displaced, go back. I'm afraid you don't know that the imperial court has made a decree for the refugees to return to their hometowns and rebuild their homes."

She gave him the tofu to eat, and after thinking about it, she went back to summon the people from the tofu factory and asked if she wanted to go back, she would give money as a repatriation fee.

Many people are considering going back.

After all, when you come to Kyoto, there is nothing you can do except want to work hard.

Coming here, in the face of the price of Kyoto, there are actually many unbearable. After all, everything here is expensive. If you can’t afford to live in Kyoto, you have to live in the suburbs, but it’s so easy to travel to and from the suburbs every day.

It’s good to go back, at least there is a house, the price is not as high as Kyoto, and it’s good to be able to live well.

As a result, another group of people from Kyoto went to other places.

In the palace, Zhe Qing looked at the flow of people and nodded, "It's within the predicted range."

Sun Xiang nodded, "His Royal Highness, the officials we dispatched to Yan, Qi, and Jin have already set off. In about half a year, the situation will be stabilized."

Zhan Qing can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

She summoned her ministers to discuss the future.

Today, I have to do this every day. In addition, there are forty-four states in the Western Regions. It is necessary to choose the chief general, the city lord, to send people to the grassroots and high-level, and to support the agriculture and commerce of the states.

Whatever you can think of, do it.

Zheqing was exhausted by tossing.

Then I went back and found that Emperor Yu was reading the script again! ! !

She said angrily, "Father, what are you doing! Why are you lying down again!"

His Majesty Emperor Yu didn't even give Zhe Qing a glance, he just kept looking at the words and said, "Didn't you say, when the world is unified, let me rest."

Zhe Qing was in a hurry, "Is the world unified? Now it's just a name, there are still a lot of things to do."

His Majesty Emperor Yu ignored him.

He muttered: "Don't listen, don't listen, Ah Qing recites the scriptures."

Zhe Qing: "..."

She was helpless, so does Emperor Yu know what word Ah Qing changed from this sentence? Dare to use it without inquiring clearly.

She ate a melon angrily, and then complained, "There are so many discounts every day, how can I finish reading it."

There are so many things, even if there are countless people to help her, she can't finish it. After all, as long as it is a major event, she needs to make a decision.

His Majesty Emperor Yu taught her, "Learn to enjoy it - you try to spoil a male pet to eliminate fire?"

Zhe Qing: "..."

So how did this topic get here?

Seeing her unwillingness, His Majesty Yu Huang sighed: "Aqing, you should think about it. After the world is unified, you have to think about the heir."

Zhe Qing replied: "If you don't listen, don't listen, Father Emperor recites the scriptures."

Emperor Yu: "..."


He said earnestly: "Choose a good day and auspicious day, you can become the emperor, and I can also be the emperor."

Zhe Qing is unwilling. But His Majesty Emperor Yu has his own unique tricks.

he is sick.

This disease can read the script and go out of the palace, but when I look at the book, my eyes hurt. Zhe Qing went in a rage, but was beaten back by the rogue of His Majesty Emperor Yu.

After so many times, Zhe Qing finally said decadently: "It's done."

His Majesty Emperor Yu's illness was cured, and he got up with a smile on his face.

Zhe Qing said solemnly: "But—"

His Majesty Emperor Yu fell ill again and fell dead.

Zhe Qing: "..."

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "However, my daughter has one thing she wants to do while her father is still on the throne."

His Majesty Emperor Yu didn't know whether to get up or not. He had to turn around and said, "What's the matter?"

Zhe Qing knelt down: "Father, the father has always been behind his daughter for so many years. No matter what the daughter does, you support it unconditionally. So many people say that if the daughter continues like this, she will usurp the throne, and you have never I doubt my daughter."

Emperor Yu sat up and quietly listened to Zhe Qing's words.

Zhe Qing: "Since nine years ago, you have pushed your daughter to the front of people. Any good name is your daughter's. You silently supported your daughter and helped her clean up this growing stall."

But now, the ministers only want to go to the Miracle Palace to discuss things, and the common people of the world only say that it is Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess who is benevolent to the world.

"Because it's the father, the daughter never said thank you, and because it's the daughter, the father didn't mind."

She knelt on the ground and solemnly thanked him once.

"Daughter can have today, and the world can be today's world, without the father."

She raised her head and said, "Imperial Father, my daughter wants to call important ministers back to Beijing after the world has been filtered out in March of next year, at the time of the Great People's Congress. One is to reward them, and the other is that I want the Emperor to reward them with the Merit Medal. , to formulate a list of famous officials, and it will last forever."

Emperor Yu was very happy, but rather sour, her daughter was thinking of herself.

Just a little awkward.

Let people serve wine and food, serve sweet wine, and greet their daughters to eat and drink.

Then after taking a bath and lying on the bed comfortably, something suddenly felt wrong.

- No, in this way, won't you be able to become the Supreme Emperor until March next year? ! ! !

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