Chapter 22: Charity Banquet

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Madam, the young master has sent you these gowns.”

The maid was holding a variety of gowns in her hands. Each of them looked expensive.

The light in Wan Xiaosu’s eyes dimmed. Those gowns looked like shackles to her.

She was a little out of breath. “Do I have to wear one?”

“I don’t know, Madam. I’m just a maid.” The maid lowered her head. It was not her place to know about family matters.

Qin Fu strode in and saw Wan Xiaosu’s worried face. “What’s wrong? You don’t like them?”

He caressed Wan Xiaosu’s collarbone, and she could not help but shiver.

“Young Master Qin…”

“Call me hubby. Why? Can’t I touch you? I’ve already seen your body. Am I right?” Qin Fu’s voice was slightly raised at the end, thick with implication.

The servant lowered her head even more. This was a conversation she shouldn’t be overhearing.

Wan Xiaosu’s face instantly turned red. She grabbed Qin Fu’s hand and shook her head gently.

Qin Fu took out an expensive-looking box. He opened it and revealed a necklace with a pendant the size of a pebble.

“Don’t move.” His warm exhaled air landed on her back, making her feel uncomfortable.

He kissed the back of her neck, his lips warm and moist.


Wan Xiaosu, don’t forget why you’re coming with me tonight. “Qin Fu stretched out his hand to Wan Xiaosu for the first time. He looked like a gentleman, and his condescending posture was even somewhat dreamy.

Wan Xiaosu pursed her lips and sized up the person in front of her. Was he really the person who had tortured her?

She was starting to doubt herself.

“What’s wrong, Wan Xiaosu? Does this make you happy?” Qin Fu’s lips curled into a smile.

Wan Xiaosu took a deep breath and calmly said, “Should I be happy?”

“Qin Fu, should I be happy? Should I ask my father for help? I know how the Bai family treats me.”

“Should I be happy? It’s been so long since my grandmother passed away. I’m her most beloved granddaughter and I haven’t been to visit her. My childhood sweetheart was beaten so badly that he’s crippled. Should I be happy?”

Should she be happy?

Tears streamed out of Wan Xiaosu’s eyes, and her smile was filled with sadness.

Qin Fu’s heart ached.

He reached out and wiped a tear away. “Have someone do her makeup. Use the most exquisite products.”

Wan Xiaosu was taken away. She sat there like a marionette, allowing the makeup artist to paint her face.

When she appeared in front of Qin Fu again, Qin Fu was stunned. He was aware of how pretty Wan Xiaosu was.

However, he didn’t expect that she would look this beautiful after putting on some makeup and a dress.

The blue gown outlined her curvaceous figure, and the sapphire pendant resting at her neck was truly dazzling.

Her exquisite makeup made her look like a princess from a fairy tale.

Qin Fu stretched out his hand and she took it, but her face was blank.

“Your sad face will only make the Bai family think that you’re still the ugly duckling you used to be. Honorable people have confidence in their bones.” He hoped that Wan Xiaosu would be more confident.

His words shocked Wan Xiaosu. This …

Was this really Qin Fu?

There was something different about him.


“We should call each other husband and wife when we step out of the Qin residence.” This was the first time Qin Fu had called her his wife.

Wan Xiaosu understood the reason. Once they stepped out of this door, they would be representing the Qin family.

If she called Qin Fu by any other form of address, it would only make it seem like they weren’t on good terms.

As the leader of the Qin family, his reputation was on the line.

Wan Xiaosu called softly, “Hubby…”

“Okay. Say it louder next time.” The corners of Qin Fu’s lips curled up slightly, and there was a hint of joy in his voice.

He and Wan Xiaosu walked side by side and set off together. The Bai family’s charity gala was being held in the Bai family’s manor.

This place was both familiar and unfamiliar to Wan Xiaosu.

It seemed familiar to her because she had only stayed there for a short period of time. The people here, on the other hand, were unfamiliar to her.

Wan Xiaosu looked at the Bai family’s manor with confusion. A comforting voice pulled her out of her daze.

“You’re my wife. The Qin family will be your backing. Mr. Bai is different from Madam Bai. He won’t make things difficult for you. Even if he does, you have me.”

Was he claiming that he was there for her?

Wan Xiaosu was shocked to hear this. She glanced at Qin Fu. He emanated a cold aura.

Did he really say that?

Wan Xiaosu began to suspect that she was hearing things.

They entered the manor together. Someone turned to look at them the moment they stepped in.

It was Bai Qiangwei.

The gown Wan Xiaosu was wearing was custom-made. Bai Qiangwei had always wanted a gown like that, but it wasn’t sold anywhere.

Bai Qiangwei was extremely unhappy seeing that the person she hated most was wearing it.

However, Qin Fu was right next to her, so she could only endure it.

Qin Fu was like the brightest star in the sky.

Everyone stared at him. Wherever he went, he was the center of attention.

Many people toasted to him, but most of them were sizing him up.

Not many people knew about Qin Fu and Wan Xiaosu’s marriage.

A few upper-class socialites, who looked prestigious and suave, asked, “Young Master Qin, who is this lady? Why haven’t I seen her before? Is she famous?”

“She’s pretty, but unfortunately, her status is a little low.” Those socialites looked at Wan Xiaosu with disdain.

Wan Xiaosu was already used to being slandered and humiliated, so she said nothing.

A rebuttal was the most meaningless thing. A few words wouldn’t change their minds.

Qin Fu smiled. “This is my wife, Mr. Bai’s biological daughter, Wan Xiaosu.”

“What? Mr. Bai’s biological daughter?” This topic caused quite an uproar.

The socialites sized up Wan Xiaosu seriously. “If she’s Mr. Bai’s daughter, then who is Bai Qiangwei?”

“That’s right! Wasn’t Bai Qiangwei Mr. Bai’s daughter? He as another daughter?” Most of the people just wanted to know what was going on.

Wan Xiaosu held Qin Fu’s hand even tighter. She now understood why Qin Fu wanted her to dress up.

So it was for this…

He wanted to announce her identity to everyone.

Moreover, he was doing this at the Bai family’s charity banquet.

“Bai Qiangwei is only a child that Madam Bai adopted. My wife is the only daughter of the Bai family.” Qin Fu emphasized the word “only.”

This new information shocked everyone. Bai Qiangwei was just a child that Madam Bai had raised.

She was adopted, and the real young lady of their family was now the young lady of the Qin family.

This was so convoluted!

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