The exterior wall of Buyi Hall is three meters high and painted with white paint. The tall white wall surrounds the entire courtyard.

Under the plaque is a vermilion door. Looking through the door, you will see a huge screen wall.

A painting was left on the screen wall using carving techniques. In the center of the picture was a huge sun symbol, with countless rising figures on both sides, the weapons in their hands pointed at the sky.

At the top of the center of the screen wall, there is a line of text written in cursive script: Heaven and earth are unkind, treating all things as stupid dogs!

Chen Bugu and the others walked through the door and walked around the screen wall.

Behind the wall is a bluestone road, with fine pebble-like stones on both sides, interspersed with some vegetation that looks like bamboo but not bamboo.

There are wing rooms on both sides of the courtyard. At this moment, the doors and windows of the wing rooms are open, and there are people inside. They occasionally cast their eyes towards Chen Bugu and his group, but then immediately looked away, as if they were indifferent to them.

At the end of the bluestone road is another stone wall. In the center of the stone wall is a hanging flower arch. After passing through the arch, you can see the main house located thirty meters away in front.

The main room is like a meeting hall, about a hundred square meters in size, with a huge long wooden table placed in the middle. There is a mahogany Taishi chair at the main seat, and ten wooden chairs are neatly placed on both sides.

There is also a plaque hanging above the main seat, with the three characters "Buyi Hall" written on it.

As soon as Chen Bugu and his party stepped through the hanging flower arch, they saw an old man wearing a dark mandarin jacket coming up to them.

"How many brothers are meeting each other?"

The old man smiled, just like the warm spring breeze.

"Hello, uncle, we are looking for 3 people."

The old man who was originally smiling suddenly changed his tone when he heard Yan Kuan speak.

"You can find someone, but you'd better not come here to cause trouble. Although the hall master is not here, the people in my 'Injustice Hall' are not easy to bully."

Although the old man still had a warm smile, his tone became obviously colder, with a hint of warning.

Bai Ting turned his head and found that seven men were gradually walking out of the east side room of the courtyard behind him, and they had slowly blocked the escape route behind him.

"Brother Chen, this old man is a magic awakener, with six-star black iron strength. The following seven people, one elemental type, two magic types, and four enhanced types, are all five-star black iron."

Han Badou's voice message sounded from Chen Bugu's mind at the right time, serving as a reminder.

Seeing this, Chen Bugu slowly spoke to the old man.

"Old man, you misunderstood. The six of us just arrived in Obsidian Town today. According to the agreement with our friends, we came here to look for them."

"After finding friends, a few of us also want to join the Injustice Hall." After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he gently bowed and clasped his fists.

The old man in front of him was nicknamed "Old Zhou". Although he looked gentle and gentle, he was actually very arrogant and valued traditions. For example, he highly respected the outdated ancient Chinese etiquette of "holding fists".

Although his strength is only six-star black iron, he is extremely difficult to deal with whether it is his [Gravity] power or the pair of green-level [Black Iron Finger Tigers] he wears during battle.

In addition, Mr. Zhou learned ancient Chinese martial arts from the master of "Unjust Hall". In summary, he can fight against the ordinary Black Iron Seven Stars, and he is a well-known figure in the entire "Unjust Hall". .

Challengers who leapfrog the level either have extremely powerful abilities, are particularly well-equipped, or have exceptionally outstanding combat skills and awareness.

All in all, no one who can leapfrog a fighter is weak.

Currently in Chen Bugu's team, Bai Ting has almost no opponent among the six black iron stars with his mythical powers. However, if he encounters an awakened person like Mr. Zhou who can also leapfrog the battle, the outcome will be difficult to say.

As for Lin Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan, although they are only five-star black iron players, with their special abilities and green equipment, they have no problem holding down ordinary six-star black iron players, but it is difficult to kill each other. If you were to meet a six-star like Mr. Zhou alone, you would have almost no chance of winning.

"Oh, that's it. In this kind of world, people really come to find friends. Hahahaha. I just like you guys."

Mr. Zhou seemed to be uncertain. After listening to Chen Bugu's words, his tone became free and uninhibited. He smiled and patted Chen Bugu on the shoulder.

"But it's really unlucky. Whether it's finding someone or entering the hall, I can't help the old man."

"There are rules for entering the hall. You must at least wait for the hall master or deputy hall master to come back. As for finding someone, old man, I have a bad memory. There are many survivors in the past half month. There are not even fifty people who have entered my 'Unjust Hall' There are thirty people, and even if you can name them, I don’t know who they are.”

"There are other houses under the name of 'Buyi Hall' in the surrounding area, but it is very troublesome to find them one by one. Why not stay in the side room first, and wait for the church meeting at noon tomorrow. All the hall members will come to the hall." How about we participate in the process and you can identify it when the time comes?"

Zhou Laoti rolled his eyes and gave Chen Bugu an idea in a blink of an eye.

Chen Bugu knew that "Buyi Hall" held a meeting at noon every day, and all members of the hall were required to participate.

It was already dark, so asking the "Injustice Hall" to send someone to take me and others to find them one by one was really not an option. Anyway, I was not in a hurry for one night. It was better to wait until the next day in heaven to find them again.

"Okay, then I'll trouble Mr. Zhou."

Chen Bugu bowed slightly to Mr. Zhou and raised his hands and clasped his fists again.

When he stood up, Chen Bugu took out a small piece of meteor crystal from his storage ring and quickly stuffed it into Mr. Zhou's hand.

"Easy to say, you guys, take them to the west wing and find a room for them to rest."

Mr. Zhou casually put away the Starfall Crystal and greeted several people in the courtyard with a smile.

Among the wing rooms on the east and west sides of the outer courtyard, the east side is reserved for the public on duty that night to rest, while the west side is prepared for various emergencies.

Chen Bugu and others said goodbye to Mr. Zhou, turned around and walked towards the outer courtyard again.

After taking a few steps, Chen Bugu looked back at Mr. Zhou and said.

"By the way, can I ask the old man for advice, because I want to enter the hall later, and I wonder if the hall master and others are not in the hall all the time?"

Chen Bugu asked knowingly. In his impression, the hall master and deputy hall master always stayed in the hall except when they were on missions. After all, they lived in the inner courtyard.

Even if they are on a mission, the principal and deputy hall masters rarely go out at the same time. Usually one person will be left to guard the "Unjust Hall", but at this moment, both of them are not in the hall, which is really strange.

"Not really, it's just that the mayor met with several major forces to discuss matters tonight, so the bosses of each family are basically not here."

Mr. Zhou rubbed the Starfall Crystal in his hand and was very happy to answer Chen Bugu's doubts.

After hearing this, Chen Bugu bowed his hands to Mr. Zhou, then turned and left.

Seeing Chen Bugu and others entering the room, Mr. Zhou waved to one side again, and then two members of the audience came to his side.

"You two, go inquire about these people and find out their backgrounds."

The two people in the hall nodded after hearing this, and then left quickly.

"A new guy in town, green storage ring, star crystal, hehe..."

Mr. Zhou narrowed his eyes to a slit, stared at the wing where Chen Bugu and others were, and muttered to himself.

At the same time, in the center of Obsidian Town, in a brightly lit box, a dozen people of different races sat at a round table.

The leader of the Storm Clan has two horns on his head and a sharp beak on his mouth. He is two meters three tall and has a pair of huge wings spread nearly four meters. This person is the current mayor of Obsidian Town.

At this moment, both he and the others at the table all looked solemn.

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