After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 100 The Hall Of Injustice

After Chen Bugu walked into Obsidian Town, he decided to meet Lao Liu and others first.

Perhaps because Obsidian Town is relatively large, he did not sense the location of "Amon".

Walking on the streets of Obsidian Town, Yan Kuan and Lin Xiaoxiao were amazed at everything here.

The ground of the street is wide and clean, paved with bluestone. There is a bright street lamp every fifty meters on both sides of the road. The base of the street lamp is powered by an electrical crystal with electrical properties.

Various buildings line up on both sides. The buildings are mainly made of stone. The white-painted walls look simple and elegant, and there are gray metal links at key positions, which seem to be a combination of ancient Baroque style and modern architecture.

Each of these buildings has its own characteristics based on its use.

There is a tavern with a huge wine flag, a blacksmith shop with a low pergola at the door, a shop with wooden signs and colorful flags, and a magic bookstore with exquisite carved stone window frames.

Chen Bugu and the others had been in the Forest of Beginnings for a long time. Now they were walking in the middle of the road, as if they had stepped forward to a thousand years of civilization.

Different races of different shapes are also walking on the streets. In addition to the demon lizards, there are also dwarves who are short but covered in tendons and have big beards.

The Storm Tribe has two horns on its head, a sharp beak on its mouth, dark skin all over its body, a tall and slender body, and a pair of huge wings on its back.

There is also a fin on the top of the head, slender arms, and a human upper body, but the lower body has transformed into a Naga tribe with countless smooth scales and snake tails.

People of all ethnic groups walk on the streets, as if they have long been accustomed to each other's existence. They do not interfere with each other or care about each other. Instead, they create a wonderful picture.

"It reminds me of a movie I watched when I was a kid called 'The Ring King'. It was the same way in there, with all kinds of races."

It can be seen that Yan Kuan is very curious about everything in Obsidian Town. He is always running around and looking around.

"Where do we go next?"

Bai Ting looked at Chen Bugu. He was taking the lead and walking in front. He was far from being as surprised as they were at this town. Instead, he seemed to be familiar with the road and was walking in a certain direction very familiarly.

"Let's go find Master Liu, Teacher Lin and Wang Bin first."

Of course Chen Bugu is familiar with Obsidian Town. He spent more than a year in this Obsidian Town in his last life.

Of course, this is not because of how good Obsidian Town is, but mainly because of its strength.

Obsidian Town can provide shelter for the awakened. Except for the occasional tide of beasts rushing into the town, as long as you don't go out, you will encounter almost no danger.

The bright lights on the street, the various products displayed at the door of the store, and the shouting foreign clerks at the door of the tavern all tell you: it is safe here.

Obsidian Town already has the prototype of a small society, and has even developed a simple currency system, and crystals are the best general equivalent here.

The energy contained in the black iron advanced magic beast is enough to condense into beast crystals, and beast crystals are also the currency with the largest face value.

The beast crystals produced by the black iron nine-star monsters and the black iron seven-star monsters are green crystals the size of a fist, but the higher the level, the fewer impurities inside the beast crystal and the more transparent it is.

However, not everyone has the qualifications and strength to hunt high-level black iron monsters, so a lower level currency - black crystals - was derived.

Sombra is a low-level crystal that can be used to slightly strengthen equipment. It is obtained by killing a black iron medium-level monster called Sombra.

The exchange ratio between black crystal and beast crystal is about 100 to 1, that is, 100 fist-sized black crystals can be exchanged for one beast crystal.

If you can't even kill the Sombra Beast, you can also choose to do some odd jobs in the town in exchange for a little reward.

In fact, most of the survivors in this town did the same.

Except for a small number of forces who will spontaneously form an expedition team to go hunting, most survivors will only choose to wipe out the monsters around Obsidian Town.

Moreover, even when they go out to eliminate monsters, they are often over-prepared.

For example, to hunt down two five-star black iron monsters, ten awakened ones with five black iron stars would often be dispatched to ensure nothing goes wrong.

The advantage of this is that the casualty rate of survivors in Obsidian Town is extremely low. Unless there is an uncontrolled incident such as a beast tide, in most cases, the survivors of Obsidian Town will not suffer too many casualties.

But the disadvantage is that most awakened people will get used to this way of survival. The evolutionary level breakthrough is slow, and they stay at the same level for a long time. Once they encounter certain times, they can only lament their lack of strength. Yes, this was the case in Chen Bugu's last life.

Although war and blood will take away countless lives, they often temper the strong.

When entering the city, Jiang Sisi said that there would be a beast wave in the near future.

In the last life, when Chen Bugu came to Obsidian Town, the beast tide had ended. Within two months after that, Jiang Sisi left Obsidian Town.

Five hundred kilometers southeast of Obsidian Town, Gaotian City stands majestically. It is the most central location of "Middle-earth", with hundreds of tribes and powerful people.

The resources of Obsidian Town are not enough for the awakened ones to break through the shackles of the black iron level, so most of the strong people will leave Obsidian Town early and move towards Gaotian City after their strength reaches eight or nine stars of black iron.

Chen Bugu is not worried about the beast tide.

Obsidian Town is the only town on this plain. A large number of awakened people gather here, and the life energy is extremely rich. It is not surprising that it attracts a tide of beasts. For Obsidian Town, there will be casualties, but they are not fatal.

The most urgent task is to find Lao Liu and the others first.

Before parting, Chen Bugu gave Lao Liu three Yunling Fruits and a large piece of Starfall Crystal, and asked them to find a human force called "Unjust Hall".

In Obsidian Town, there are only two purely human forces, namely "Injustice Hall" and "Cross Street".

"Cross Street" is large in scale and has many people. At its peak, the number of members was no less than a thousand, because as long as they are human awakeners, they almost refuse to come.

This has also led to a more complicated membership structure, with people from all over the world, a mixture of elites and scum, and a chaotic management.

"Buyitang" is a purely Chinese force that only recruits Chinese people who meet their standards, and those who join often need to pay self-recommendation fees.

Because of this, the number of people in "Unjust Hall" is much smaller than that of "Cross Street", with only a hundred or so people in the entire force.

However, the leader of the "Injustice Hall" is a Chinese with nine black iron stars. He is very powerful and extremely protective of his shortcomings. Basically, anyone who can enter the hall will be protected by him regardless of their strength.

In their own words, self-recommendation fees are never paid in vain.

"Here we are."

After Chen Bugu took Bai Ting and others around several alleys, they finally stopped in front of a simple gate.

Looking up, there was a black wooden plaque hanging on the door. It seemed that someone had cut out three large characters on the plaque with a knife.

These three words, each horizontally and vertically, are profound.

The blade is sharp, straight and straight, powerful and majestic. Just by looking at it, one can seem to feel the cold light of countless swords and swords flickering in front of his eyes.

Those three words are clearly: Injustice Hall!

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