Chapter 21: I’ll Give You a Chance

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Young Master Qin, I know that you are not a heartless person.” Wan Xiaosu begged for his help.

The answer she received was so cold. “No, I am a heartless person! Wan Xiaosu, just give up!”

Qin Fu’s cold gaze made Wan Xiaosu sink into hopelessness.

The last bit of hope that was burning was also extinguished.

She bit her lip and looked up at Qin Fu with tears in her eyes. “Young Master Qin, your grandmother is also the most important person to you. I’m begging you…”

“The last thing a businessman needs is sympathy. Don’t forget about Zhou Wei.” Qin Fu’s cold words were full of threats.

Wan Xiaosu could only grit her teeth and hold back her tears.

Perhaps, Qin Fu had developed a fondness for her, but she knew all too well that he had never taken her seriously.


A country bumpkin did not even have the right to be pregnant with his child.

After that day, Qin Fu fired the chef, and Wan Xiaosu took over that position.

Song Lianming visited once and was shocked to see her walking out of the kitchen in an apron.

“Sister-in-law?” Song Lianming called out in confusion.

Wan Xiaosu’s eyes dimmed a little. “Young Master Song, you should just call me Xiaosu! Please don’t call me sister-in-law.”

“No, sister-in-law. Why are you in the kitchen?” She was pregnant. Shouldn’t she be resting?

Moreover, he had already told Qin Fu about this. They had to be careful with the child.

Furthermore, Wan Xiaosu’s forehead was still bandaged, and her injuries had yet to fully recover. If she continued to stress herself out, she would collapse sooner or later.

Wan Xiaosu smiled lightly and did not care at all. “Young Master Song, I still know my place. I’m just a country bumpkin. From the very beginning, I shouldn’t have accepted a title that doesn’t rightfully belong to me. I was wrong from the very beginning. What’s the big deal about helping in the kitchen?”

“Sister-in-law! Did Qin Fu ask you to do this?” Song Lianming was a doctor, so he was well aware of the potential implications of this.

Wan Xiaosu pursed her lips and did not say anything else. She focused on her work.

If she made Qin Fu happy, she might get to see Zhou Wei again.

He was one of the only people who still cared about her.

Song Lianming took a deep breath, grabbed the cutlery she was holding, and left the kitchen.

He went directly to the culprit, Qin Fu.

“Brother, you know that Wan Xiaosu is pregnant with your child. Why are you making her work? We need to be careful. Otherwise…”

“Lianming, you’re meddling in my family matters a little too much.” Qin Fu didn’t like it. He did not do things irrationally.

Song Lianming looked at Qin Fu and shook his head helplessly. “Brother, are you sure you won’t regret this?”

“No, I never regret anything I’ve done.” Qin Fu’s reply was cold. He had no regrets and wouldn’t develop any in the future.

Song Lianming became silent. Qin Fu was adamant, so what could he do to stop him?

That was it.

Song Lianming left.

Qin Fu thought about it indifferently, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. Wan Xiaosu hated him that much?

She actually got his good friend to plead on her behalf. She was really capable.

The next time Song Lianming returned to the Qin residence…

He handed Wan Xiaosu some vitamins. “When you feel weak, take two of these.”

“Thank you.” Wan Xiaosu took the vitamins. She raised her head and looked at Song Lianming, her heart aching.

“Sister-in-law, I can’t do much to help you. Take care of yourself.” She also needed to take good care of her child. The medicine Song Lianming gave her would help protect the fetus.

As a friend, Song Lianming had done his best.

She had to do her best too!

Wan Xiaosu gripped the vitamins tightly and nodded. “Thank you, Young Master Song. Thank you for your concern.”

“Of course.” Song Lianming left.

Wan Xiaosu put away the vitamins. When Qin Fu came back at night, he did not look too good.

She could only stand to one side, not daring to approach him.

“Am I very scary?” Qin Fu raised his eyebrows, sensing Wan Xiaosu’s resistance.

He felt unhappy to see her apprehension. The more disgusted she seemed, the closer he wanted to get.

Wan Xiaosu did not say anything and just shook her head. She did not have the right to show fear.

Qin Fu sneered. “You’re making it look like I’m bullying you. Xiaosu, tell me something. What did you tell Lianming about me?”

Wan Xiaosu suddenly raised her head, a trace of surprise in her eyes. What did Qin Fu mean by that?

Young Master Song…

Did he want to punish his own friend?

He was terrifying.

“No, Young Master Qin, I didn’t say anything to Young Master Song. He didn’t…”

Qin Fu suddenly pinched her chin. He pinched it very hard, and it hurt.

Wan Xiaosu’s words were on the tip of her tongue, but she wasn’t given a chance to finish speaking.

“You keep calling me Young Master Qin. Where do you think our marriage certificate is? Be good and call me hubby.” Qin Fu’s voice was a little bewitching.

“Hubby…” Wan Xiaosu said in a trembling voice.

Qin Fu nodded in satisfaction. “Not bad. The Bai family is holding a charity gala tomorrow. You should know what to do, right?”

“No, I don’t.” She didn’t even know that the Bai family was holding a charity gala.

It was reasonable for the Bai family to invite Qin Fu, but the Bai family probably didn’t want to see her, right?

After all, they shared so many differences.

Qin Fu kissed her lightly on the lips. “The head of the Bai family, your father, will be there. You can beg him to save you. I’ll give you a chance to get close to him.”

The head of the Bai family?

Wan Xiaosu had never seen him before because while she was growing up, her father was always on business trips.

She did not even know what he looked like.

What was Qin Fu’s angle this time?

“Xiaosu, if you stay obedient, I can create more opportunities for you. However, don’t even think about running away from me. Every time you run away, I’ll break one of Zhou Wei’s ribs.” Qin Fu’s fingertips caressed her soft hair.

It was a threat, a blatant threat.

Was Qin Fu threatening her?

However, his actions were very contradictory. He let her go.

Wan Xiaosu read the hypocrisy in his face. “You will have plenty of women by your side in the future. Why aren’t you willing to let me go?”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. I can’t figure it out either. Xiaosu, just be good and don’t make me angry. Look, the food is cold.” Qin Fu was smiling, but that gave Wan Xiaosu a chill.

She trembled as she walked to the kitchen. “It’ll be ready soon.”


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